Résumé of Stéphan Grilli
Distinguished Professor, Department of Ocean Engineering
Professor, Graduate School of Oceanography
University of Rhode Island
Narragansett Bay Campus
Narragansett, RI 02882, USA
tel. : (401) 874-6636
fax. : (401) 874-6837
email : grilli@uri.edu;
Google Scholar Profile: http://scholar.google.com/citations
[Work] [Education] [Experience] [Visiting Positions] [Awards] [Professional societies] [Editorial boards] [Scientific committees] [Regular course] [Other courses] [Intensive courses] [Graduate students] [Chapters/Books] [Journal articles] [Refereed proceedings] [Non-refereed proceedings and
abstracts] [Research
reports] [Research
grants] [Presentations]
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Areas of Research, Work, and Teaching :
- Coastal Engineering
(e.g., see "The Coastal Engineering Page" (CACR); "The Coastal
Engineering Research Center"
(CERC) ) : Water waves and ocean dynamics; modeling of wave
transformations in coastal areas; wave breaking and surf-zone dynamics;
wave-structure interaction (fixed and floating). Application to extreme
(freak) waves, tsunamis (co-seismic and landslide), and strong
wave-structure interactions. Theoretical and numerical
modeling. Physical modeling. (more details in : [wave] [tsunami] [COASTMAP]).
- Numerical modeling
: Finite and Boundary Element Method;
Navier-Stokes LES; Lattice-Boltzman methods;
linear/nonlinear problems; single/multi-phase flows; porous media flows;
(more details in : [wave]
[porous] [boom]).
- Ocean renewable energy systems
: Modeling, experiments and
field testing of renewable wave energy buoys;
Environmental modeling related to wind farm siting and development
- Porous and random media, multi-phase flows
: Flow through
hydraulic porous structures; poroelasticity; stochastic random media; oil
containment (more details in : [porous]).
- Underwater acoustics
: shallow water acoustics propagation;
bottom effects; theoretical and numerical modeling (more details in : [acoustics]).
Education :
- University of Liège
(Belgium), M.S., 1980, Civil Engineering (highest distinction)
- Certified Professional Civil Engineer in Belgium, 1980.
- University of Liège
(Belgium), M.S., 1983, Physical Oceanography
(highest distinction)
- University of Liège
(Belgium), Doctor Engineer (Ph.D), 1985, Hydraulic and Ocean
Engineering (highest distinction)
Professional Experience :
- 1980-1985 : Research Assistant of the National Fund for
Scientific Research (F.N.R.S., Belgium),
in the Laboratories of Hydrodynamics, Applied Hydraulics and Hydraulic
Constructions (L.H.C.H. ) of the
University of Liège (Belgium).
- 1985-1987 : Senior Research Assistant of the F.N.R.S., in the L.H.C.H., University
of Liège (Belgium).
- 1987-1991 : Research Associate of the F.N.R.S.and Research Assistant Professor
, University of Delaware , Department of
Civil Engineering (Ocean
Engineering Group ), Newark, Delaware (USA).
- 1991-1993 : Assistant Professor, University of Rhode Island , Department of Ocean Engineering,
Narragansett, Rhode Island (USA).
- 1993-1998 : Associate Professor, University of Rhode Island , Department of Ocean Engineering,
Narragansett, Rhode Island (USA).
- 1996 : Appointed Distinguished Associate Professor of Ocean
Engineering by the College of
Engineering, University of Rhode Island
,(U.S.A.), as of 1/1/97.
- 1998-present : Distinguished Professor, University of Rhode Island , Department of Ocean Engineering,
Narragansett, Rhode Island (USA), as of 7/1/98.
- 2002-2008 : Chairman, University of Rhode Island , Department of Ocean Engineering,
Narragansett, Rhode Island (USA), from 7/1/02-6/30/08.
- 2011-present : Professor, University of Rhode Island , Graduate School of Oceanography,
Narragansett, Rhode Island (USA), as of 4/1/11.
- 2017-2020 : Chairman, University of Rhode Island , Department of Ocean Engineering,
Narragansett, Rhode Island (USA), from 7/1/17-6/30/20.
Short Term Positions :
- 1986 : Invited Lecturer for the Project A.14 : ``Maritime
Constructions'' (Scientific cooperation China-Belgium), Beijing, Shangai,
Wuxi, Dalian (China) September 6 to 20, 1986.
- 1986 : Invited Lecturer of the ``Danish Center for Applied
Mathematics and Mechanics'' (DCAMM), at the Technical University of Denmark
(Lyngby, Denmark), December 1 to 7, 1986.
- 1986-1987 : Visiting Professor at the Mohammadia School of
Engineering (Rabat, Morocco), March 1 to 17, 1986 and 1987.
- 1990 : Visiting Professor at the Department of Water Science
and Technique, University of Cantabria (Santander, Spain), March 30 to
April 9, 1990.
- 1991 : Visiting Scholar at the Department of Water Science and
Technique, University of Cantabria (Santander, Spain), April 29 to June
15, 1991.
- 1991 : Invited Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics,
University of Manchester (England) and Visiting Professor at the Wessex Institute of Technology
Ashurst-Southampton, England), June 19 to July 5, 1991.
- 1993 : Consultant in Physical Oceanography and in Ocean Engineering
for the ``United States Agency for International Development''
(USAID), in an evaluation mission of Phase III-A of the ``Cooperative
Marine Technology'' program, of the ``Middle East Regional Cooperation'',
Cairo, Alexandria (Egypt), Tel-Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem (Israel), April 15
to May 7, 1993.
- 1996 : Visiting Professor at the Ecole Centrale de Nantes (ECN),
Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics (Nantes, France), January 8 to 21, 1996.
- 1998 : Visiting Professor at the University of Toulon-Var ,
Institute for Sciences and Technology (La Garde, France), 1998-99.
- 1999 : Visiting Scientist at the Institut Nonlineaire de Nice
(Valbonne, France), January to March, 1999.
- 2000-2017 : Invited Professor at the University of Toulon-Var ,
Institute for Sciences and Technology and Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (La Garde, France), June-July,
2000-2005, 2007-2013, 2015-2017; September-October 2006 and 2013, January to July, 2014.
- 2005 : Invited Professor at the
University of Braunschweig,
Institute for Civil Engineering (Braunschweig, Germany),
January, 2005.
- 2010 : Invited Visiting Scholar at the
"Laboratoire d'Hydraulique Saint-Venant", Université Paris-Est
and EDF - Recherche et Développement) in Chatou (France), (for three
2-week periods in January,
May and December 2010).
Scientific Awards, Honors, National Committees :
- 1984 : Award of the ``Association Technique Maritime et
Aéronautique (A.T.M.A.)'', Paris (France), for the best published
work in the ATMA Bulletin.
- 1986 : Award of the ``Association des Amis de
l'Université de Liège'', Liège (Belgium) for the best
published Ph.D Dissertation.
- 1986 : Gustave Magnel Award of the ``Bureau pour la
Sécurité des Constructions (S.E.C.O.)'', Brussels (Belgium),
for the best Ph.D. Dissertation in Engineering (Biennial 1984-86).
- 1987 : Award and Travel Grant of the ``Duesberg-Baily
Foundation'', Verviers (Belgium).
- 1990 : Fernand de Waele Award and Travel Grant, Bruxelles
- 1992 : Vincent and Estelle Murphy Award for Excellence in
Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Rhode Island
- 2008 : C.H. Kim Award of the International Society of
Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE), ``in recognition
outstanding technical achievements in and exceptional contribution
to floating-body hydrodynamics.''
- 2010 : NOAA-NTHMP Committee Member : Appointed to serve as
East Coast representative on the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation
Program ``Mapping and Modeling Sub-committee'' (MMS).
- 2010 to 2016 : NRC Marine Board Member : Appointed to serve for two consecutive
three-year terms on the National Research Council ``Marine Board''.
- 2011 : Included in "Marquis Who's Who in America" 2012 (66th Edition).
- 2011 : URI Foundation Scholarly Excellence Award University of Rhode Island
- 2021 : Awarded a Fulbright Tocqueville Distinguished Professorship to teach and lecture in France during 2021-22 sabbatical leave.
Scientific and Professional Societies :
- Registered Professional Civil Engineer
in Belgium, as member of
the ``Association des Ingénieurs sortis de l'Université de
Liège'' (A.I.L.G.), since 1980.
- International Society for Boundary Elements
(I.S.B.E.), Ashurst Southampton
(England), Member 1989-1999.
- Center for Applied Coastal Research
(C.A.C.R.), University of
Delaware, Member since 1991.
- American Geophysical Union
(A.G.U.), Member since 1991.
- American Society of Civil Engineers
(A.S.C.E.), Member since 1992.
- International Association for Boundary Elements
(USA), Member 1995-2003.
- Marine Technology Society
. (M.T.S.) (USA), Member 1996-2010.
- The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers
Cupertino, CA (I.S.O.P.E.) (USA),
Member since 2000.
Editor and Editorial Boards :
- Associate Editor of the Journal : Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy (JOEME), 2014-.
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal : Engineering Analysis
with Boundary Elements (Elsevier), 1989-2013.
- Member of the Editorial Board of the : International Journal
of Boundary Element Communications (Computational Mechanics, (I.S.B.E.)), 1993-2003.
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal : J. Waterway, Port,
Coastal, and Ocean Engng. (ASCE), 1996-2004.
- Associate Editor of the Journal : Intl. J. of Offshore
and Polar Engineering. (ISOPE), 2003-2009.
- Member of the Editorial Board of the : International Series
on Computational Engineering (Book series, Computational Mechanics and Elsevier), 1991-2003.
- Associate Editor
of : Advances in Boundary Elements
(Book series, Computational Mechanics,
Elsevier), 1996-2006.
- Guest Editor
of Engineering Analysis
with Boundary Elements for a ``Special Issue on Nonlinear Wave
Analysis'' (Volume 7,1990).
Scientific committees, Reviewer :
- Co-chairman of BETECH90, the ``5th International Conference on
Boundary Elements Technology'', University of Delaware, Newark, DE (USA),
July 1990.
- Organized a special session on : ``Nonlinear Wave Modeling and
Applications'', in BEM15, the ``15th Intl. Conf. on Boundary Elements in
Engineering'', Worcester, MA, 1993.
- Chairman of the : ``Numerical Wave Tank Group'', of the
Intl. Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. series, in 2000-2002.
Vice-Chairman then Chairman of the : ``Hydrodynamic
Committee'', of the Intl. Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. series,
since 2003.
- Co-organizer of the ``NSF Workshop on Model Validation and
Benchmarking for Tsunami Generation by Submarine Mass Failure'', University of
Hawaii, Honolulu, HI (USA), May 2003.
- Co-convener for a Special Session at the
AGU Fall Meeting (San Francisco, CA): (i) In 2005
"Interdisciplinary Studies of the 26 December 2004 Great Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake and
Tsunami"; (ii) In 2012 "The March 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami, Japan''.
- Co-organizer of the ``NSF Workshop on air-sea interactions
under tropical cyclones'', University of Rhode Island, Alton Jones Campus,
April 2010.
- Member of the Scientific Organizing Committees of :
- ISOPE17, the ``27th Intl. Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf.'',
San Francisco, USA, 06/17;
- JH2016, the ``2016 Journées Hydrodynamiques'',
Brest, France, 11/16;
- ISOPE16, the ``26th Intl. Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf.'',
Rodos, Greece, 06/16;
- ISOPE15, the ``25th Intl. Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf.'',
Kona, HI, USA, 06/15;
- JH2014, the ``2014 Journées Hydrodynamiques'',
Val de Reuil, France, 11/14;
- ISOPE14, the ``24th Intl. Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf.'',
Pusang, Korea, 06/14;
- ISOPE13, the ``23rd Intl. Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf.'',
Anchorage, AK, USA, 06/13;
- JH2012, the ``2012 Journées Hydrodynamiques'',
Chatou, France, 11/12;
- ICCE33, the ``33rd Intl. Coastal Engineering Conf.'',
Santander, Spain, 07/12;
- ISOPE12, the ``22nd Intl. Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf.'',
Rodos, Greece, 06/12;
- ISOPE11, the ``21st Intl. Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf.'',
Maui, HI, 06/11;
- ISOPE10, the ``20th Intl. Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf.'',
Beijing, China, 06/10;
- ISOPE09, the ``19th Intl. Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf.'',
Osaka, Japan, 06/09;
- ISOPE08, the ``18th Intl. Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf.'',
Vancouver, Canada, 07/08;
- ISOPE07, the ``17th Intl. Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf.'',
Lisbon, Portugal, 07/07;
- ISOPE06, the ``16th Intl. Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf.'',
San Francisco, California, 06/06;
- ISOPE05, the ``15th Intl. Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf.'',
Seoul, Korea, 06/05;
- BEM27, the ``27th Intl. Conf. on Boundary Elements'',
Orlando, FL, USA, 03/05;
- ISOPE04, the ``14th Intl. Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf.'',
Toulon, France, 05/04;
- ISOPE03, the ``13th Intl. Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf.'',
Honolulu, HI, USA, 05/03;
- ISOPE02, the ``12th Intl. Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf.'',
KitaKyushu, Japan, 05/02;
- ISOPE01, the ``11th Intl. Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf.'',
Stavanger, Norway, 06/01;
- BEM22, the ``22nd Intl. Conf. on Boundary Elements in Engineering'',
Cambridge, UK, 09/00;
- BEM20, the ``20th Intl. Conf. on Boundary Elements in Engineering'',
Orlando, FL, USA, 08/98;
- COASTAL97, the ``3rd Intl. Conf. on Computer Modeling of Seas and
Coastal Regions'', La Coruna, Spain, 06/97;
- BEM19, the "19th Intl. Conf. on Boundary Elements in Engineering",
Rome, Italy, 09/97;
- COASTAL95, the ``2nd Intl. Conf. on Computer Modeling of Seas and
Coastal Regions'', Cancun, Mexico, 09/95;
- MOBD95, the ``3rd Intl. Conf. on Computer Modeling of Free and Moving
Boundary Problems'', Bled (Slovenia), 06/95;
- BEM17, the "17th Intl. Conf. on Boundary Elements in Engineering",
Madison, WI, 07/95;
- BEM15, the "15th Intl. Conf. on Boundary Elements in Engineering",
Worcester, MA, 11/93;
- MOBD93, the ``2nd Intl. Conf. on Computer Modeling of Free and Moving
Boundary Problems'', Milano (Italy), 10/93;
- BEM14, the "14th Intl. Conf. on Boundary Elements in Engineering",
Seville (Spain), 11/92;
- HYDROSOFT 92, ``the 4th Intl. Conf. on Hydraulic Engineering
Software'', Universidad Politecnica, Valencia (Spain) 07/92;
- BETECH92, the ``7th Intl. Conf. on Boundary Elements Technology'',
Albuquerque, OK, 06/92;
- BEM13, the "13th Intl. Conf. on Boundary Elements in Engineering",
Tulsa, OK, 08/91;
- MOBD91, the ``1st Intl. Conf. on Computer Modeling of Free and Moving
Boundary Problems'', Southampton (England), 07/91;
- BETECH91, the ``6th Intl. Conf. on Boundary Elements Technology'',
Southampton (England), 06/91;
- CMWR 91, the ``2nd Intl. Conf. on Comp. Meth. and Water Res.'',
Marrakesh (Morocco), 02/91;
- BEM12, the ``12th Intl. Conf. on Boundary Elements'', Sapporo (Japan),
- Papers refereed regularly for the Journals :
- Nature Communications
- Scientific Reports
- Frontiers in Earth Sciences
- J. Fluid Mechanics;
- Physics of Fluids;
- Ocean Modelling
- Journal of Geophysical Research
- Geophysical Research Letters
- Proceedings Royal Society A
- Coastal Engineering;
- Marine Geology;
- Ocean Engineering;
- Applied Ocean Research;
- Pure and Applied Geophysics
- Landslide
- Natural Hazard
- Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences.
- Intl. J. Numerical Methods in Engng.;
- Intl. J. Numerical Methods in Fluids;
- J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engng.(ASCE);
- J. Engineering Mechanics (ASCE);
- Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements;
- J. Fluid Engineering (ASME);
- Intl. J. Offshore and Polar Engng. (ISOPE);
and occasional reviewer for other journals (Geology, Ocean Dynamics, Wave Motion, J.
Comp. Physics, Geophys. J. International, J. Phys. Oceanography, Advances in Water Resources, Remote
Sensing of Environment, Computers and Geosciences, Acta Mechanica, Computaitonal Geosciences).
- Reviewer and/or panel reviewer for : the NSF
Ocean Sciences, "Earthquake", NEES-CMMI, Geophysics, and Fluid Mechanics Programs; l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR); the University of Delaware and Woods Hole Sea Grant College Programs.
- Member, rapporteur, or president of the jury/committee of : over 25 French PhD or HDR theses (Habilitation a Diriger les Recherches) at Universities in Toulon, Nantes, Bordeaux, Nice, Pau, Marseilles and Paris, and one German (TU Braunschweig) and one Danish (Technical University of Denmark) PhD theses.
Regularly taught courses : (more details
in : [courses])
- Introduction to Ocean Engineering ``Ocean Waves Module''
(OCE101, 1 credit undergrad. course, team taught), University of Rhode
Island (USA), since 1991.
- Ocean Engineering Design Tools ``Hydrodynamic/CFD Module''
(OCE205, 1 credit undergraduate course, team taught), University of Rhode
Island (USA), since 2005.
- Introduction to Engineering Wave Mechanics and Littoral
Processes (OCE307 , 3
credit undergraduate course; now OCE408, 4 credit undergraduate course), University of Rhode Island (USA), since
- Basic Coastal Measurements ``Ocean Wave Laboratory Module''
(OCE311, 3 credit undergraduate course, team taught), University of Rhode
Island (USA), since 1992.
- Senior Design Project (OCE495, 4 credit undergraduate course,
team taught), University of Rhode Island (USA), since 1993.
- Engineering Wave Mechanics and Nearshore Processes (OCE514, 3
credit undergraduate/graduate course), University of Rhode Island (USA),
since 1993.
- Marine Hydrodynamics (OCE515, 3
credit undergraduate/graduate course), University of Rhode Island (USA),
since 1996.
- Ocean Engineering Seminar (OCE605, 1 credit graduate course),
University of Rhode Island (USA), since 1992.
- Coastal Modeling (OCE614, 3
credit graduate course), University of Rhode Island (USA), since
Formerly or temporarily taught courses
- Numerical Modeling of Wave Action on Maritime Structures (25h
grad. course), University of Liege (Belgium), 1985-87.
- Fluid Mechanics Laboratories (ME-306-10, 1 credit undergraduate
course), University of Delaware (USA), 1989-90.
- Hydromechanics (CE-639-10, 3 credit grad. course), University
of Delaware (USA), 1988-89.
- The Boundary Element Method and its Application in Ocean
Engineering (CE-867-10, 3 credit grad. course), University of Delaware
(USA), 1988-89.
- Coastal Modeling (CE-667-14, 3 credit grad. course, in
collaboration with R.A. Dalrymple), University of Delaware (USA),
- Hydrodynamics of Floating and Submerged Bodies I/II
(OCE-512/513, two 3 credit grad. courses), University of Rhode Island
(USA), 1991-92, 1992-93.
- Special problems : Boundary Element Modeling of Wave
Propagation (OCE592, 3 credit graduate course), University of Rhode
Island (USA), 1994-95.
Intensive and/or short courses :
- Intensive Course on Modeling and Management of Marine Systems,
September 1984 (8h lectures), organized by the Council of Europe at the
University of Liege (Belgium).
- Graduate Course Series on the Boundary Element Method (12h
lectures), Free University of Brussels (Belgium), 1985-86.
- Maritime Hydraulics and Coastal Engineering (in french), March
1986 and 87 (45h intensive grad. course), Mohammadia School of
Engineering, Rabat (Morocco).
- Application of the Boundary Element Method to Wave Modeling ,
April 1990 (20h short grad. course), University of Cantabria, Santander
- Numerical Modeling of Nonlinear Water Waves, June 1991 (18h
short grad. course), Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst-Southampton
- Introduction to Coastal Wave Dynamics (in french), January 1996
(20h short grad. course), Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Nantes
- Nonlinear wave shoaling theories, July 4-8, 1998
(short course as part of the 5th WEGEMT Summer
School), University of Toulon, Carqueiranne (France)
- Modeling of nonlinear coastal wave transformations (in french),
July 27-29, 2002
(short course as part of ``PATOM/Ecole doctorale UTV''),
University of Toulon, Toulon (France).
- Nonlinear wave modeling, application to tsunamis, freak waves, and
surf zone waves,
January 3-5, 2005,
University of Braunschweig (Germany).
Students supervision and advising :
- P. Lejeune (M.S.CE, 1983), University of Liege, 1982-83 (2D linear
wave modeling)
- J-C. Goffaux (M.S.CE, 1984), University of Liege, 1983-84 (offshore
structures design)
- J. Plancke (M.S.CE, 1985), University of Liege, 1984-85 (2D/3D linear
wave modeling)
- J-Ph. Dahlem (M.S.CE, 1986), University of Liege, 1984-85 (hydraulic
structures design)
- T. Levy (M.S.CE, 1986), University of Liege, 1985-86 (study of
sailboard stability)
- M. Lejeune (M.S.CE, 1987), University of Liege, 1986-87 (3D linear
wave modeling)
- E. Bruch (M.S.CE, 1985, Ph.D, 1989), University of Liege, 1984-1987
(2D porous media flow modeling)
- J. Skourup (Ph.D, 1989), University of Delaware and Technical
University of Denmark, 1987-89 (co-advisor) (2D nonlinear
wave modeling)
- T. Badmus (Ph.D, 1991), University of Delaware, 1988-91 (co-advisor) (3D
poroelasticity modeling)
- A.K. Otta (Ph.D, 1992), University of Delaware, 1989-92 (co-advisor) (2D nonlinear
wave modeling)
- R. Subramanya (M.S, 1994), University of Rhode Island, 1994-96 (2D
nonlinear wave modeling)
- T. Opishinski (M.S, 1996), University of Rhode Island, 1994-96 (linear
coastal wave modeling)
- M. Mahoney (M.S, 1996), University of Rhode Island, 1994-96 (wave
absorption in a tank)
- J. Knox (M.S, withdrawn), University of Rhode Island, 1993-96 (cable
dynamics modeling)
- T. Pedersen (M.S, 1996), University of Rhode Island, 1994-96 (2D
shallow water acoustics modeling)
- J. Horrillo (M.S, 1997), University of Rhode Island, 1994-97 (2D
nonlinear waves modeling)
- Dong Liang (Ph.D, withdrawn), University of Rhode Island, 1995-97 (oil
containment modeling)
- P. Guyenne (Ph.D), Institut Nonlinéaire de Nice, France
1998-2000 (co-advisor) (Nonlinear wave modeling, wave breaking)
- T. Fake (M.S), University of Rhode Island, 1998-2000 (oil containment
- C. Brandini (Ph.D), University of Firenze, 1998-2001 (co-advisor) (3D nonlinear
wave modeling/freak waves)
- M. Moran (M.S), University of Rhode Island, 1998-2001 (2D nonlinear
wave modeling/depth inversion)
- A. Bengston (M.S), University of Rhode Island, 1999-2001 (Fast
Ships/Causeway system)
- S. Vogelmann (M.S), University of Rhode Island, 2000-2001 (Underwater
Landslide Tsunamis)
- B. Biausser (Ph.D), University of Toulon, France 2001-2003 (co-advisor)
(Breaking Wave
- C. Fochesato (Ph.D), Ecole Normale Supérieure, Cachan, France
2001-2004 (co-advisor) (Nonlinear wave modeling, Freak waves)
- M. Schultz (M.S.), University of Rhode Island, 2004-2005 (Floating body
dynamics, coastal waves)
- D, Devrard (Ph.D), University of Toulon, France 2002-2006 (co-advisor)
(Breaking Wave
- R. Gilbert (M.S.), University of Rhode Island, 2003-2005 (Wave
transformations and sediment transport)
- F. Enet (Ph.D), University of Rhode Island, 2001-2006 (Landslide Tsunamis
modeling and experiments)
- S. Maretzki (M.S.) University of Rhode Island, 2005-2006 (Tsunami Hazard
- Y. Pérignon (M.S.) Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Ingénieurs
des Etudes et Techniques d'Armement, France, 2006 (Extreme Tsunami Hazard
- Y. Drouin (M.S) Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France, 2006 (Landslide tsunamis,
- K. Moore (M.S.), University of Rhode Island, 2006-2007 (co-advisor) (Inverted Echo
- Jon Merrill (M.S.), University of Rhode Island, 2006-2007 (co-advisor) (Testing
of wave energy buoys)
- T. Fougere (M.S. partime), University of Rhode Island, 2006-2007 (Inverted Echo
- D. Gemme (M.S.), University of Rhode Island, 2006-2008 (co-advisor) (Landslide tsunamis,
- N. Greene (M.S.), University of Rhode Island, 2006-2008 (Modeling of
nonlinear irregular waves)
- A. Bringer (M.S.), University of Toulon,
2008-2009 (Renewable ocean energy)
- O. Taylor (M.S.), University of Rhode Island, 2007-2008 (co-advisor)
(Underwater slope stability, landslide tsunamis, natural hazard)
- K. Bollinger (M.S.), University of Rhode Island,
2008-2011 (co-advisor) (Microfluidics, pore pressure propagation)
- T. Asher (M.S.), University of Rhode Island,
2008-2010 (Renewable ocean energy)
- J. Harris (Ph.D), University of Rhode Island, 2006-2010 (M.S. 2003-2006) (Ship wave modeling; wave-induced sediment transport)
- T. Krause (M.S.), University of Rhode Island, 2010-2011 (co-advisor) (Probabilistic landslide tsunami analysis)
- M. Buckley, (M.S.), University of Rhode Island, 2008-2011 (Field study of tsunami deposits)
- E. Guerber (Ph.D), University of Paris East (Laboratoire St Venant),
2009-2011 (co-advisor) (Wave energy system, wave-strucure interacitons)
- C. Janssen (Ph.D.) Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany, 2009-2011 (co-advisor)
(Lattice Boltzman modeling of breakng waves and tsunamis)
- M. El Bettah (Ph.D), University of Rhode Island, 2006-2013 (Landslide tsunamis,
- S. Dubosq (Ph.D.) University of Toulon, France, 2007-2012 (co-advisor) (M.S. 2006-2007)
(Tsunami detection, remote sensing)
- J. Montgomery (M.S.), University of Rhode Island, 2011-2013 (testing and modeling of wave energy buoy systems)
- A. Banari (Ph.D), University of Rhode Island, 2010-2014 (Wave Breaking, air-sea interacitons)
- T. Tajalibakhsh (Ph.D), University of Rhode Island, 2010-2014 (Tsunami generation, propagation and impact)
- M. Shelby (M.S.), University of Rhode Island, 2014-2016 (Tsunami generation, propagation and impact; tide effects and landslide tsunamis)
- P. Moran (M.S.), University of Rhode Island, 2016-2018 (Tsunami detection by HF radar)
- C. O'Reilly (Ph.D), University of Rhode Island, 2015-2018 (Naval hydrodynamics seakeeping; LBM modeling)
- A. Mivehchi (Ph.D), University of Rhode Island, 2015-2018 (Naval hydrodynamics seakeeping; BEM-FMM modeling)
- F. Nemati (M.S.), University of Rhode Island, 2017-2019 (Tsunami coastal hazard modeling)
- T. Inkley (M.S.), University of Rhode Island, 2018-2019 (Tsunami coastal hazard modeling)
- L. Schambach (Ph.D), University of Rhode Island, 2016-2020 (Landslide tsunami modeling)
- A. Varing (Ph.D), University of Brest, 2018-2020 (Wave breaking modeling) (co-advisor)
- N. Desmars (Ph.D), University of Nantes (Ecole Centrale), 2018-2020 (Ocean wave reconstruciton algorithms) (co-advisor)
- R. Shayer (M.S. withdrawn), University of Rhode Island, 2021-2022 (Floating offshore wind turbine control) (co-advisor)
- S. Albertson (M.S.), University of Rhode Island, 2021-2023 (Floating offshore wind turbine control) (co-advisor)
- M. Mohammadpour (Ph.D student), University of Rhode Island, 2020- (Landslide/volcanic tsunami modeling)
- L. Gawronski (Ph.D student), University of Rhode Island, 2021- (Turbulence modeling/Lattice Boltzmann Method) (co-advisor)
- J. Ferrari (Ph.D student), University of Rhode Island, 2022- (Wave-structure interactions with boundary element method) (co-advisor)
- M. Gharakhanlou (Ph.D student), University of Rhode Island, 2022- (Floating offshore wind turbine control) (co-advisor)
Chapters, Books :
- Grilli, S.T. 1985 Experimental and Numerical Study of the
Hydrodynamic Behavior of Large Self-propelled Floating Gates for Maritime
Locks and Tidal-surge Barriers. Collection des Publications de la
Faculté des Sciences Appliquées de l'Université de
Liège No. 99, 447 pps, Liège, Belgium.
- Grilli, S.T., C.A. Brebbia and Cheng, A.H-D. (eds.) 1990
Computational Engineering with Boundary Elements Vol. 1 :
Fluid and Potential Problems, 353 pps. (Proc. 5th Intl. Conf. on Boundary
Element Technology, BETECH90, University of Delaware, USA, July 90).
Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton.
- Cheng, A.H-D., Brebbia, C.A. and Grilli, S.T.
(eds.) 1990 Computational Engineering with Boundary Elements
Vol. 2 : Solid and Computational Problems, 399 pps. (Proc. 5th
Intl. Conf. on Boundary Element Technology, BETECH90, University of
Delaware, USA, July 90). Computational Mechanics Publications,
- Grilli, S.T. and Svendsen,
I.A. 1990 Computation of Nonlinear Wave Kinematics
during Propagation and Runup on a Slope. Chapter in Water Wave
Kinematics (ed. A. Torum and O.T. Gudmestad), NATO ASI Series E:
Applied Sciences Vol.
178, 387-412. Klüwer Academic Publishers, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-009-0531-3_24. [pdf]
- Skourup, J., Jonsson, I.G.,
Grilli, S.T. and Svendsen,
I.A. 1990 Computational Modeling of Velocities and Accelerations in Steep
Waves. Chapter in Water Wave Kinematics (ed. A. Torum and O.T.
Gudmestad), NATO ASI Series E: Applied Sciences Vol. 178, 297-312.
Klüwer Academic Publishers.
- Grilli, S.T. (guest ed.) 1990 Special Issue on Highly Nonlinear
Waves. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 7
- Grilli, S.T. 1993 Modeling of Nonlinear Wave Motion in Shallow
Water. Chapter 3 in Computational Methods for Free and Moving Boundary
Problems in Heat and Fluid Flow (eds. L.C. Wrobel and C.A. Brebbia),
pps. 37-65, Computational Mechanics Publication, Elsevier Applied
Sciences, London, UK.
- Grilli, S.T. and R. Subramanya 1995 Recent Advances in the BEM
Modelling of Nonlinear Water Waves. Chapter 4 in Boundary Element
Applications in Fluid Mechanics (ed. H. Power), pps. 91-122. Advances
in Fluid Mechanics Series. Computational Mechanics Publication,
Southampton, UK. [abstract]
- Grilli, S.T. 1995 Computation of Wave Loads over Vertical
Structures used for Coastal Protection. Chapter in L'eau, la
matière, et l'homme (ouvrage d'hommage au Professeur N.M.
Dehousse) (ed. J. Marchal) Collection L.H.C.N., Université de
Liège, pps. 179-188.
- Grilli, S.T. 1997 Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Models used
for Long Wave Runup Prediction. Chapter in Long-Wave Runup Models,
(eds. H. Yeh, P. Liu, and C. Synolakis), pps. 116-180. World
Scientific Publishing, Singapore. [abstract] [pdf]
- Grilli, S.T. 1997 Free Surface Nonlinear Flows. Section in
1998 Mc Graw Hill Yearbook of Sciences and Technology (a yearly
supplement to the Encyclopedia of Sciences and Technology). Mc Graw Hill,
pp. 134-136.
- Chung, J.S., Prevosto, M., Mizutani, N., Kim, C.H., and Grilli,
S.T. (eds.)
2003 Proceedings 13th Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference,
Vol. III,
905 pps. (ISOPE03, Honolulu, USA, May 2003). International Society of
Offshore and Polar Engineers. Cupertino, CA.
- Grilli, S.T., Dias, F., Guyenne, P., Fochesato, C. and F. Enet
Progress In Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Modeling of 3D Extreme Ocean
Waves. Chapter 3 in Advances in Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Water
Waves (ISBN: 978-981-283-649-6, edited by Q.W. Ma)
(Vol. 11 in Series in Advances in Coastal and Ocean Engineering).
World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., pps. 75- 128.
[pdf] (8.6Mb).
- Tappin D.R. and S.T. Grilli 2021. The Continuing Underestimated Tsunami Hazard from Submarine Landslides. Chapter in: Sassa, K., Mikos, M., Sassa, S., Bobrowsky, P.T., Takara, K., Dang, K. (eds) Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk. WLF 2020. ICL Contribution to Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction, pp, 343-350. Springer, Cham.,
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-60196-6_24 .
- Sassa, S., Grilli, S.T., Tappin, D.R., Sassa, K., Karnawati, D., Gusiakov, V. and F. Løvholt 2023. Understanding and Reducing the Disaster Risk of Landslide-Induced Tsunamis: Outcome of the Panel Discussion and the World Tsunami Awareness Day Special Event of the Fifth World Landslide Forum. Chapter in: Sassa, K., Konagai, K., Tiwari, B., Arbanas, Z., Sassa, S. (eds) Progress in Landslide Research and Technology, Volume 1 (1), pp. 65-81. Springer, Cham., doi:10.1007/978-3-031-16898-7_4.
- Paris, R., Goff, J., Grezio, A., Grilli, S., Hayashi, Y., Husrin, S., Lacanna, G., Omira, R., and M. Ripepe. Volcanic tsunamis. Chapter in 3rd edition of the Encyclopedia of Volcanoes (eds. C. Bonadonna, L. Caricchi, A. Clarke, P. Cole, J. Lindsay, J. Lowenstern, R. Robertson and M. Villegas), Academic Press (submitted).
Journal Articles :
- Lejeune A.,
Marchal J., Grilli, S.T. and Hoffait, T. 1981. Etude
Numérique de l'action de la houle sur les structures flottantes.
Etude de la masse ajoutée. Bulletin de l'Association Technique
Maritime et Aéronautique, 81, 551-584.
- Grilli, S.T. 1984. Etude de l'action de la houle sur les
structures flottantes par éléments frontières.
Comparaison avec les éléments finis. Bulletin de
l'Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique, 84,
- Fonck, R., Grilli, S.T., Lejeune, A. and
Sahloul, M. 1985. Etude du transport de l'eau : Modélisation
mathématique. Revue Belge du Transport, 2/85,
- Grilli, S.T. 1986. Etude du comportement hydrodynamique de
grandes portes flottantes automotrices pour écluses et
barrières marée-tempêtes. Bulletin de l'Association
Technique Maritime et Aéronautique, 86, 365-398.
- Bruch, E. and Grilli, S.T. 1987 Computation of the Transient
Flow in Zoned Anisotropic Porous Media by the Boundary Element Method.
Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, 21, 43-51.
- Grilli, S.T. 1989. Modeling of Some Elliptic Fluid Mechanics
Problems by the Boundary Element Method. Advances in Water Resources,
12(2), 66-73.
- Grilli, S.T., Skourup, J. and
I.A. 1989. An Efficient Boundary Element Method for Nonlinear Water Waves.
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 6(2), 97-107. [pdf] (484K)
- Svendsen,
I.A. and Grilli, S.T. 1990. Nonlinear Waves on Steep Slopes.
Journal of Coastal Research, ``Special Issue on Rational Design of
Mound Structures'', SI 7, 185-202. [pdf] (492K)
- Grilli, S.T. 1990. Editorial : Special Issue on Nonlinear Wave
Analysis. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 7(4),
- Grilli, S.T. and Svendsen,
I.A. 1990 .Corner Problems and Global Accuracy in the Boundary Element
Solution of Nonlinear Wave Flows. Engineering Analysis with Boundary
Elements, 7(4), 178-195. [pdf] (828K)
- Grilli, S.T. 1992. BEM Modelling of Wave Shoaling and Breaking.
International Association for Boundary Element Methods Newsletter,
6, 4-5.
- Badmus, T., Cheng,
A.H-D. and Grilli, S.T. 1993. A Laplace-transform-based
Three-Dimensional BEM for Poroelasticity. International Journal for
Numerical Methods in Engineering, 36(1), 67-85.
- Grilli, S.T. and Subramanya, R. 1994. Quasi-singular
Integrations in the Modelling of Nonlinear Water Waves. Engineering
Analysis with Boundary Elements, 13(2), 181-191.
- Cheng, A.H.-D.,
Lafe, O. and Grilli, S.T. 1994. Dual Reciprocity BEM Based on Global
Interpolation Functions. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,
13(4), 303-311.
- Grilli, S.T., Losada, M.A. and Martin, F. 1994. Characteristics
of Solitary Wave Breaking Induced by Breakwaters. Journal of Waterway
Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 120(1), 74-92.
- Grilli, S., Subramanya, R., Svendsen,
I.A. and Veeramony, J. 1994. Shoaling of Solitary Waves on Plane Beaches.
Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering,
120(6), 609-628.
- Wei, J., Kirby,
J.T, Grilli, S.T. and Subramanya, R. 1995. A Fully Nonlinear
Boussinesq Model for Surface Waves. Part1. Highly Nonlinear Unsteady
Waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 294, 71-92. [pdf]
- Grilli, S.T. and Subramanya, R. 1996. Numerical Modeling of Wave
Breaking Induced by Fixed or Moving Boundaries. Computational
Mechanics, 17(6), 374-391. [pdf] (2,300K)
- Grilli, S.T., Svendsen,
I.A. and Subramanya, R. 1997. Breaking Criterion and Characteristics for
Solitary Waves on Slopes. Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean
Engineering, 123(3), 102-112.
- Grilli, S.T. and Horrillo, J. 1997. Numerical Generation and
Absorption of Fully Nonlinear Periodic Waves. Journal of Engineering
Mechanics, 123 (10), 1060-1069. [pdf] (4,000K)
- Roy, R.V. and Grilli,
S.T. 1997. Probabilistic Analysis of Flow in Random Porous Media by
Stochastic Boundary Elements. Engineering Analysis with Boundary
Elements, 19(3), 239-255. [pdf]
- Grilli, S.T. and Hu, Z. 1998. A Higher-order Hypersingular
Boundary Element Method for the Modeling of Vortex Sheet Dynamics.
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 21(2),
117-129. [pdf]
- Grilli, S.T., Pedersen, T.and P., Stepanishen 1998. A Hybrid
Boundary Element Method for Shallow Water Acoustic Propagation over
Irregular Bottom. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,
21(2), 131-145. [pdf] (1,000K)
- Grilli, S.T. 1998. Depth Inversion in Shallow Water Based
on Nonlinear Properties of Shoaling Periodic Waves. Coastal
Engineering, 35(3), 185-209. [pdf] (640K).
- Grilli, S.T., Svendsen,
I.A. and Subramanya, R. 1998. Closure of : Breaking Criterion and
Characteristics for Solitary Waves on Slopes. Journal of Waterway Port
Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 124(6), 333-335.
- Grilli, S.T. and Horrillo, J. 1999. Shoaling of periodic waves
over barred-beaches in a fully nonlinear numerical wave tank.
Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 9(4), 257-263.
[pdf] (1,000K).
- Grilli, S.T. and Watts, P. 1999. Modeling of waves
generated by a moving submerged body. Applications to underwater
landslides. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 23,
[pdf] (318K).
- Watts, P., Imamura, F.,
and Grilli, S.T. 2000. Comparing Model Simulations of Three
Benchmark Tsunami Generation Cases. Science of Tsunami Hazards,
18(2), 107-123. [pdf]
- Grilli, S.T., Guyenne, P. and Dias, F. 2001. A fully nonlinear
model for three-dimensional overturning waves over arbitrary bottom.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids,
35(7), 829-867. [pdf] (737K).
- Grilli, S.T., Vogelmann, S. and Watts, P. 2002. Development of a 3D Numerical Wave Tank for modeling tsunami
generation by underwater landslides.
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 26(4), 301-313
[pdf] (1061K).
- Watts, S. T. Grilli, J. T. Kirby, G. J. Fryer, and Tappin, D. R.
2003. Landslide tsunami case studies using a Boussinesq model and a fully
nonlinear tsunami generation model. Natural Hazards and Earth System
Sciences, 3, 391-402.
[pdf] (1,200K)
- Biausser B., S.T.Grilli, Fraunie P. and Marcer, R. 2004. Numerical analysis of the
internal kinematics and dynamics of three-dimensional breaking waves on
slopes. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering,
14(4), 247-256.
[pdf] (5,000K)
- Day, S. J., P. Watts, S. T. Grilli and
Kirby, J.T. 2005.
Mechanical Models of the 1975 Kalapana, Hawaii Earthquake and Tsunami.
Marine Geology, 215(1-2), 59-92, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2004.11.008.
[pdf] (1,900K).
- Fochesato, C., Grilli, S.T. and Guyenne P. 2005. Note on non-orthogonality of local
curvilinear co-ordinates in a three-dimensional boundary element method.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids,
48, 305-324, doi: 10.1002/_d.838.
[pdf] (316K).
- Helluy Ph., Golay F., Caltagirone J.-P., Lubin P., Vincent S., Drevard D.,
Marcer R., Seguin N., Grilli S.T., Lesage A.-C. and Dervieux A. 2005.
Numerical simulations of wave breaking. Mathematical Modeling and
Numerical Analysis, 39(3), 591-607, doi: 10.1051/m2an:2005024.
[pdf] (372K)
- Sung H.G. and Grilli S.T., 2005. A Note on Accuracy and Convergence of a Third-order Boundary
Element Method for Three Dimensional Nonlinear Free Surface Flows.
J. Ships and Ocean Engineering, 40, 31-41.
[pdf] (772K).
- Grilli, S.T. and Watts, P. 2005. Tsunami generation by submarine mass
failure Part I : Modeling, experimental validation, and sensitivity analysis.
ournal of Waterway Port
Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 131(6),
283-297, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-950X(2005)131:6(283).
- Watts, P., Grilli, S.T.,
Tappin D., and Fryer, G.J. 2005. Tsunami generation by submarine mass
failure Part II : Predictive Equations and case studies.
Journal of Waterway Port
Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 131(6),
298-310, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-950X(2005)131:6(298).
- Guyenne, P. and Grilli, S.T. 2006. Numerical study of three-dimensional
overturning waves in shallow water.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 547, 361-388,
[pdf] (1,600K).
- Dalrymple, R.A., Grilli, S.T. and J.T. Kirby 2006. Tsunamis and
challenges for accurate modeling.
Oceanography, 19(1), 142-151.
[pdf] (632K).
- Fochesato C., Grilli, S.T. and Dias F. 2007. Numerical
modeling of extreme rogue waves generated by directional energy focusing.
Wave Motion, 44,
395-416, doi:10.1016/j.wavemoti.2007.01.03.
[pdf] (1.4M).
- Gilbert R.W., Zedler E.A., Grilli S.T., and Street R.L. 2007.
Progress on Nonlinear-Wave-Forced Sediment Transport Simulation.
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 32(1), 236-248,
[pdf] (748K).
- Ioualalen, M., Asavanant, J., Kaewbanjak, N., Grilli, S.T., Kirby, J.T.
and P. Watts 2007. Modeling the 26th December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami:
Case study of impact in Thailand. Journal of Geophysical Research,
112, C07024, doi:10.1029/2006JC003850.
[pdf] (11M).
- Grilli, S.T., Ioualalen, M, Asavanant, J., Shi, F., Kirby, J. and
Watts, P. 2007.
Source Constraints and Model Simulation of the December 26, 2004 Indian
Ocean Tsunami. Journal
of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 133(6),
414-428, 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-950X(2007)133:6(414).
- Enet, F. and Grilli, S.T. 2007. Experimental Study of Tsunami
Generation by
Three-dimensional Rigid Underwater Landslides. Journal
of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 133(6),
442-454, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-950X(2007)133:6(442).
- Abadie, S., Morichon, D., Grilli, S.T. and Glockner, S. 2008.
VOF/Navier-Stokes numerical modeling of surface
waves generated by subaerial landslides. La Houille Blanche,
1 (Feb. 2008), 21-26, doi:10.1051/lhb:2008001.
[pdf] (0.23M).
- Tappin, D.R., Watts, P., Grilli, S.T. 2008. The Papua New Guinea
tsunami of 1998: anatomy of a catastrophic event. Natural Hazards
and Earth System Sciences, 8, 243-266.
[pdf] (4.7M).
- Pomeau, Y., M. Le Berre, P. Guyenne and S.T. Grilli 2008.
Wave breaking and generic singularities of
nonlinear hyperbolic equations. Nonlinearity, 21,
T61-T79, doi: 10.1088/0951-7715/21/5/T01.
[pdf] (364K).
- Sung H.G. and Grilli, S.T. 2008. BEM Computations of 3D Fully Nonlinear
Free Surface Flows Caused by Advancing Surface Disturbances.
Intl. J. Offshore and Polar Engng., 18(4), 292-301.
[pdf] (1,200K).
- Grilli, S.T., Taylor, O.-D. S., Baxter, D.P. and S. Maretzki 2009.
Probabilistic approach for determining submarine landslide tsunami
hazard along the upper East Coast of the United States.
Marine Geology , 264(1-2), 74-97, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2009.02.010.
[pdf] (2Mb).
Abadie, S., Morichon, D., Grilli, S.T. and Glockner, S. 2010.
Numerical simulation of waves generated by landslides using a multiple-fluid Navier-Stokes model. Coastal Engineering , 57, 779-794,
[pdf] (1.8Mb).
- Grilli, S.T., S. Dubosq, N. Pophet, Y. Pérignon, J.T. Kirby and F. Shi
Numerical simulation and first-order hazard analysis of large
co-seismic tsunamis generated in the Puerto Rico trench:
near-field impact on the North shore of Puerto Rico and far-field
impact on the US East Coast. Natural Hazards
and Earth System Sciences, 10, 2109-2125,
doi:10.5194/nhess-2109-2010. [pdf] (14.9Mb).
- Guerber, E., M. Benoit, S.T. Grilli, and C. Buvat 2011.
Nonlinear modelling of interaction of waves
with a moving submerged body. Revue Paralia, 4,
[pdf] (434Kb).
- Harris, J.C. and S.T. Grilli 2012. A perturbation approach to large-eddy simulation of wave-induced
bottom boundary layer flows. Intl. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 68, 1,574-1,604,
doi:10.1002/fld.2553 (published online 4/1/11)
- Shi, F., J.T. Kirby, J.C. Harris, J.D. Geiman and S.T. Grilli 2012.A High-Order Adaptive Time-Stepping TVD Solver for
Boussinesq Modeling of Breaking Waves and Coastal
Inundation. Ocean Modeling, 43-44, 36-51,
- Guerber, E., M. Benoit, S.T. Grilli and C. Buvat 2012.
A fully nonlinear implicit model for wave interactions
with submerged structures in forced or free motion.
Engng. Analysis with Boundary Elemts., 36, 1,151-1,163,
- Abadie, S., J.C. Harris, S.T. Grilli and R. Fabre 2012.
Numerical modeling of tsunami waves generated by the flank
collapse of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano (La Palma, Canary Islands) :
tsunami source and near field effects.
J. Geophys. Res., 117, C05030,
- Grilli, S.T., J.C. Harris, T. Tajali-Bakhsh, T.L. Masterlark, C. Kyriakopoulos, J.T. Kirby and F. Shi 2013. Numerical simulation of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami based on a new transient FEM co-seismic source: Comparison to far- and near-field observations
Pure and Applied Geophysics, 170, 1333-1359, doi:10.1007/s00024-012-0528-y
[pdf] (published online 7/24/12).
- Janssen, C.F., S.T. Grilli and M. Krafczyk 2013. On enhanced non-linear free surface
flow simulations with a hybrid LBM-VOF approach.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 65(2), 211-229
doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2012.05.012 (published online 7/12/12)
- Kirby, J.T., Shi, F., Tehranirad, B., Harris, J.C. and Grilli, S.T. 2013.
Dispersive tsunami waves in the ocean: Model equations and sensitivity to dispersion and Coriolis effects.
Ocean Modeling, 62, 39-55, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2012.11.009
- Morra G., R. Geller, S.T. Grilli, S.-I. Karato, S. King, S.-M. Lee, P. Tackley, and D. Yuen 2013.
Growing Understanding of Subduction Dynamics Indicates Need to Rethink Seismic Hazards. EOS Transaction American Geophys. Union 94(13), 125-126, doi:10.1002/2013EO130008
[pdf] (3.7Mb).
- Nimmala, S.B., S.C. Yim and S.T. Grilli 2013.
An Efficient Parallelized 3-D FNPF Numerical Wave Tank for Large-Scale Wave Basin Experiment Simulation.
J. Offshore Mech. and Arctic Engng., 135(2), 021104, 10 pps., doi:10.1115/1.4007597 
- Baldwin K., Merrill, M.L., Grilli, S.T., Howes, B.L. and D.G. MacDonald 2013.
Marine Renewable Energy Technologies in 2013.
Marine Technology Society Journal, 47(4), 7-8.
- Nouguier F., Grilli S.T. and C.-A. Guérin 2014. Nonlinear
ocean wave reconstruction algorithms based on spatiotemporal data acquired by a flash LIDAR camera.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52(3), 1761-1771, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2013.2254494 (published online 5/29/13). [pdf].
- Banari A., Janssen C., Grilli S.T. and M. Krafczyk 2014. Efficient GPGPU implementation of a Lattice Boltzmann Model for multiphase flows with high density ratios. Computers and Fluids, 93, 1-17 doi: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2014.01.004 (published online 1/18/14). [pdf]
- Tappin D.R., Grilli S.T., Harris J.C., Geller R.J., Masterlark T., Kirby J.T., F. Shi, G. Ma, K.K.S. Thingbaijamg, and P.M. Maig 2014.
Did a submarine landslide contribute to the 2011 Tohoku tsunami ?, Marine Geology, 357, 344-361 doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2014.09.043 (published online 9/28/14; open access).
- Harris J.C. and Grilli, S.T. 2014. Large eddy simulation of sediment transport over rippled beds.
Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 21, 1,169-1,184, doi:10.5194/npg-21-1169-2014 (open access).
- Horrillo J., Grilli S.T., Nicolsky D., Roeber V., and J. Zhang 2014.
Performance Benchmarking Tsunami Operational Models for NTHMP's' Inundation Mapping Activities.
Pure and Applied Geophysics, 172, 869-884, doi: 10.1007/s00024-014-0891-y (published online 7/25/14). [pdf].
- Banari A., Janssen C.F., and Grilli S.T. 2014. An efficient lattice Boltzmann multiphase model for 3D flows with large density ratios at high Reynolds numbers. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 68, 1819-1843, doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2014.10.009 (published online 11/1/14). [pdf]
- Grilli S.T., O'Reilly C., Harris J.C., Tajali-Bakhsh T., Tehranirad B., Banihashemi S., Kirby J.T., Baxter C.D.P., Eggeling T., Ma G. and F. Shi 2015.
Modeling of SMF tsunami hazard along the upper US East Coast: Detailed impact around Ocean City, MD. Natural Hazards, 76(2), 705-746,
doi: 10.1007/s11069-014-1522-8 (published online 11/15/14). [pdf]
- Dombre E., Benoit M., Violeau D., Peyrard C. and Grilli S.T. 2015.
Simulation of floating structure dynamics in waves by implicit coupling of a fully nonlinear potential flow model and a rigid body motion approach.
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, 1, 55-76, doi: 10.1007/s40722-014-0006-y (published online 11/13/14) [pdf].
- Banari A., Mauzole Y., Hara T., Grilli S.T. and C.F. Janssen 2015. The simulation of turbulent particle-laden channel flow by the
Lattice Boltzmann method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 79(10), 491-513,
doi: 10.1002/fld.4058 (published online 06/16/15) [pdf].
- Tehranirad B., Harris J.C., Grilli A.R., Grilli S.T., Abadie S., Kirby J.T. and F. Shi 2015.
Far-field tsunami hazard in the north Atlantic basin from large scale flank collapses of the
Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 172(12), 3,589-3,616,
doi:10.1007/s00024-015-1135-5 (published online 07/21/15) [pdf].
- Grilli, S.T., Grilli A.R., David, E. and C. Coulet 2016.
Tsunami Hazard Assessment along the North Shore of Hispaniola from far- and near-field Atlantic sources.
Natural Hazards, 82(2), 777-810, doi: 10.1007/s11069-016-2218-z (published online 2/19/2016)
- Hashemi, M.R., Grilli, S.T. and S.P. Neill, 2016. A simplified method to estimate tidal current effects on the ocean wave power resource. Renewable Energy, 96, 257-269 doi:10.1016/j.renene.2016.04.073 (published online 5/6/2016; open access)
- Grilli, S.T., Grosdidier S. and C.-A. Guerin 2016.
Tsunami detection by High Frequency Radar beyond the continental shelf. I. Algorithms and validation on idealized case studies.
Pure and Applied Geophysics, 173(12), 3,895-3,934,
doi: 10.1007/s00024-015-1193-8 (published online 10/28/15).
- Shelby, M., Grilli, S. T. and Grilli, A. R., 2016. Tsunami hazard assessment in the Hudson River Estuary based on dynamic tsunami-tide
simulations. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 173(12), 3,999-4,037, doi:10.1007/s00024-016-1315-y (published online 5/24/16).
- Grilli, S.T., Shelby, M., Kimmoun, O., Dupont, G., Nicolsky, D., Ma, G., Kirby, J. and F. Shi 2017.
Modeling coastal tsunami hazard from submarine mass failures: effect of slide rheology, experimental validation, and case studies off the US East coast.
Natural Hazards, 86(1), 353-391,
doi:10.1007/s11069-016-2692-3 (published online 12/01/16).
- Lynett, P., and 37 alii 2017. Inter-Model Analysis of Tsunami-Induced Coastal Currents. Ocean Modeling, 114, 14-32, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2017.04.003.
- Grilli, S.T., Guérin, C.-A., Shelby, M., Grilli, A., P. Moran, Grosdidier, S. and T.L. Insua 2017.
Tsunami detection by High Frequency Radar beyond the continental shelf: II. Extension of algorithms and validation on realistic case studies.
Pure and Appl. Geophys., 174(1), 3,003-3,028, doi:10.1007/s00024-017-1619-6 (published online 7/21/17).
- Guérin C.-A. and S.T. Grilli 2018. A probabilistic method for the estimation of ocean
surface currents from short time series of HF radar data. Ocean Modeling, 121(1), 105-116, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2017.11.010 (published online 12/05/17).
- Schambach, L., Grilli, A.R., Grilli, S.T., Hashemi, M.R., and J. King 2018. Assessing the impact of extreme storms on barrier beaches along the Atlantic coastline : Application to the southern Rhode Island coast. Coastal Engineering, 133, 26-42,
doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2017.12.004 (published online 12/21/17).
- Guérin C.-A., S.T. Grilli, P. Moran, A.R. Grilli, T.L. Insua 2018. Tsunami detection by High Frequency Radar in
British Columbia: performance assessment of the Time-Correlation Algorithm for synthetic and real
events. Ocean Dynamics, 68(4-5), 423-438, doi.org/10.1007/s10236-018-1139-7 (published online 2/20/18).
- Hayward S., Hashemi M.R., Torres M., Grilli A.R., Grilli S.T., King J., Baxter C. and M.L. Spaulding 2018. Numerical simulation of coastal erosion and its mitigation by living shoreline methods: case study in southern Rhode Island. J. American Shore and Beach Preservation Assoc., 86(4), 13-25.[pdf]
- Schambach, L., Grilli, S.T., Kirby, J.T. and F. Shi 2019. Landslide tsunami hazard along the upper US East Coast: effects of slide rheology, bottom friction, and frequency dispersion. Pure and Applied Geophys., 176(7), 3,059-3,098, doi.org/10.1007/s00024-018-1978-7 (published online 09/03/18).
- Torres, M.J. , Hashemi, M.R., Hayward, S. , Spaulding, M.L., Ginis, I. and S.T. Grilli 2019. Role of hurricane wind models in accurate simulation of storm surge and waves. J. Waterways, Port, Coastal Engng. 145(1), 04018039, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000496 (published online 11/15/18).
- Roarty H., T. Cook, L. Hazard, J. Harlan, D. George, S. Cosoli, L. Wyatt, E. Alvarez Fanjul, E. Terrill, M. Otero, J. Largier, S. Glenn, N. Ebuchi, B. Whitehouse, K. Bartlett, J. Mader, A. Rubio, L.P. Corgnati, C. Mantovani, A. Griffa, E. Reyes, P. Lorente, X. Flores-Vidal, K.J. Saavedra-Matta, P. Rogowski, S. Prukpitikul, S.-H. Lee, J.-W. Lai, C.-A. Guérin, J. Sanchez, B. Hansen and S. Grilli 2019. The Global High Frequency Radar Network. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 164, 1-26 (open access) doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00164.
- Nemati, F., Grilli, S.T., Ioualalen, M., Boschetti, L., Larroque, L. and J. Trevisan 2019. High-resolution coastal hazard assessment along the French Riviera from co-seismic tsunamis generated in the Ligurian fault system. Natural Hazards, 96(2), 553-586, doi.org/10.1007/s11069-018-3555-x (published online 12/15/18).
- Guérin C.-A., Desmars, N., Grilli, S.T., Ducrozet, G., Pérignon, Y. and P. Ferrant. An improved Lagrangian model for the time evolution of nonlinear surface waves. J. Fluid Mech., 876, 527-552, doi:10.1017/jfm.2019.519.
- Grilli S.T., D.R. Tappin, S. Carey, S.F.L. Watt, S.N. Ward, A.R. Grilli, S.L. Engwell, C. Zhang, J.T. Kirby, L. Schambach and M. Muin 2019. Modelling of the tsunami from the December 22, 2018 lateral collapse of Anak Krakatau volcano in the Sunda Straits, Indonesia, Scientific Reports, 9, 11946 (open access) doi:10.1038/s41598-019-48327-6
- Grilli S.T., Horrillo J. and S. Guignard 2020. Fully nonlinear potential flow simulations of wave shoaling over slopes: spilling breaker model and integral wave properties. Water Waves, 2(2), 263-297, doi:10.1007/s42286-019-00017-6 (published online 10/08/19).
- Schambach L., Grilli S.T., Tappin D.R., Gangemi M.D., and G. Barbaro 2020. New simulations and understanding of the 1908 Messina tsunami for a dual seismic and deep submarine mass failure source, Marine Geology, 421, 106093, doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2019.106093 (published online, 12/15/19).
- Athanassoulis, G.A., Benoit, M., Clamond, D. and S.T. Grilli 2020. Foreword to the special issue on nonlinear waves over variable bathymetry. J. Ocean Eng. Mar. Energy, 5, 307-310, doi: 10.1007/s40722-019-00158-3 (published online 1/23/20).
- Boschetti L., Ioualalen M., Nemati F., Grilli S.T., Dessa J.-X., and C. Larroque 2020. Tsunami intensity scale based on wave amplitude and current applied to the French Riviera: the case study of local seismicity. Natural Hazards, 102, 219-248, doi: 10.1007/s11069-020-03921-0 (published online 04/18/20).
- M. Derakhti, J.T. Kirby, M.L. Banner, S.T. Grilli and J. Thomson 2020. A unified breaking onset criterion for surface gravity water waves in arbitrary depth. J. Geophys. Res., 125(7), e2019JC015886, 28 pps, doi:10.1029/2019JC015886 (published online, 5/22/20).
- Grilli A.R., Westcott G., Grilli S.T., Spaulding M.L., Shi F. and J.T. Kirby 2020. Assessing coastal risk from extreme storms with a phase resolving wave model: Case Study of Narragansett, RI, USA. Coastal Engineering, 160, 103735, doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2020.103735 (published online, 6/02/20).
- Desmars N., F. Bonnefoy, S.T. Grilli, G. Ducrozet, Y. Perignon, C.-A. Guérin and P. Ferrant 2020. Experimental and numerical assessment of deterministic nonlinear ocean waves prediction algorithms using non-uniformly sampled wave gauges. Ocean Engineering, 212, 1037659, doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.107659 (published online, 6/24/20).
- O'Reilly C., Janssen C.F. and S.T. Grilli 2020. A Lattice-Boltzmann-based perturbation method. Computers and Fluids, 213, 104723, doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2020.104723 (published online 9/18/20).
- Varing A., Filipot J.-F., Grilli S.T., Duarte R., Roeber V. and M. Yates 2021. A new kinematic breaking onset criterion for spilling and plunging breaking waves in shallow water. Coastal Engineering, 164, 103755,
doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2020.103755 (published online 9/22/20).
- Schambach L., Grilli S.T. and D.R. Tappin 2021. New high-resolution modeling of the 2018 Palu tsunami, based on supershear earthquake mechanisms and mapped coastal landslides, supports a dual source. Frontiers in Earth Sciences, 8, 627, doi:10.3389/feart.2020.598839 (accepted 11/18/20).
- Zhang C., Kirby J., Shi F., Ma G. and S.T. Grilli 2021. A two-layer non-hydrostatic landslide model for tsunami generation on irregular bathymetry. 1. Theoretical basis. Ocean Modelling, 159, 101749, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2020.101749 (accepted 12/19/20).
- Zhang C., Kirby J., Shi F., Ma G. and S.T. Grilli 2021. A two-layer non-hydrostatic landslide model for tsunami generation on irregular bathymetry. 2. Numerical discretization and model validation. Ocean Modelling, 160, 101769, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2021.101769 (Accepted 2/11/21).
- Hunt, J.E., Tappin, D.R., Watt, S.F.L., Susilohadi, S., Novellino, A., Ebmeier, S.K., Cassidy, M., Engwell, S.L., Grilli, S.T., Hanif, M., Priyanto, W.S., Clare, M.A., Abdurrachman, M., and U., Udrekh 2021. Submarine observations show half of the island of Anak Krakatau failed on December 22nd 2018. Nature Communications, 12, 2827, doi:10.1038/S41467-021-22610-5 (Accepted 1/18/21).
- Grilli, S.T., Zhang, C., Kirby, J.T., Grilli, A.R., Tappin, D.R., Watt, S.F.L., Hunt, J.E., Novellino, A., Engwell, S.L., Nurshal, M.E., Abdurrachman, M., Cassidy, M., Madden-Nadeau A.L. amd S. Day 2021. Modeling of the Dec. 22nd 2018 Anak Krakatau volcano lateral collapse and tsunami based on recent field surveys: comparison with observed tsunami impact. Marine Geology, 440, 106566, doi:0.1016/j.margeo.2021.106566 (accepted 7/12/21).
- Grilli, S.T. and J.T. Kirby 2021. Landslide Tsunami Models Developed and Used by the NTHMP East Coast Group for Tsunami Inundation Mapping to Help Elucidate the Messina 1908, Anak 2018, and Palu 2018 Events. TsuInfo Alert, 23(3), 1-5 [pdf]
- Schambach L., Grilli S.T., Tappin D.R., Gangemi M.D., and G. Barbaro 2021. Response to: Comment on "New simulations and understanding of the 1908 Messina tsunami for a dual seismic and deep submarine mass failure source", Marine Geology, 442, 106636, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2021.106636 (accepted 9/9/21).
- Iorio, V., G. Bellotti, C. Cecioni and S.T. Grilli 2021. A numerical model for the efficient simulation of multiple landslide-induced tsunamis scenarios. Ocean Modelling, 168, 101899, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2021.101899 (accepted 9/10/21).
- Grilli, S.T., M. Mohammadpour, L. Schambach, and A.R. Grilli 2021. Tsunami coastal hazard along the US East Coast from coseismic sources in the Acores Convergence Zone and the Caribbean Arc areas. Natural Hazards, 111, 1431-1478, doi:10.1007/s11069-021-05103-y (accepted 10/28/21).
- Harris J.C., Dombre E., Benoit M., Grilli S.T. and K.I. Kuznetsov 2022. Nonlinear time-domain wave-structure interaction: a parallel fast integral equation approach. Intl. J. Numer. Fluids, 94(2), 188-222, doi:10.1002/fld.5051 (accepted 9/24/21).
- Cutler, K.S., S.F.L. Watt, M. Cassidy, A.L. Madden-Nadeau, S.L. Engwell, M. Abdurrachman, M.E.M. Nurshal, D.R. Tappin, S.N. Carey, A. Novellino, C. Hayer, J.E. Hunt, S.J. Day, S.T. Grilli, I.A. Kurniawan and N. Kartadinata 2022. Downward-propagating eruption following vent unloading implies no direct magmatic trigger for the 2018 lateral collapse of Anak Krakatau. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 578, 117332, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117332 (accepted 12/08/21).
- Kirby, J.T., S.T. Grilli, J. Horrillo, P.L.-F. Liu, D. Nicolsky, S. Abadie, B. Ataie-Ashtiani, M.J. Castro, L. Clous, C. Escalante, I. Fine, J.M. Gonzalez-Vida, F. Lovholt, P. Lynett, G. Ma, J. Macias, S. Ortega, F. Shi, S. Yavari-Ramshe, C. Zhang 2022. Validation and intercomparison of models for landslide tsunami generation. Ocean Modelling, 170, 101943, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2021.101943 (accepted 12/26/21).
- Sassa, S., Grilli, S.T., Tappin, D.R., Sassa, K., Karnawati, D., Gusiakov, V. and F. Løvholt 2022. Understanding and reducing the disaster risk of landslide-induced tsunamis: a short summary of the panel discussion in the World Tsunami Awareness Day Special Event of the Fifth World Landslide Forum. Landslides, 19, 533-535 doi:10.1007/s10346-021-01819-x (published online 01/31/22).
- Choi, Y.K., F. Shi, M. Malej, J.M. Smith, J.T. Kirby and S.T. Grilli 2022. Block-structured, equal workload, multigrid nesting interface for Boussinesq wave model FUNWAVE-TVD. Geoscientific Model Development, 15, 5441-2022, doi:10.5194/gmd-15-5441-2022 (accepted 6/23/22).
- O'Reilly, C.M., S.T. Grilli, C.F. Janssen, J.M. Dahl and J.C. Harris 2022. Hybrid Lattice-Boltzmann-potential flow simulations of
turbulent flow around submerged structures. J. Marine Sc. Eng., 10, 1651, doi:10.3390/jmse10111651 (accepted 10/24/22).
- Mohanlal S., J.C. Harris, M.L. Yates and S.T. Grilli 2023. Unified depth-limited wave breaking detection and dissipation in fully nonlinear potential flow models. Coastal Engineering, 183, 104316, doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2023.104316 (accepted 4/11/23).
- Cecioni C., G. Bellotti, V. Iorio and S.T. Grilli 2023. Probabilistic landslide tsunami modeling of the 2018 Palu Bay event. Coastal Engineering, 183, 104332, doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2023.104332 (accepted 4/30/23).
- Stempel, P., Nasr-Azadani, E., Grilli, A., Grilli, S., Schuh, E., Groetsch, F., Ginis, I., Crowley, D., Walsh, J. P., Whaling, I., Damon, C., Duhaime, R., Rubinoff, P., & Schmitt, C. 2023. 3D Morphodynamic Visualizations of Storm Impacts for Decision Support. J. Digital Landscape Architecture, 8(10), 554-563, doi:10.14627/537740058
- Schuh E., A.R. Grilli, F. Groetsch, S.T. Grilli, D. Crowley, I. Ginis and P. Stempel 2023. Assessing the morphodynamic response of a New England beach-barrier system to an artificial reef. Coastal Engineering, 184, 104355, doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2023.104355 (accepted 6/11/23).
- Kirby J.T. and S.T. Grilli 2023. Tsunami Sediment Transport Model Benchmarking Workshop. TsuInfo Alert, 25(5), 3-6 [pdf]
- Mohanlal S., J.C. Harris, M.L. Yates and S.T. Grilli 2024. The simulation of depth-limited breaking waves in a 3D fully non-linear potential flow model. J. Waterways, Ports and Coastal Engineering,150(4), 04024007, doi:10.1061/JWPED5.WWENG-2077.
- Alkarem Y.R., K. Huguenard, R.W. Kimball, B. Hejrati, I. Ammermann, A.R. Nejad, J. Fontaine,
R. Hashemi and S.T. Grilli 2024. On Building Predictive Digital Twin Incorporating Wave Predicting Capabilities: Case Study on UMaine Experimental Campaign - FOCAL. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2745, 012001, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2745/1/012001.
- Stempel, P., Nasr-Azadani, E., Russ, C., Grilli, A.R., Grilli, S.T., Ginis, I., Crowley, D., Walsh, J.P., Harrington, J., Damon, C., Duhaime, R. and P. Rubinoff 2024. Interpreting Dynamic Landscapes: Animated landscape visualizations to improve communication of changing coastal conditions. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 9, 182-192, doi:10.14627/537752018
- Mohanlal S., J.C. Harris, M.L. Yates and S.T. Grilli 2025. Erratum for "Simulation of Depth-Limited Breaking Waves in a 3D Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model". J. Waterways, Ports and Coastal Engineering, 151(1), 08224001, doi:10.1061/JWPED5.WWENG-2200.
- Hulin, F., Prevosto, M., Tassin, A., Filipot, J.-F., Jacques, N. and S.T. Grilli 2025. Breaking onset and breaking strength of focused wave packets: linear prediction model and non-linear numerical simulations. Coastal Engineering, 197, 104660, doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2024.104660.
- Dahl, J.M., A.R. Grilli, S.C. Steele and S.T. Grilli. Estimation of sea state parameters from measured ship motions with a neural network trained on experimentally validated model simulations. Ocean Engineering (in revisions).
- Grilli, S.T., L. Schambach, M. Mohammadpour, A.R. Grilli, J.T. Kirby, E. Fratto and F. Shi. Tsunami hazard assessment along the US East Coast from extreme sources in the North Atlantic Ocean: a preliminary probabilistic analysis. Natural Hazards (submitted).
- Alkarem Y.R., I. Ammerman, K. Huguenard, R.W. Kimball, B. Hejrati, A. Vermab, A.R. Nejad,
R. Hashemi and S.T. Grilli. Investigating Lab-scaled Offshore Wind Aerodynamic Testing Failure and Developing Solutions for Early Anomaly Detections. Renewable Energy (submitted).
Refereed Proceedings Articles
- Lejeune A.,
Marchal J., Hoffait, T., Grilli, S.T. and Sahloul, M. 1982 Wave
Actions on Floating Structures and Wave Propagation using Finite Element
Method. In Proc. 4th Intl. Conf. on Finite Elements in Water Resources
(Hannover, Germany, June 82) (ed. K.P. Holtz, V. Meissner, W. Zielke,
C.A. Brebbia, G. Pinder and W. Gray), pp. 17.13-17.23. Springer-Verlag,
- Lejeune A.,
Marchal J., Hoffait, T., Grilli, S.T. and Lejeune, P. 1982 Study of
Wave Action on Floating Structures using Finite Elements Method.
Comparison between Numerical and Experimental Results. In Proc. 3rd
Intl. Conf. on Behavior of Off-shore Structures (B.O.S.S., Boston,
USA, July 82) (ed. Ch. Chryssostomidis and J.J. Connor), pp. 580-591.
Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, Washington.
- Lejeune A.,
Marchal J., Hoffait, T., Grilli, S.T. and Lejeune, P. 1982
Comparison between Numerical and Expermental Results in Study of Offshore
Structures Movements. In Proc. Intl. Conf. on Computational Methods and
Experimental Measurements (Washington D.C., USA, July 82) (ed. G.A.
Keramidas and C.A. Brebbia), pp. 418-429. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
- Grilli, S.T. and Lejeune, A. 1983
Study of the Wave Action on Floating Structures by the Boundary Element
Method. Comparison with Finite Element and Experimental Results. In
Proc. 5th Intl. Conf. on Boundary Elements (BEM5, Hiroshima, Japan,
November 83) (ed. C.A. Brebbia, T. Futagami and M. Tanaka), pp. 227-237.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
- Grilli, S.T. and Sahloul, M. 1985 Wave Action on Coastal
Structures. In Proc. Intl. Assoc. for Hydraulic Res. 21st Congress
(I.A.H.R., Melbourne, Australia, August 85), Vol. 4, pp. 14-19.
The Institution of Engineers National Conference Publication No 85/13,
- Grilli, S.T. 1985 Numerical Modeling of Wave and Impact Studies
in Coastal Zones (Corsican shore). In Proc. of the Workshop on European
Coastal Zones (Loutraki, Greece, October 85), pp. 2.67-2.73. National
Technical University of Athens, Athens.
- Bruch, E., Grilli, S.T. and Lejeune, A. 1986
Computation of the Fluid Flow in Zoned Anisotropic Porous Media and
Determination of the Free Surface Seepage. In Proc. 8th Intl. Conf. on
Boundary Elements (BEM8, Tokyo, Japan, September 86) (ed. M.Tanaka and
C.A. Brebbia), pp. 889-903. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
- Grilli, S.T. 1986 The Numerical Modeling of the Wave Field near
the Shore by the Boundary Element Method. In Proc. Intl. Conf. on
Environmental Softwares (ENVIROSOFT86, Los Angeles, USA, November 86)
(ed. P. Zannetti), pp. 471-486. Computational Mechanics Publication,
- Bruch, E. and Grilli, S.T. 1987 Computation of the Transient
Seepage Problem in Zoned Anisotropic Porous Media. In Proc. 9th Intl.
Conf. on Boundary Elements (BEM9, Stuttgart, Germany, September 87)
(ed. C.A. Brebbia, G. Kuhn and W.L. Wendland), pp. 329-341.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
- Grilli, S.T. 1988 Application of the Boundary Element Method to
Some Elliptic Fluid Mechanics Problems. In Proc. 1st Intl. Conf. on
Computer Methods and Water Resources, (Rabat, Morocco, March 88) (ed.
D. Ouazar and C.A. Brebbia) Vol. 4, pp. 97-113. Computational
Mechanics Publication, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.(invited paper)
- Grilli, S.T., Skourup, J. and
I.A. 1988 The Modeling of Highly Nonlinear Waves : A Step Toward the
Numerical Wave Tank. In Proc. 10th Intl. Conf. on Boundary Elements
(BEM10, Southampton, England, September 88) (ed. C.A. Brebbia) Vol.
1, pp. 549-564. Computational Mechanics Publication.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.(invited paper)
- Skourup J., Jonsson, I.G., Svendsen,
I.A., Grilli, S. and Larsen, J. 1989 Non-Linear Water Wave Modeling
by a Boundary Integral Equation Method. In Proc. Intl. Assoc. for
Hydraulic Res. 23rd Congress (I.A.H.R., Ottawa, Canada, August 89),
Vol. C, pp. 359-366. National Research Council Publication,
- Grilli, S.T. and Svendsen,
I.A. 1989 Runup and Reflection of a Solitary Wave on Steep Slopes in a
Numerical Wave Tank. In Proc. 4th Intl. Workshop on Water Waves and
Floating Bodies (Oystese, Norway, May 89) (ed. J. Grue), pp. 77-82.
Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo, Oslo.(invited paper)
- Grilli, S.T. and Svendsen,
I.A. 1989 The Modeling of Nonlinear Water Wave Interaction with Maritime
Structures. In Advances in Boundary Elements (Proc. 11th Intl.
Conf. on Boundary Elements, BEM11, Cambridge-Massachusetts, USA, August
89) (ed. C.A. Brebbia and J.J. Connor) Vol. 2, pp. 253-268.
Computational Mechanics Publication. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
- Grilli, S.T. and Svendsen,
I.A. 1989 The Modeling of Highly Nonlinear Waves : Some Improvements to
the Numerical Wave Tank. In Advances in Boundary Elements (Proc.
11th Intl. Conf. on Boundary Elements, BEM11, Cambridge-Massachusetts,
USA, August 89) (ed. C.A. Brebbia and J.J. Connor) Vol. 2, pp.
269-281. Computational Mechanics Publication. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
- Grilli, S.T. and Svendsen,
I.A. 1990 Two-dimensional Wavemaking by a Slender Ship. In Proc. 5th
Intl. Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies (Manchester,
England, March 90), pp. 67-70. University of Manchester.
- Grilli, S.T., Svendsen,
I.A. and Otta, A.K. 1990 Corner Effects Using BEM for Nonlinear Waves. In
Computational Engineering with Boundary Elements (Proc. 5th Intl.
Conf. on Boundary Element Technology, BETECH90, University of Delaware,
USA, July 90) (ed. S. Grilli, C.A. Brebbia and A.H-D. Cheng) Vol.
1, pp. 101-118. Computational Mechanics Publications,
- Badmus, T., Cheng,
A.H-D. and Grilli, S. 1990 A Three-Dimensional Laplace Transform
BEM for Poroelasticity Problems. In Computational Engineering with
Boundary Elements (Proc. 5th Intl. Conf. on Boundary Element
Technology, BETECH90, University of Delaware, USA, July 90) (ed. A.H-D.
Cheng, C.A. Brebbia and S. Grilli) Vol. 2, pp. 211-222.
Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton.
- Grilli, S.T. and Svendsen,
I.A. 1991 Long Wave Interaction with Steeply Sloping Structures. In
Proc. 22nd Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engineering (ICCE22, Delft, The
Netherland, July 90) Vol. 2, pps. 1200-1213. ASCE edition.
- Grilli, S.T. 1991 Modeling of Nonlinear Long Wave
Transformation in Coastal Areas. In Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. on Computer
Methods and Water Resources, (Rabat, Morocco, October 91) (ed. D.
Ouazar, D. Ben Sari and C.A. Brebbia) Vol. 2, pp. 329-342.
Computational Mechanics Publications, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.(invited
keynote address)
- Grilli, S.T. 1991 Wave Motion and Overturning Induced by Moving
Bodies. Application to Slender Ship Wave Resistance. In Proc. 1st Intl.
Conf. on Computational Modelling of Free and Moving Boundary Problems
(Southampton, England, July 91) (ed. L.C. Wrobel and C.A. Brebbia)
Vol. 1, pp. 75-90. Computational Mechanics Publications, de
Gruyter, Southampton.(invited paper)
- Svendsen,
I.A., Otta, A.K. and Grilli, S.T. 1991 Unsteady Free Surface Waves.
Breaking Waves (eds. M.L. Banner and R.H.J. Grimshaw) (Proc.
I.U.T.A.M. Symposium, Sidney, Australia, July 91) pp. 229-236,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
- Grilli, S.T., Losada, M.A., Martin, F. and Svendsen,
I.A. 1992 Nonlinear Shoaling and Impact of Waves on Coastal Structures. In
Proc. 9th Engineering Mechanics Conf. (College Station, Texas, May
92) (eds. L.D. Lutes and J.M. Niedzwecki), pp. 79-82. ASCE
edition.(invited paper)
- Grilli, S.T., Losada, M.A.and Martin F. 1992 The Breaking of a
Solitary Wave over a Step : Modeling and Experiments. In Proc. 4th
Intl. Conf. on Hydraulic Engineering Software (HYDROSOFT92, Valencia,
Spain, July 92) (eds. W.R. Blain and E. Cabrera), Fluid Flow Modelling,
pp. 575-586. Computational Mechanics Publications, Elsevier Applied
Science. (invited paper)
- Grilli, S.T., Losada, M.A. and Martin, F. 1993 Wave Impact
Forces on Mixed Breakwaters. In Proc. 23rd Intl. Conf. on Coastal
Engineering (ICCE23, Venice, Italy, October 92) Vol. 1, pps.
1161-1174. ASCE edition.
- Otta, A.K., Svendsen,
I.A. and Grilli, S.T. 1993 The Breaking and Runup of Solitary Waves
on Beaches. In Proc. 23rd Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engineering
(ICCE23, Venice, Italy, October 92) Vol. 2, pps. 1461-1474.
ASCE edition.
- Driscoll, A.M., Dalrymple,
R.A. and Grilli, S.T. 1993 Harmonic Generation and Transmission
Past a Submerged Rectangular Obstacle. In Proc. 23rd Intl. Conf. on
Coastal Engineering (ICCE23, Venice, Italy, October 92) Vol. 1,
pps. 1142-1152. ASCE edition.
- Grilli, S.T., Losada, M.A. and Martin, F. 1993 Impact of
Breaking Waves over Emerged and Submerged Coastal Structures. Extended
abstract in Proc. 8th Intl. Workshop on Water waves and Floating Bodies
(Newfoundlands, Canada, May 1993) 4 pps.
- Grilli, S.T., Opishinski, T., Spaulding M.L. and Isaji, T. 1993 ASA.WAVES : An
Interactive PC-based Wave Forecasting Tool. In Proc. 2nd Intl.
Symposium on Ocean Wave Measurements and Analysis (WAVES 93, New
Orleans, Louisiana, July 1993), pps 890-904, ASCE edition, New York.
- Cheng, A.H.-D.,
Grilli, S.T. and Lafe, O. 1993 Dual Reciprocity Boundary Element
Based on Complete Set Global Shape Functions. In Proc. 15th Intl. Conf.
on Boundary Elements in Engineering (BEM15, Worcester, MA, August
1993)(ed. J. Rencis and C.A. Brebbia), Fluid Flow and Computational
Aspects, pp. 344-357. Computational Mechanics Publications, Elsevier
Applied Science. (invited paper)
- Grilli, S.T. and Subramanya, R. 1993 Nonlinear Wave Modeling in
very Shallow Water. In Proc. 15th Intl. Conf. on Boundary Elements in
Engineering (BEM15, Worcester, MA, August 1993) (ed. J. Rencis and
C.A. Brebbia), Fluid Flow and Computational Aspects, pp. 194-206.
Computational Mechanics Publications, Elsevier Applied Science. (invited
- Subramanya, R. and Grilli, S.T. 1994 Domain Regridding in the
Computation of Nonlinear Waves. In Proc. 2nd Intl. Workshop on Bound.
Elements in Fluid Mech. (Southampton, UK, July 1994) (eds. H. Power,
C.A. Brebbia and D.B. Ingham), pps. 139-150. Computational Mechanics
Publications, Elsevier Applied Science. (invited paper).
- Grilli, S.T., Subramanya, R., Kirby , J.T. and
Wei, J. 1994 Comparison of Modified Boussinesq and Fully Nonlinear
Potential Models for Shoaling Solitary Waves. In Proc. Intl. Symposium
on Waves - Physical and Num. Modelling (Vancouver BC, Canada, Aug.
1994) (eds. M. Isaacson & M. Quick), Vol. 1, pps. 524-533,
- Subramanya, R. and Grilli, S.T. 1994 Kinematics and Properties
of Fully Nonlinear Waves Shoaling and Breaking over a Gentle Slope. In
Proc. Intl. Symposium on Waves - Physical and Num. Modelling
(Vancouver BC, Canada, Aug. 1994) (eds. M. Isaacson and M. Quick),
Vol. 2, pps. 1106-1115, IAHR.
- Grilli, S.T. and Horrillo J. 1995 Numerical Modeling of Wave
Breaking on Beaches and over Coastal Structures. In Proc. 2nd. Intl.
Conf. on Computer Modeling of Seas and Coastal Regions (COASTAL95
Cancun, Mexico, September 1995)(eds. C.A. Brebbia, L. Traversoni and L.C.
Wrobel), pps. 151-158. Computational Mechanics Publications, Boston.
(invited paper).
- Grilli, S.T. 1995 Review of Boundary Element Models for Long
Wave Runup. In Proc. 2nd. Intl. Workshop on Long-Wave Runup Models
(Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, WA, September 1995), 65pps
- Grilli, S.T., Hu, Z. and Spaulding, M.L. 1996
Numerical Modeling of Oil Containment by a Boom. In Proc. 19th Arctic
and Marine Oilspill Program Tech. Seminar (AMOP, Calgary, Alberta,
CANADA, June 96), pps. 343-376. Environment Canada, Canada. [abstract] [compressed
postcript] (253K)
- Grilli, S.T. and Horrillo J. 1997 Fully Nonlinear Properties of
Periodic Waves Shoaling over Mild Slopes. In Proc. 25th Intl. Conf. on
Coastal Engineering (ICCE25, Orlando, USA, September 96), Vol.
1, pps. 717-730. ASCE Edition. [abstract] [pdf] (792K)
- Grilli, S.T. and Horrillo J. 1997 Fully Nonlinear Properties of
Shoaling Periodic Waves Calculated in a Numerical Wave Tank. In Proc.
12th Intl. Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
(Carry-Le-Rouet, France, March 97), pps. 97-100.
- Hu, Z. and Grilli, S.T. 1997 Computation of Periodic
Instability of Stratified Fluid Using Continuous Vortex Sheet Dynamics. In
Proc. 1997 ASME Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, paper No.
FEDSM97-3502, 12pps. [abstract] [compressed
postcript] (213K)
- Grilli, S.T. and Hu, Z. 1997 Computation of Periodic
Instability of Stratified Fluid Using Continuous Vortex Sheet Dynamics. In
Proc. 19th Intl. Conf. on Boundary Elements in Engineering (BEM19,
Rome, Italy, September 1997)(eds. M. Marchetti, C.A. Brebbia, & M.H.
Aliabadi), pps. 543-552. Computational Mechanics Publications, Boston.
(invited paper).
- Grilli, S.T. 1998 The depth inversion problem in shallow water.
In Proc. 3rd Intl. Intl. Sympos. on Ocean Wave Measurement and
Analysis (WAVES97, Virginia Beach, VA, USA, November 1997) (eds. B.
Edge, &J.M. Hemsley), 701-715, ASCE Publication. [abstract] [compressed
postcript] (155K)
- Grilli, S.T. and Hu, Z. 1998 Modeling of Instabilities of Oil
Containment System by a Vortex Sheet Method. In Proc. 13th Intl.
Workshop on Water waves and Floating Bodies (Delft, The Netherlands,
March 1998) (ed. A.J. Hermans) pps. 40-42. Appl. Math. Dpt., Delft Univ.
of Technology.
- Grilli, S.T. and Horrillo, J. 1998 Computation of periodic wave
shoaling over barred-beaches in a fully nonlinear numerical wave tank. In
Proc. 8th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE98, Montreal,
Canada, May 1998)(eds. Chung, J.S., Olagnon, M., Kim, C.H., Koterayama,
W.), Vol. III, pps. 294-300. Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar
Engng., Golden Colorado. [compressed
postcript] (247K).
- Watts, P., Synolakis,
C.E., and S.T., Grilli 1998 Simulation of an Underwater Landslide
Scenario for the 1998 Papua New Guinea Event. Fall AGU Meeting, San
- Grilli, S.T. and Skourup, J.
1998 Depth inversion for nonlinear waves shoaling over a barred-beach. In
Proc. 26th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engineering (ICCE26, Copenhagen,
Denmark, June 1998), 603-616 [pdf] (216K).
- Guignard, S., Grilli, S.T., Marcer, R. and Rey, V. 1999 Computation
of shoaling and breaking waves in nearshore areas by the coupling of BEM
and VOF methods. In Proc. 9th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf.
(ISOPE99, Brest, France, May 1999), Vol. III, 304-309 [pdf] (3,300K).
- Grilli, S.T., Watts, P., Guignard, S. and C.E.
Synolakis 1999 Wave amplitude and runup predictions for tsunamis generated
by underwater landslides. EOS Transactions AGU, 46,
- Tappin, D.R., Watts, P.,
Borrero, J.,Bardet, J.-P., Grilli, S.T. and C.E. Synolakis 1999
Submarine slump generation of the 1998 Papua New Guinea tsunami : the
evidence so far. EOS Transactions AGU, 46, F750.
- Grilli, S.T., Guyenne, P. and F., Dias. Numerical computation
of 3D overturning waves. Abstract in Proc. 15th Workshop on Water Waves
and Floating Bodies(Dan Caesarea, Israel, February 2000), 4pps [pdf]
- Grilli, S.T., Guyenne, P. and F., Dias. Modeling of overturning
waves over arbitrary bottom in a 3D numerical wave tank. In Proc. 10th
Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE00, Seattle, USA, May 2000),
Vol. III, 221-228 [compressed
postcript] (104K).
- Grilli, S.T., Fake, T. and M.L., Spaulding. SlickMap : An
interactive computer model of oil containment by a boom. In
Proc. 23rd Intl. Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program Technical Seminar
(AMOP, Vancouver, Canada, June 2000), 953-986.
- Brandini, C. and S.T., Grilli. 2000 On the Numerical Modeling
of extreme Highly Nonlinear Deep Water Waves. In Proc. IABEM 2000
Symposium (Brescia, Italy, July 2000), 54-58.
- Brandini, C. and S.T., Grilli. 2000 Sul Focusing delle Onde di
Gravita in un Dominio Tridimensionale. In Proc. XXVII Convegno di
Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche (IDRA2000, Genova, Italy, September
2000), 8pps.
- Guyenne, P., Grilli, S.T. and Dias, F. 2001 Numerical modeling
of fully nonlinear 3D overturning waves over arbitrary bottom. In Proc.
27th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engineering (ICCE27, Sidney, Australia,
July 2000), 12pps.
- Brandini, C. and S.T., Grilli. 2001 Evolution of
three-dimensional unsteady wave modulations. Proc. ROGUE WAVES 2000
Workshop (Brest, France, November 2000), 275-282.
[pdf] (2,450K).
- Brandini, C. and S.T., Grilli. 2001 Modeling of freak wave
generation in a 3D-NWT. In Proc. 11th Offshore and Polar Engng.
Conf. (ISOPE01, Stavanger, Norway, June 2001), Vol III, 124-131 [pdf]
- Grilli, S.T. and Watts, Ph. 2001 Modeling of
tsunami generation by an underwater landslide in a 3D-NWT. In Proc.
11th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE01, Stavanger, Norway, June
2001), Vol III, 132-139 [pdf] (540K).
- Guignard, S. and S.T., Grilli. 2001 Modeling of shoaling and
breaking waves in a 2D-NWT by using a spilling breaker model. Proc.
11th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE01, Stavanger, Norway, June
2001), Vol III, 116-123. [pdf]
Guignard, S. and S.T., Grilli 2002 Implementation and validation of a breaker model in a fully
nonlinear wave propagation model. In Proc.
4th Intl. Symp. on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis (WAVES 2001, San Francisco, USA,
Sept. 2001) 1,012-1,021, ASCE Publication
[pdf] (360K).
Grilli, S.T., Vogelmann, S. and Watts, P. 2002 Landslide tsunami amplitude prediction in a numerical
wave tank. In Proc.
4th Intl. Symp. on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis (WAVES 2001, San Francisco, USA,
Sept. 2001) 1,495-1,504, ASCE Publication
[pdf] (616K).
Watts, P., Imamura, F., Bengston, A. and Grilli, S.T. 2002 Benchmark cases for tsunamis generated
by underwater landslides. In Proc.
4th Intl. Symp. on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis (WAVES 2001, San Francisco, USA,
Sept. 2001) 1,505-1,514, ASCE Publication.
Guyenne, P., Grilli, S.T. and Dias, F. 2002 Three-dimensional numerical model for fully nonlinear
waves over arbitrary bottom. In Proc.
4th Intl. Symp. on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis (WAVES 2001, San Francisco, USA,
Sept. 2001) 1,072-1,081, ASCE Publication
[pdf] (344K).
Brandini, C. and Grilli, S.T. 2002 Three-dimensional wave focusing
in fully nonlinear wave models. In Proc.
4th Intl. Symp. on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis (WAVES 2001, San Francisco, USA,
Sept. 2001) 1,102-1,111, ASCE Publication
[pdf] (2,700K).
Pradal, M.-A., Grilli, S.T., Williams, Z., and J., Dugan 2002 Application
des Algorithmes d'inversion de la profondeur à des données
de terrain.
Proc. VIIème Journées Nationales Génie
Cotier Génie Civil (Anglet, France, 5/02).
[pdf] (1,400K).
- Biausser, B., Grilli, S.T., Marcer, R. and Fraunie, P., 2003 Numerical
Analysis of the Internal Kinematics and Dynamics of 3D Breaking
Waves on Slopes. In Proc. 18th Workshop on Water Waves and Floating
Bodies (Nantes, France, Avril 2003), 6 pps.
[pdf] (192K).
- Biausser, B., Grilli, S.T. and Fraunie, P., 2003. Numerical Simulations of
Three-dimensional Wave Breaking by Coupling of a VOF Method and A Boundary
Element Method.
In Proc. 13th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE03,
Honolulu, USA, May 2003), 333-339.
[pdf] (1,100K)
- Biausser, B., Grilli, S.T. and Fraunie, P., 2003. Numerical Analysis of the
Internal Kinematics and Dynamics of Three-Dimensional Breaking Waves on Slopes.
In Proc. 13th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE03,
Honolulu, USA, May 2003), 340-346.
[pdf] (2,500K)
- Guyenne, P. and Grilli, S.T., 2003 Computations of 3D Overturning Waves
in Shallow Water. In Proc. 13th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE03,
Honolulu, USA, May 2003), 347-352.
[pdf] (552K)
- Lachaume, C., Biausser, B., Grilli, S.T., Fraunie, P. and Guignard, S. 2003
Modeling of breaking and post-breaking
waves on slopes by coupling of BEM and VOF methods.
In Proc. 13th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE03,
Honolulu, USA, May 2003), 353-359.
[pdf] (900K)
- Watts, P. and Grilli, S.T., 2003. Tsunami
Generation by Deformable Underwater Landslides. In Proc. 13th Offshore
and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE03,
Honolulu, USA, May 2003), 364-371.
[pdf] (280K)
- Enet, F, Grilli, S.T. and Watts, P., 2003. Laboratory Experiments for Tsunamis Generated by Underwater
Landslides: Comparison with Numerical Modeling. In Proc. 13th Offshore
and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE03,
Honolulu, USA, May 2003), 372-379.
[pdf] (3,400K)
- Fochesato, C., Dias, F., and Grilli, S.T., 2003. Numerical Model Using
the Fast Multipole Algorithm for
Nonlinear Three-dimensional Free Surface Waves over Arbitrary Bottom. In Proc. 13th Offshore
and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE03,
Honolulu, USA, May 2003).
- Fochesato C., Dias F. and Grilli S.T. 2003. Modèle
Numérique Tridimensionnel
pour les Ondes de Surface sur un Fond Quelconque. In Proc. 9th
Journées de
l'Hydrodynamique, (Nantes, France) pp. 355-367.
- Grilli, S.T., Voropayev, S., Testik, F.Y. and Fernando, H.J.S., 2003.
Numerical Modeling and Experiments of Wave Shoaling over Buried Cylinders
in Sandy Bottom. In Proc. 13th Offshore
and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE03,
Honolulu, USA, May 2003), 405-412.
[pdf] (448K)
- Grilli, S.T., Gilbert, R., Lubin, P., Vincent, S., Legendre, D.,
Duvam, M., Kimmoun, O., Branger, H., Devrard, D., Fraunie, P.,
Abadie, S. 2004 Numerical modeling and experiments for solitary wave
shoaling and breaking over a sloping beach. In Proc. 14th Offshore and
Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE04, Toulon, France, May 2004), 306-312.
[pdf] (472K).
- Fochesato C., Dias F. and Grilli S.T. 2005. Wave Energy
Focusing in a Three-dimensional Numerical Wavetank. In Proc. Rogue
Waves 2004 Conf. (Brest, France, June 2004).
[pdf] (1,100K).
- Sung H.G. and Grilli S.T. 2005. Numerical Modeling of Nonlinear Surface
Waves caused by Surface Effect Ships. Dynamics and Kinematics.
In Proc. 15th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE05,
Seoul, South Korea, June 2005), 124-131.
[pdf] (2,000K).
- Fochesato C., Dias F. and Grilli S.T. 2005.
Wave energy focusing in a three-dimensional numerical wave tank.
In Proc. 15th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE05,
Seoul, South Korea, June 2005), 24-31.
[pdf] (1,200K).
- Gilbert R.W., Zedler E.A., Grilli S.T. and Street R.L.
2005. Modelling of Wave-Driven Sediment Transport in the Shoaling Zone.
In Proc. 5th Intl. Symp. on Ocean Wave Measurement
and Analysis (WAVES 2005, Madrid, Spain, July 2005), IAHR
Publication, paper 121, 10 pps.
[pdf] (376K).
- Grilli S.T., Fochesato C. and Dias F.,
2005. Wave Energy Focusing in a Three-dimensional Numerical Wavetank.
In Proc. 5th Intl. on Ocean Wave Measurement
and Analysis (WAVES 2005, Madrid, Spain, July 2005), IAHR
Publication, paper 197, 10 pps.
[pdf] (2,000K).
- Enet F. and Grilli S.T.,
2005. Tsunami Landslide Generation: Modelling and Experiments.
In Proc. 5th Intl. on Ocean Wave Measurement
and Analysis (WAVES 2005, Madrid, Spain, July 2005), IAHR
Publication, paper 88, 10 pps.
[pdf] (768K).
- Watts P., Ioulalen M., Grilli S.T., F. Shi and Kirby J.T.,
2005. Numerical Simulation of the December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean
Tsunami using a Higher-order Boussinesq Model.
In Proc. 5th Intl. on Ocean Wave Measurement
and Analysis (WAVES 2005, Madrid, Spain, July 2005), IAHR
Publication, paper 221, 10 pps.
[pdf] (988K).
- Devrard D., Marcer R., Grilli S.T., Fraunie P. and Rey V.,
2005. Experimental Validation of a Coupled BEM-Navier-Stokes Model for
Solitary Wave Shoaliing and Breaking.
In Proc. 5th Intl. on Ocean Wave Measurement
and Analysis (WAVES 2005, Madrid, Spain, July 2005),
IAHR Publication, paper 166, 10 pps.
[pdf] (300K).
- Sung H.G. and Grilli S.T. 2006. Combined Eulerian-Lagrangian or Pseudo-Lagrangian
Descriptions of Waves Caused by an Advancing Free Surface Disturbance.
In Proc. 16th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE06,
San Francisco, California, June 2006), 3, 487-494.
[pdf] (1.4M).
- Corte, C. and Grilli S.T. 2006. Numerical Modeling of Extreme Wave Slamming on
Cylindrical Offshore Support Structures.
In Proc. 16th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE06,
San Francisco, California, June 2006), 3, 394-401.
[pdf] (484K).
- Abadie, S., Grilli, S.T. and Glockner, S. 2007. A coupled numerical model for
tsunamis generated by subaerial and submarine mass failures. In Proc.
30th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engineering (ICCE30, San Diego, California,
September 2006), 1420-1431.
[pdf] (2.6M).
- Grilli, A., R., Merrill, J., Grilli, S.T., Spaulding, M.L., and Cheung,
J.T. 2007. Experimental and numerical study of spar buoy-magnet/spring
oscillators used as wave energy absorbers.
Proc. 17th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE07,
Lisbon, Portugal, July 2007), 489-496.
[pdf] (1.4M).
- Harris, J.C., and Grilli, S.T. 2007. Computation of the wavemaking resistance of a Harley
surface effect ship.
Proc. 17th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE07,
Lisbon, Portugal, July 2007), 3732-3739.
[pdf] (1.0M).
- Maretzki, S., Grilli, S.T. and Baxter, D.P. 2007. Probabilistic SMF
Tsunami Hazard Assessment for the upper East Coast of the United States.
Proc. 3rd Intl. Symp. on Submarine Mass Movements and their
Consequences (Santorini, Greece, October 2007) (Santorini, Greece, October 2007) (Lykousis, V., Sakellariou,
D., Locat, J., eds), Springer, 377-386.
[pdf] (2.2M).
- Bradshaw, A.S., Baxter, C.D.P., Taylor, O-D.S. and Grilli, S.T. 2007.
Role of Soil Behavior on the Initial Kinematics of
Tsunamigenic Slides. In
Proc. 3rd Intl. Symp. on Submarine Mass Movements and their
Consequences (Santorini, Greece, October 2007) (Lykousis, V., Sakellariou,
D., Locat, J., eds), Springer, 387-394.
[pdf] (144K).
- Pomeau Y., Le Bars M., Le Gal P., Jamin T., Le Berre M., Guyenne Ph.,
Grilli S.T. and Audoly B. 2008.
Sur le déferlement des vagues (Comptes-rendus de la 11eme
Rencontre du Non-lineaire, Paris, 2008), p. 155. In Publications
Non-lineaires (pnl@lps.u-psud.fr).
[pdf] (460K).
- Taylor, O.-D.S., Bradshaw, A.S., Baxter,, C.D.P., and S.T. Grilli
2008. The
Effects of Basal Resistance and Hydroplaning on the Initial Kinematics of
Seismically Induced Tsunamigenic Landslides. In Proc. of GeoCongress
2008: Geosustainability and Geohazard Mitigation (GSP 178), pp. 522-529.
[pdf] (316K).
- Asavanant, J., Ioualalen, M., Kaewbanjak, N., Grilli, S.T., Watts,
P., Kirby, J.T. and F. Shi 2008. Numerical Simulation of the December
26,2004: Indian Ocean Tsunami. In Modeling, Simulaton and
Optimization of Complex Processes (Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf. on
High Performance Scientific Computing, Hanoi, Vietnam, 3/2006; eds. H.G.
Bock, E. Kostina, H.X. Phu and R. Rannacher), pps. 59-68, Springer Verlag,
- El Bettah, M., S.T. Grilli, C.D.P. Baxter, K. Bollinger,
M. Krafczyk and C. Janssen 2008. A microfluidics study of the triggering
of underwater landslides by earthquakes.
Presented at the 18th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE08,
Vancouver, Canada, July 2008), 8 pps.
[pdf] (1.2Mb).
- Grilli, S.T. 2008. On the Development and Application of Hybrid Numerical
Models in Nonlinear Free Surface Hydrodynamics.
Keynote lecture in Proc. 8th Intl. Conf. on Hydrodynamics
(Nantes, France, September 2008) (P. Ferrant
and X.B. Chen, eds.), pps. 21-50. ICHD2008 Local
Organizing Committee Publications.
[pdf] (3.2Mb).
- Morichon, D., Abadie, S., Glockner, S., Grilli, S.T. 2009. Validation of
a Navier-Stokes VOF solver used to simulate impulse waves generated by
mass faiure. In Proc. of the 3rd Intl. Conf. on
Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural
Resources (Pau, France, June 2009), pp. 683-688.
- Kirby, J. T., Pophet, N., Shi, F. and Grilli, S. T. 2009.
Basin scale tsunami propagation modeling using Boussinesq models:
Parallel implementation in spherical coordinates. In Proc.
WCCE-ECCE-TCCE Joint Conf. on Earthquake and Tsunami (Istanbul,
Turckey, June 22-24), paper 100 (published on CD).
[pdf] (524Kb).
- Grilli, S.T., Harris, J. and N. Greene 2009. Modeling of Wave-induced
Sediment Transport around Obstacles. In Proc. 31st Intl. Coastal
Engng. Conf. (J. Mc Kee Smith, ed.) (ICCE31, Hamburg, Germany, September, 2008), pps.
World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
[pdf] (1.1Mb).
- Abadie S., C. Gandon, S. Grilli, R. Fabre,
J. Riss, E. Tric, D. Morichon, and S. Glockner 2009.
3D Numerical Simulations
of Waves Generated by Subaerial Mass Failures. Application to La Palma
Case. In Proc. 31st Intl. Coastal
Engng. Conf. (J. Mc Kee Smith, ed.) (ICCE31, Hamburg, Germany, September, 2008),
pps. 1,384-1,395.
World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
[pdf] (5.5Mb).
- Bastien, S.P., Sepe R.B., Grilli A.R., Grilli S.T.,
and M.L. Spaulding 2009.
Ocean Wave Energy Harvesting Buoy for Sensors. In Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress
and Exposition
(ECCE09, San Jose CA, September, 2009), pps 3718-3725,
doi: 978-1-4244-2893-9/09/.
[pdf] (436Kb).
- Guerber, E., M. Benoit, C. Buvat, S.T. Grilli, and C. Kassiotis 2010.
Numerical modeling of fully nonlinear interactions
of ocean waves with a submerged moving body. Abstract for Modeling of Fully Nonlinear Wave Interactions with Moving Submerged StructuresModeling of Fully Nonlinear Wave Interactions with Moving Submerged Structures4th European Conf.
on Computational Mechanics (ECCM2010, Palais des Congrès, Paris, France,
May 16-21,2010).
- Guerber, E., M. Benoit, S.T. Grilli, C. Buvat 2010.
Modélisation non-linÈaire des interactions des vagues
avec un corps mobile immergÈ. In Proc. XIème Journées
Nationales Génie
Côtier Génie Civil (Sables d'Olonne, France, June 22-24, 2010), pps.
783-794, www.paralia.fr/jngcgc-2010.htm.
[pdf] (131kb).
- Guerber, E., M. Benoit, S.T. Grilli, and C. Buvat, S.T. 2010.
Modeling of Fully Nonlinear Wave Interactions with Moving Submerged Structures.
In Proc. 20th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE10,
China, June 20-25, 2010), pps. 529-536. Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar
[pdf] (623kb).
- Guerber, E., M. Benoit, S.T. Grilli, and C. Buvat, S.T. 2010.
Numerical study of nonlinear effects on the two-dimensional dynamics of a submerged wave-energy converter.
In Proc. 12th Journées de l'Hydrodynamique. (Nantes,
France, November 17-19, 2010)
[pdf] (569kb).
- Harris J.C. and S.T. Grilli 2010.
Coupling of NWT and large-eddy simulation for wave-induced
sediment transport.
In Proc. 20th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE10,
China, June 20-25, 2010), pps. 578-585. Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar
[pdf] (946kb).
- Janssen C.F., S.T. Grilli and M. Krafczyk 2010.
Modeling of Wave Breaking and Wave-Structure Interactions by Coupling of Fully Nonlinear Potential
Flow and Lattice-Boltzmann Models.
In Proc. 20th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE10,
China, June 20-25, 2010), pps. 686-693. Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar
[pdf] (385kb).
- Mokrani C., S. Abadie, S.T. Grilli and K. Zibouche 2010.
Numerical Simulation of the impact of a plunging breaker on a vertical structure and subsequent overtopping event using a
Navier-Stokes VOF model.
In Proc. 20th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE10,
China, June 20-25, 2010), pps. 729-736. Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar
[pdf] (659kb).
- Abadie, S., J. Harris and S.T. Grilli 2011.
Numerical simulation of tsunami generation by the potential
flank collapse of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano.
In Proc. 21st Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE11,
HI, USA, June 19-24, 2011), pps. 687-694, Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar
[pdf] (831kb).
- Grilli, S.T., C.-A. Guérin and B. Goldstein 2011.
Ocean wave reconstruction algorithms based on spatio-temporal data acquired by a flash LIDAR camera.
In Proc. 21st Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE11,
HI, USA, June 19-24, 2011), pps. 275-282, Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar
[pdf] (360kb).
- Grilli, S.T., A.R. Grilli, S.P. Bastien, R.B. Sepe, Jr., M.L. Spaulding
2011. Small
Buoys for Energy Harvesting : Experimental and Numerical Modeling
Studies. In Proc. 21st Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE11,
Maui, HI, USA, June 19-24, 2011), pps. 598-605, Intl. Society of Offshore and
Polar Engng.
[pdf] (348kb).
- Grilli, S.T., J.C. Harris, T. Tajalibakhsh, J.T. Kirby, F. Shi, T.L. Masterlark and
C. Kyriakopoulos 2012.
Numerical simulation of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami:
Comparison with field observations and sensitivity to model parameters.
In Proc. 22nd Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE12,
Greece, June 17-22, 2012), Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar
Engng., 6-13.
[pdf] (6.6Mb).
- Harris, J.C., S.T. Grilli, S. Abadie and T. Tajalibakhsh 2012.
Near- and far-field tsunami hazard from the potential flank collapse of the
Cumbre Vieja Volcano.
In Proc. 22nd Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE12,
Greece, June 17-22, 2012), Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar
Engng., 242-249.
[pdf] (924kb).
- Janssen, C.F., S.T. Grilli and Krafczyk, M. 2012.
Efficient simulations of long wave propagation and runup using a
LBM approach on GPGPU hardware.
In Proc. 22nd Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE12,
Greece, June 17-22, 2012), Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar
Engng., 145-152.
[pdf] (870kb).
- Grilli S.T., J.C. Harris, T.S. Tajali-Bakhsh, D.R. Tappin, T. Masterlark, J.T. Kirby, F. Shi, and G. Ma 2012. Recent progress in the nonlinear and dispersive modeling of tsunami generation and coastal impact: application to Tohoku 2011. Proc. 13th Journées Hydrodynamiques (Chatou, France, Nov. 21-23, 2012), 16 pps.
- Nougquier F., Grilli S.T. and C.A. Guérin 2012. Reconstruction and prediction of sea surface state with
spatio-temporal observations of the sea surface by a LIDAR camera. Proc. 13th Journées Hydrodynamiques (Chatou, France, Nov. 21-23, 2012), 12 pps.
[pdf] (421kb).
- Harris J.C., Grilli S.T. and S. Abadie 2012. Numerical simulation of the tsunami generated by the Cumbre Vieja flank collapse (La Palma, Canary Islands) by a coupled Navier-Stokes / Boussinesq approach. Proc. 13th Journées Hydrodynamiques (Chatou, France, Nov. 21-23, 2012), 13 pps.
[pdf] (3.4Mb).
- Nimmala, S.B., S.C. Yim and S.T. Grilli 2012.
An Efficient 3D-FNPF Numerical Wave Tank
for virtual Large-Scale Wave Basin Experiments. In Proc. 31st Intl. Conf. on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering
(OMAE2012, Rio de Janeiro, July 1-6, 2012), paper No. 83760, 8pps.
[pdf] (287kb).
- Grilli, J.C. Harris,D.R. Tappin, T. Masterlark, J.T. Kirby, F. Shi, and G. Ma 2013. Numerical modeling of coastal tsunami dissipation and impact. In Proc. 33rd Intl. Coastal
Engng. Conf. (P. Lynett and J. Mc Kee Smith, eds.) (ICCE12, Santander, Spain, July, 2012), 12 pps. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
[pdf] (2.9Mb).
- Grilli, S.T., J.C. Harris, J.T. Kirby, F. Shi, and G. Ma, T. Masterlark, D.R. Tappin and T.S. Tajali-Bakhsh 2013.
On the dispersive modeling of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami generation by coseismic/SMF processes, and near- and far-field
impact. In Proc. 28th Intl. Workshop on Water Waves and
Floating Bodies (L'isle sur la Sorgue, France, April 2013) (ed. B. Molin, O. Kimmoun, F. Remy), pp. 77-80,
Ecole Centrale de Marseilles
- Grilli, S.T., J.C. Harris, J.T. Kirby, F. Shi, and G. Ma, T. Masterlark, D.R. Tappin and T.S. Tajali-Bakhsh 2013.
Modeling of the Tohoku-Oki 2011 tsunami generation, far-field and coastal impact: a mixed co-seismic and SMF source. In Proc. 7th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Dynamics (Arcachon, France, June 2013) (ed. P. Bonneton), paper 068, 749-758.
[pdf] (1.2Mb)
- Banari A., Grilli S.T. and Janssen C. 2013. An improved two-phase lattice Boltzmann model for high density ratios: application to wave breaking. In Proc. ASME 32nd Intl. Conf. on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engng. (OMAE2013, June 9-14, 2013, Nantes, France), paper No. 10102, 9 pps. [pdf] (4.7Mb).
- Gemme, D.A., Bastien, S.P., Sepe R.B., Montgomery J., Grilli S.T. and Grilli A.R.
2013. Experimental Testing and Model Validation for Ocean
Wave Energy Harvesting Buoys. In Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress
and Exposition
(ECCE13, Denver CO, September, 2013), paper 1407, 337-343
[pdf] (1.8Mb).
- Nouguier, F., Grilli, S.T., and C.-A. Guérin 2013. Nonlinear ocean wave reconstruction algorithms based on simulated spatiotemporal data aquired by a Flash LIDAR camera. In Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf. on Ocean and Coastal Observation: Sensors and observing systems, numerical models and informaiton. (OCOSS; Nice, France, October 2013) (ed. T.J. Tanzi, J.-P. Damiano and J. Isnard), pps. 267-270.
- Harris, J.C., Dombre, E., Benoit, M. and S.T. Grilli 2014. Fast integral equation methods for fully nonlinear water wave modeling. To appear in Proc. 24th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE14, Busan, South Korea, June 2014), Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar Engng., pps. 583-590. [pdf] (0.4Mb).
- Harris J.C., Dombre E., Benoit M. and Grilli S.T. 2014. A comparison of methods in fully nonlinear boundary element numerical wave tank development. Proc. 14th Journées Hydrodynamiques (Val de Reuil, France, Nov. 18-20, 2014), 13 pps. [pdf] (1.1Mb).
- David, E., Coulet, C. Grilli, A.R., and Grilli S.T., 2015.
Vulnérabilité des zones cotières face aux tsunamis, l'exemple d'Hispaniola.
In Proc. 33 ème Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil 2015 (AUGC 2015,
Anglet, France. May 27-29, 2015), 8 pps.
[pdf] (0.8Mb).
- Grilli, S.T., Grosdidier S. and C.-A. Guerin 2015.
Modeling of tsunami detection by High Frequency Radar based on simulated tsunami case studies in the
Mediterranean Sea.
In Proc. 25th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE15,
Kona, HI, USA. June 21-26, 2015). Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar
Engng., 851-859
[pdf] (748Kb).
- Grilli, A.R., Grilli S.T., David, E. and C. Coulet 2015.
Modeling of tsunami propagation in the Atlantic Ocean Basin for tsunami hazard assessment along the
North Shore of Hispaniola.
In Proc. 25th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE15,
Kona, HI, USA. June 21-26, 2015). Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar
Engng., 733-740
[pdf] (3.2Mb).
- O'Reilly, C., Grilli, S.T., Dahl, J., Banari, A., Janssen, C., Shock, J.J. and M. Uberrueck 2015. Solution of viscous flows in a hybrid naval hydrodynamic scheme based on an efficient Lattice Boltzmann Method. In Proc. 13th Intl. Conf. on Fast Sea Transportation (FAST 2015, Washington, D.C., USA, September 2015), 9 pps. (online only).
[pdf] (1.6Mb).
- Shelby M., Grilli S.T., Ma G., Kirby J.T. and F. Shi 2016.
Sensitivity of coastal tsunami hazard to the modeling of tsunami generation by Submarine Mass Failures of various rheology. Presented at the 14th Estuarine and Coastal Modeling Conference (ECM14) (June 13-15, Kingston, RI, USA).
- Tehranirad B., Kirby J.T., Shi F. and S.T. Grilli 2016. Morphological Response of Barrier Islands During Tsunami Inundation. Presented at the 14th Estuarine and Coastal Modeling Conference (ECM14) (June 13-15, Kingston, RI, USA).
- Hashemi M.R., Grilli S.T., Neill S.P. and A.G. Davies 2016. Modelling the impact of a tidal stream array on bed load sediment transport. Presented at the 14th Estuarine and Coastal Modeling Conference (ECM14) (June 13-15, Kingston, RI, USA).
- Grilli S.T., M. Shelby, A.R. Grilli, C.-A. Guérin, Samuel Grosdidier and T. Lado Insua 2016. Algorithms for tsunami detection by High Frequency Radar : development and case studies for tsunami impact in British Columbia, Canada. In Proc. 26th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE16, Rodos, Greece. June 2016), Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar Engng., pps. 807-814 [pdf] (764Kb).
- Schambach L., Grilli A.R., Hashemi M.H., King J. and S.T. Grilli 2016. Modeling the impact of historical storms on the Rhode Island shoreline. Abstract to be presented at the ASBPA 2016 National Coastal Conference (Long Branch, NJ, 10/16).
- O'Reilly C.M., Grilli S.T., Harris J.C., Mivehchi A., Janssen C.F. and J. Dahl 2016. Development of a hybrid LBM-potential flow model for Naval Hydrodynamics. In Proc. 15th Journée de l'hydrodynamique (JH2016) (November 22-24, Brest, France), 15pps.
[pdf] (2Mb).
- Harris J.C., Dombre E., Mivehchi A., Benoit M., Grilli S.T. and
C. Peyrard 2016. Progress in fully nonlinear wave modeling for wave-structure interaction. In Proc. 15th Journée de l'hydrodynamique (JH2016) (November 22-24, Brest, France), 12pps.
[pdf] (2.3Mb).
- Grilli, S.T., Grilli, A.R., Tehranirad, B. and J.T. Kirby 2017. Modeling tsunami sources and their propagation in the
Atlantic Ocean for coastal tsunami hazard assessment and inundation mapping along the US East Coast. In Proc. Coastal Structures and Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2015 : Tsunamis (Boston, USA. September 9-11, 2015), American Soc. Civil Eng., pps. 1-12
[pdf] (2.9Mb).
- Abdolali A., Kirby J.T., Bellotti G., Grilli, S.T. and J.C. Harris 2017. Hydro-acoustic Wave Generation During the Tohoku-oki 2011 Earthquake. In Proc. Coastal Structures and Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2015 : Tsunamis (Boston, USA. September 9-11, 2015), American Soc. Civil Eng., pps. 24-34
[pdf] (13.3Mb).
- Tehranirad, B., Kirby J. T., and S. T. Grilli and F. Shi 2017. Does morphological adjustment during tsunami inundation increase levels of hazard ?. In Proc. Coastal Structures and Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2015 : Tsunamis (Boston, USA. September 9-11, 2015), American Soc. Civil Eng., pps. 145-153
[pdf] (0.4Mb).
- Guérin C.-A., Grilli S.T., P. Moran, A.R. Grilli and T. Lado Insua 2017. Tsunami detection by High Frequency Radar using a Time-Correlation Algorithm: performance analysis based on data from a HF radar in British Columbia. In Proc. 27th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE17, San Francsico, USA. June 2017), Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar Engng., pps. 930-936 [pdf].
- Mivehchi A., J.C. Harris, S.T. Grilli, J.M. Dahl, C.M. O'Reilly, K. Kuznetsov and C.F. Janssen 2017. A hybrid solver based on efficient BEM-potential and LBM-NS models: recent BEM developments and applications to naval hydrodynamics. In Proc. 27th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE17, San Francsico, USA. June 2017), Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar Engng., pps. 721-728 [pdf].
- O'Reilly C.M., S.T. Grilli, J.C. Harris, A. Mivehchi, C.F. Janssen and J.M. Dahl 2017. A Hybrid Solver Based on Efficient BEM-potential and LBM-NS Models: Recent LBM Developments and
Applications to Naval Hydrodynamics. In Proc. 27th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE17, San Francsico, USA. June 2017), Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar Engng., pps. 713-720 [pdf].
- Harris J.C., K. Kuznetsov, C. Peyrard, A. Mivehchi, S.T. Grilli and M. Benoit 2017. Simulation of wave forces on a gravity based foundation by a BEM based on fully nonlinear potential flow. In Proc. 27th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE17, San Francsico, USA. June 2017), Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar Engng., pps. 1,033-1,040 [pdf].
- Harris J.C., O'Reilly C.M., Mivehchi A., Kuznetsov K., Janssen C.F., Grilli S.T. and J.M. Dahl 2018. Hybrid modeling of wave structure interaction with overlapping viscous-inviscid domains. In Proc. 33rd Intl.
Workshop Water Waves and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB18, Guidel-Plages, France, April 4-7, 2018), 4 pps.
- Desmars, N., Pérignon, Y., Ducrozet, G., Guérin C.-A., Grilli, S.T. and P. Ferrant 2018. Phase-resolved reconstruction algorithm and deterministic prediction of nonlinear ocean waves from spatio-temporal optical measurements. In Proc. ASME 2018 Intl. Conf. Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engng. (OMAE 2018, Madrid, Spain, June 17-22, 2018), Paper 78367, 12 pps. [pdf]
- Grilli, S.T., Dahl, J.M., Grilli, A.R. and S.C. Steele 2018. Real-time sea-state estimation from inertial measurements of a ship's motions. In Proc. 16th Journée de l'hydrodynamique (JH2018) (November 27-29, Marseille, France), 12 pps.
- Desmars, N., Pérignon, Y., Ducrozet, G., Guérin C.-A., Grilli, S.T. and P. Ferrant 2018. Phase-resolved prediction of nonlinear ocean wave fields from remote optical measurements. In Proc. 16th Journée de l'hydrodynamique (JH2018) (November 27-29, Marseille, France), 13 pps. [pdf].
- Al Naser N., Grilli A.R., Grilli S.T., Baxter C., Bradshaw A. and B. Maggi 2018. Land use and mitigation effects on barrier beach erosion in storms case study in RI. In Proc. 36th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engng. (ICCE18; Baltimore, Jul 30 - Aug 3), ASCE, 1(36), 40, doi:10.9753/icce.v36.papers.108 .
- Grilli S.T 2020. The December 22, 2018 Anak Krakatau Collapse: Modeling of the Slide and Tsunami Impact; Comparison to Field Surveys. In Proc. 36th (virtual) Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engng. (ICCE20, ASCE, 1(36), 36v, 11-11 doi:10.9753/icce.v36v.keynote.11 .
- Iorio, V., G. Bellotti, C. Cecioni, and S.T, Grilli 2020. A Numerical Model for the Efficient Simulation of Multiple Landslide-Tsunami Scenarios. In Proc. 36th (virtual) Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engng. (ICCE20, ASCE, 1(36), 36v, 20-20 doi:10.9753/icce.v36v.currents.20 .
- Harris, J.C., A. Mivehchi and S.T, Grilli 2020. Modeling Breaking Wake of a Submerged Hydrofoil with Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow. In Proc. 17th Journée de l'hydrodynamique (JH2020) (November 24-26, Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, France), 2 pps. (article).
- Harris, J.C., M.L. Yates, S. Mohanlal L.R. Pastur, C. Peyrard, C. Buvat, S.T. Grilli, G. Dreysse, A. Guidel, J. Wang 2022. Improvement of the 3D modeling of breaking waves in a maritime environment. Presented at the 18th Journées de l'Hydrodynamique (JH2022, Poitiers, France, November 22-24, 2022).
- Mohanlal S., Kimmoun, L., Grilli S.T. and J.C. Harris 2022. Simulation of steepness-limited breaking waves in a fully nonlinear potential flow model. Coastal Engng. Proc., (37), waves.24 (ICCE2022, Sydney, Australia, 23/4-9/2022),
- Grilli A.R., E. Schuh, F. Groetsch, A. Leone, D. Crowley, S.T. Grilli, I. Ginis, J.P. Walsh, P. Stempel, P. Rubinoff, C. Damon, and R. Duhaime 2022. Reinforcing ecosystem engineers with enhanced vegetation and an artificial reef along the Rhode Island coastal barrier systems. Coastal Engng. Proc., (37), management.90 (ICCE2022, Sydney, Australia, 23/4-9/2022),
- Grilli S.T., M. Mohammadpour, A.R. Grilli, C. Zhang, D. Tappin A. Novellino and S. Watt 2022. Simulation of tsunami generation and near- and far-field impact from the 1/15/22 eruption of the Hunga Tonga - Hunga Ha'apai volcano. Coastal Engng. Proc., (37), management.85 (ICCE2022, Sydney, Australia, 23/4-9/2022),
- Cecioni C., G. Bellotti, V. Iorio and S.T. Grilli 2022. Landslide tsunami hazard assessment: a numerical model for the simulation of multiple landslide-induced tsunamis scenarios in a Monte Carlo framework. Coastal Engng. Proc., (37), management.51 (ICCE2022, Sydney, Australia, 23/4-9/2022),
- Grilli A.R., F. Groetsch, E. Schuh, A. Leone, D. Crowley, S.T. Grilli, I. Ginis, J.P. Walsh, Whaling I., P. Stempel, P. Rubinoff, R. Duhaime, C. Damon, A. Babson, M. LaFrance Bartley 2023. Can we mitigate future breachings in the Rhode Island beach barrier system? In Proc. 10th International Conference on Coastal Sediments (COASTAL SEDIMENT '23, New Orleans, USA, April 11-15, 2023), pp. 2534-2542, doi:10.1142/9789811275135_0231.
- Whaling I., J.P. Walsh, D. Crowley, I. Ginis, A.R. Grilli, A. Leone, S.T. Grilli, P. Stempel, P. Rubinoff, R. Duhaime, C. Damon, A. Babson, M. LaFrance Bartley 2023. Geomorphological evolution of a managed vs an unmanaged shoreline on the southern coast of Rhode Island. In Proc. 10th International Conference on Coastal Sediments (COASTAL SEDIMENT '23, New Orleans, USA, April 11-15, 2023), pp. 1044-1054, doi:10.1142/9789811275135_0096.
- Crowley D., I. Ginis, J.P. Walsh, Whaling I., A.R. Grilli, A. Leone, S.T. Grilli, P. Stempel, P. Rubinoff, R. Duhaime, C. Damon, A. Babson, M. LaFrance Bartley, and C. Schmitt 2023. Shoreline change impacts on coastal vulnerability to Nor'easters in southeast Cape Cod. In Proc. 10th International Conference on Coastal Sediments (COASTAL SEDIMENT '23, New Orleans, USA, April 11-15, 2023), pp. 2493-2506, doi:10.1142/9789811275135_0227.
- Stempel P., Nasr-azadani E., Russ C., Becker A, Ginis I., Crowley D., Grilli A.R., Grilli S.T., Walsh J.P., Whaling I., Rubinoff P., Duhaime R., and C. Damon 2023. Dilemmas in 3D landscape visualization of coastal hazards for public engagement. In Proc. 10th International Conference on Coastal Sediments (COASTAL SEDIMENT '23, New Orleans, USA, April 11-15, 2023), pp. 2615-2629, doi:10.1142/9789811275135_0239.
- Alkarem Y., Huguenard K., Kimball R.W., Hejrati B., Albertson S., Fontaine J., Grilli S.T., Steele S. and J.M. Dahl 2023. Digital Twin Model Development for Mitigating Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Motions Due to Wave Actions. Digital Twin Model Development for Mitigating Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Motions Due to Wave Actions. Paper No. 2023-TPC-0672, presented at the 33rd Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE23, Ottawa, Canada, June 2023) [pdf]
- Steele S., Albertson S., Fontaine J., Dahl J.M., Grilli S.T., Hashemi R.M., Alkarem Y., Kimball R.W. and B. Hejrati 2023. Active control of the wave-induced motions of a float: real-time simulations with a digital twin and experimental validation. Paper No. 2023-TPC-0713, presented at the 33rd Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE23, Ottawa, Canada, June 2023) [pdf]
- Albertson S., Gharakhanlou M., Steele S., Grilli S.T., Dahl J.M., Grilli A.R., Hashemi R.M., Alkarem Y. and K. Huguenard 2023. Improved control of floating offshore wind turbine motion by using phase-resolved wave reconstruction and forecast. Improved control of floating offshore wind turbine motion by using phase-resolved wave reconstruction and forecast. Paper No. 2023-TPC-0693, presented at the 33rd Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE23, Ottawa, Canada, June 2023) [pdf]
- Mohanlal S., J.C. Harris, M.L. Yates and S.T. Grilli 2023. 3D depth-limited breaking waves in fully non-linear potential flow. In Proc. 38th Intl. Workshop Water Waves and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB38, University of Michigan, USA, May 7-10, 2023), 4 pps.
- Mohanlal S., J.C. Harris, M.L. Yates, L. Pastur, C. Peyrard and S.T. Grilli 2023. Breaking waves in a fully non-linear potential flow model. In Proc. Rencontre du non-linéaire 2023 (University of Paris Cité, France, March 28-30, 2023), 1 pps.
- Alkarem Y.R., K. Huguenard, R.W. Kimball, B. Hejrati, I. Ammermann, A.R. Nejad, J. Fontaine,
R. Hashemi and S.T. Grilli 2024. Multi-Fidelity Digital Twin for Rapid and Accurate Twinning of Floating Wind Turbines Incorporating Wave Predicting Capabilities. In Proc. Wind Europe 2024 Conf. (Bilbso, Spain, March 2024), 10 pps.
- Cecioni C., G. Bellotti and S.T. Grilli 2024. A numerical model for landslide tsunami hazard assessment. Presented at the 34th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE24, Rhodos, Greece, June 2024) [pdf]
- Fotia, M., Kirby, J.T., Derakhti, M. and S.T. Grilli 2024. Wave breaking onset and dissipation in a fully non-linear, staggered grid Boussinesq model. Presented at the 38th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2024, Rome, Italy, September 2024), Abstract 764.
- Cecioni, C., Bellotti, G. and S.T. Grilli 2024. Probabilistic tsunami hazard analysis from submarine mass failure: a Monte Carlo approach to a case study in Italy. Presented at the 38th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2024, Rome, Italy, September 2024), Abstract 880.
- Grilli, S.T., Grilli, A.R., Cheng, W., Horrillo, J., Cecioni, C., and G. Bellotti 2024. A new modeling framework for probabilistic landslide tsunami hazard analyses. Presented at the 38th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2024, Rome, Italy, September 2024), Abstract 973.
- Grilli, A.R., Leone, A. Becker, T., Crowley, D., Stempel, P., Walsh, J.P., Ginis, I., Grilli, S.T., Damon, C., Duhaime, R. and P. Rubinoff 2024. Power and limitations of Nature-Based solutions to enhance coastal resilience. Presented at the 38th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2024, Rome, Italy, September 2024), Abstract 988.
- Harris, J.C., Mohanlal, S., Yates, M. and S.T. Grilli 2024. 3D depth-limited breaking waves over variable bathymetry in fully nonlinear potential flow. Presented at the 38th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2024, Rome, Italy, September 2024), Abstract 1008.
- Dahl, J., Gimple, M., Robbins, C., Mabile, C., Gharakhanlou, M., Steele, S., Knight, B., Phillips, B. and Grilli, S. 2024. Development of LIDAR based wave measurement and reconstruction system for real time near field wave forecasting and floating system control. Presented at the 66th meeting of the American Physical Society (Salt Lake City, November, 2024).
- Yates, M., Mohanlal, S., Harris, J.C., Wang, J. Pastur, L., Peyrard, C. and S.T. Grilli 2024. Numerical and Experimental Wave Breaking Characterization. Presented at the 19th Journée de l'hydrodynamique (JH2024, Nantes, Framce, November 2024).
- Harris, J.C., Kimmoun, L., Mohanlal, S., McTighe, J., Dahl, J. and S.T. Grilli 2024. Particle Image Velocimetry of Plunging Breaking Waves. Presented at the 19th Journée de l'hydrodynamique (JH2024, Nantes, Framce, November 2024).
Non-refereed Proceedings Articles and
Abstracts :
- Lejeune, A.,
Marchal, J., Hoffait, T. and Grilli, S.T. 1982 Study of Wave
Actions on Floating Structures using Finite Element Method. Comparison
between Numerical and Experimental Results. In Proc. Intl. Symp. on
Engineering in Marine Environment (S.E.M.E., Brugge, Belgium, May 82),
pp. 2.23-2.34. Koninklijke Vlaamse Ingenieursvereniging Technologisch
Instituut (Section Harbor Technique).
- Lejeune, A.,
Grilli, S.T., Bay, D. and Ozer, A. 1988 Study of the Calvi Bay
Erosion in Corsica. In Proc. 6th Congress of the Asian and Pacific
Regional Division of the I.A.H.R., (Kyoto, Japan, July 88), Vol.
4, pp. 343-350.
- Grilli, S.T. and Svendsen,
I.A. 1989 Computation of Nonlinear Wave Kinematics. In Proc. NATO
Advanced Research Workshop (Molde, Norway, May 89), 15 pps. University
of Oslo.
- Skourup, J., Jonsson, I.G.,
Grilli, S.T. and Svendsen,
I.A. 1989 Computational Modeling of Velocities and Accelerations in Steep
Waves. In Proc. NATO Advanced Research Workshop (Molde, Norway, May
89), 14pps. University of Oslo.
- Kirby, J.T.,
Wei, J. and Grilli, S.T. 1994 Tests of Weakly Nonlinear and Fully
Nonlinear Models for Weakly Dispersive Surface Waves. Abstract in Proc.
12th U.S. National Congress of Appl. Mech. (Seattle, WA, June 94), p.
- Grilli, S.T., Stepanishen, P.,
Pedersen, T., and Badiey, M. 1995 A hybrid DR-BEM model for underwater
acoustic propagation in inhomogeneous media. Presented at the IABEM95
Intl. Symposium (Mauna Lani, Hawaii, August 1995).
- Grilli, S.T., Subramanya, R., and Horrillo, J. 1995 A BEM model
for fully nonlinear waves shoaling and breaking over a slope. Presented at
the IABEM95 Intl. Symposium (Mauna Lani, Hawaii, August 1995).
- Roy, R.V., Schwartz, L.W., Cheng, A.H.-D.,
Grilli, S. and R. Ghanem 1995 One- and Two-Dimensional
Probabilistic Analysis of Flow in Random Porous Media by Stochastic
Boundary Elements. Presented at the IABEM95 Intl. Symposium (Mauna
Lani, Hawaii, August 1995).
- Watts, P. and S.T.,
Grilli 1998 Predicted Wave Amplitudes from Simulated Underwater
Landslide Wavemaker Curves. Okushiri Tsunami/UJNR Workshop, Sapporo,
- Watts, P., Borrero, J.C.,
Tappin, D.R., Bardet, J.-P., S.T., Grilli, and C.E., Synolakis 1999
Novel Simulation Technique Employed on PNG Event. 22nd General Assembly
IUGG, Birmingham, UK, JSS42 Abstract.
- Watts, P. , S.T. Grilli and J. T. Kirby
2002. Coupling 3D Tsunami Generation
with Boussinesq Tsunami Propagation. Presented at the
27th General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice,
France, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 4.
- Enet, F., Grilli, S.T., Watts, P., and Kirby, J.T. 2003. Modeling and
Experimental Validation for Tsunamis Generated by Submarine Mass Failure.
EOS Trans.
AGU. Fall Meeting Suppl., San
Francisco 12/03.
- Grilli, S.T., Watts, P.,
and Kirby, J.T. 2003. Tsunami landslide source
models as a tool for analyzing complex case studies. EOS Trans.
AGU. Fall Meeting Suppl., San
Francisco 12/03.
- Grilli, S.T., Watts, P.,
Day, S. and Kirby, J.T. 2003. Boussinesq modeling
of the complex 1975 Kalapana, Hawaii geological event. EOS Trans.
AGU. Fall Meeting Suppl., San
Francisco 12/03.
- Grilli, S.T., Watts, P.,
Fullarton, M., Grilli, S.T. and Kirby,
J.T. 2003.
Boussinesq modeling of the 1975 Kitimat, British Columbia landslide tsunami.
EOS Trans. AGU.
Fall Meeting Suppl., San Francisco 12/03.
- Kirby, J.T., Shi, F., Watts, P, and Grilli, S., 2004. Propagation
of short dispersive tsunami waves in ocean
basins, EOS Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet.
Suppl., Abstract OS21E-02.
- Moran, K., Baxter, C. D. P., Grilli, S., and Watts, P.
2005. A North Atlantic Tsunamogenic Landslide Case History: the 1929
Grand Banks Event, The 32nd International Geological Congress (32IGC),
Topical Symposium SESSION T11.15: Tsunami hazard
from slope instability.
- Grilli, S. T., M. Ioualalen, J. Asavanant, J.T. Kirby, F. Shi, P.Watts, and
F. Dias, 2005. Modeling of the 12/26/04 Indian Ocean tsunami generation,
propagation, and coastal impact. Integration of the SEATOS cruise and other
geophysical data, EOS Trans. AGU 86(52),
Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U13A-07.
- Moran, K., Grilli, S.T. and D. Tappin, 2005.
An Overview of SEATOS: Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami Offshore Survey,
EOS Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract
- Moran, K., Holt, S., and Grilli, S., 2005. A Science Teacher Experience in the
Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami Offshore Survey Expedition of May 2005,
EOS Trans. AGU, 86 (47), Fall Meet. Suppl.,Abstract E-11.
- Tappin, D. R., Henstock, T., McNeill, L., and Grilli, S.T., 2005.
Landslides and mass wasting offshore Sumatra - results from the Sumatra
Earthquake HMS Scott survey January-February 2005,
EOS Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract
- Grilli, S.T., Dubosq, S., Saillard, M. and Branger, H.,
2007. UHF radar signature of a tsunami approaching
coastal areas: modeling, experiments and application to tsunami warning,
EOS Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract
- Harris, J., and Grilli, S.T.,
2007. Validating a perturbation approach to the large eddy
simulation of wave induced sediment transport,
EOS Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract
- Tappin, D.R., Watts, P., Grilli, S.T., Dubosq, S., Billi, A., Pophet,
N., Marani, M.P.
The 1908 Messina tsunami. Some comments on the source: earthquake, submarine landslide or
a combination of both ?
EOS Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract
- Guerber, E., M. Benoit, C. Buvat, S.T. Grilli, and C. Kassiotis 2010.
Numerical modeling of fully nonlinear interactions of ocean waves with a
submerged moving body. Abstract for 4th European Conf. on
Computational Mechanics (ECCM2010, Palais des CongrËs, Paris, France, May
- Baxter, C., Krauss, T. and S.T. Grilli 2011. A Monte Carlo approach for estimating tsunami hazard from submarine mass failure along the U.S. East coast. EOS Trans. AGU, 92 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH24B-06.
- Masterlark T., S.T. Grilli, J. Harris, C. Kyriakopoulos and W. Tao 2011. Coseismic deformation of the 2011 M9 Tohoku Earthquake inverted from geodetic data using FEMs: Implications for tsunami genesis and poroelastic stress-coupling. EOS Trans. AGU, 92 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U15B-0022.
- Grilli S.T., J. Harris, T. Tajallibakhsh, J.T. Kirby, F. Shi, T. Masterlark T. and C. Kyriakopoulos 2011. Numerical simulations of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami generation, propagation and coastal impact: comparison to field observations, with sensitivity analysis to co-seismic source parameters, model type and resolution. EOS Trans. AGU, 92 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH11A-1359.
- Grilli S.T., J. Harris, D. Tappin, T. Masterlark, J.T. Kirby, F. Shi and G. Ma 2012. Did submarine mass failures significantly contribute to the extreme runup of the Tohoku-oki 2011 tsunami in Sanriku. EOS Trans. AGU, 93 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH43B-1655.
- Grilli S.T., J. Harris, Tappin, D.R., Masterlark, J.T. Kirby, F. Shi and G. Ma 2012. Modeling of the Tohoku-oki 2011 tsunami coastal hazard: effects of a mixed co-seismic and
seabed failure source. EOS Trans. AGU, 93 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH42A-06
- Ma, G., Kirby, J.T., Shi, F., and S.T. Grilli 2012. Tsunami wave generation by solid and deformable landslides. EOS Trans. AGU, 93 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH13A-1579.
- Masterlark, T., Grilli, S.T., Tappin, D.R., Harris, J.T. and J.T. Kirby 2012. Seafloor deformation and localized source Mechanisms of the 2011 M9 Tohoku Earthquake and tsunami. EOS Trans. AGU, 93 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH41C-03.
- Tajelli-Baksh T.S., S.T. Grilli, J.C. Harris, J.T. Kirby, F. Shi and Tehranirad, B. 2012. Tsunami hazard assessment along the US east coast. EOS Trans. AGU, 93 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH-31D-08.
- Tehranirad, B., J.T. Kirby, F. Shi, J.A. Callahan, J.C. Harris, S.T. Grilli and T.S. Tajali Bakhsh 2012. Tsunami hazards on the US east coast : Inundation Mapping and Tsunami Process over a wide shelf. EOS Trans. AGU, 93 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH33A-1645.
- Grilli S.T., J. Harris, Tappin, D.R., Masterlark, J.T. Kirby, F. Shi and G. Ma 2012. Modeling of the Tohoku-oki 2011 tsunami coastal hazard: effects of a mixed co-seismic and
seabed failure source. EOS Trans. AGU, 93 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH42A-06
- Ma, G., Kirby, J.T., Shi, F., and S.T. Grilli 2012. Tsunami wave generation by solid and deformable landslides. EOS Trans. AGU, 93 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH13A-1579.
- Masterlark, T., Grilli , S.T., Tappin, D.R., Harris, J.T. and J.T. Kirby 2012. Seafloor deformation and localized source Mechanisms of the 2011 M9 Tohoku Earthquake and tsunami. EOS Trans. AGU, 93 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH41C-03.
- Tajelli-Baksh T.S., S.T. Grilli , J.C. Harris, J.T. Kirby, F. Shi and Tehranirad, B. 2012. Tsunami hazard assessment along the US east coast. EOS Trans. AGU, 93 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH-31D-08.
- Tappin, D., S.T. Grilli, J. Harris, T. Masterlark, J.T. Kirby, F. Shi, and G. Ma, 2013.
Differentiating earthquake tsunamis from other sources; how do we tell the difference ?
EGU General Assembly 2013 (7-12 April, 2013, Vienna, Austria), Abstract EGU2013-10211.
- Grilli, S.T., Grosdidier S. and C.-A. Guerin 2014. Development of algorithms for tsunami detection by High Frequency Radar based on modeling tsunami case studies in the Mediterranean Sea. EOS Trans. AGU, 95 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH12A-08.
- Tehranirad B., Kirby J.T., Callahan J.A., Shi F., Banihashemi S., Grilli S.T., Grilli A.R., Tajalli Bakhsh T.S. and C. O'Reilly 2014. Tsunami Inundation Mapping for the Upper East Coast of the United States. EOS Trans. AGU, 95 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH12A-04.
- Grilli, S.T., Grosdidier S. and C.-A. Guerin 2015. Development of algorithms for tsunami detection by High Frequency Radar based on modeling tsunami case studies in the Mediterranean Sea. European Geophysical Union (EGU; Vienna, Austria, April 2015), Session, OS2.4, Abstract 6564.
- Shelby, M., Grilli, S.T. and A.R. Grilli 2015. Dynamic Tidal Effects on Tsunami Propagation and
implications for coastal Tsunami Hazard Assessment. Abstract accepted for presentation at the Solutions to Coastal Disasters Conf. (Boston, USA. September 9-11, 2015), American Soc. Civil Eng., 2 pps.
- Insua T., Grilli A.R., Grilli S.T., Shelby M., Wang K., Gao D., Cherniawsky J., Harris J.C., Heesemann M., McLean S. and K. Moran S. 2015. Preliminary tsunami hazard assessment in British Columbia, Canada . EOS Trans. AGU, 96 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH23C-1890.
- Grilli S.T., M. Shelby, A.R. Grilli, T. Lado Insua, and C.-A. Guérin 2016. Realistic simulations of tsunami detection by High-Frequency Radar in British Columbia, Canada. Abstract presented at European Geophysical Union meeting (EGU, Vienna, Austria. April 2016).
- Guérin C.-A., Grilli S.T., Shelby M.R., GrilliA.R. and T.L. Insua 2016. Development of new tsunami detection algorithms for high frequency radars and application to tsunami warning in British Columbia, Canada. EOS Trans. AGU, 97 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH43B-1863.
- Insua T.L., Grilli A.R., Grilli S.T., Douglas K.L., Wang K. and D. Gao 2016. Tsunami hazard assessment at Port Alberni, BC, Canada: preliminary model results. EOS Trans. AGU, 97 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH43B-1846.
- Grilli S.T., Shelby M.R., Kimmoun O., Dupont G., Nicolsky D., Ma G., Kirby J.T. and F. Shi 2016. Effect of rheology on tsunami inundation caused by submarine mass failures along the US East Coast. EOS Trans. AGU, 97 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH32B-03.
- Ma G., Kirby J.T., Shi F. and S.T. Grilli 2016. Modelling Tsunami Wave Generation Using A Two-layer Granular Landslide Model. EOS Trans. AGU, 97 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH43B-1857.
- Tehranirad B., Kirby J.T., Shi F. and S.T. Grilli 2016. Does Morphological Adjustment During Tsunami Inundation Increase Levels of Hazard ? EOS Trans. AGU, 97 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH34A-02.
- Schambach L., Grilli A.R., Hashemi M.H., King J. and S.T. Grilli 2016. Modeling the impact of historical storms on the Rhode Island shoreline. Presented at the ASBPA 2016 National Coastal Conf. (Long Branch, NJ, 10/16).
- Schambach L., Grilli A.R., Hashemi R., Grilli S.T. and J. King 2017. Protocol for assessing the extreme storm impact on barrier beaches along the Atlantic coastline : Application to the southern Rhode Island coast. Presented at 24th Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Conf. (CERF2017, Providence, RI, Nov. 5-9, 2017).
- Davis S., J. King, S.T. Grilli and A.R. Grilli 2017. Utilizing Beach Profile Time-Series and Empirical Eigenfunctions to Assess Coastal Geomorphology in Southern Rhode Island. Presented at 24th Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Conf. (CERF2017, Providence, RI, Nov. 5-9, 2017).
- Hayward S., M. R. Hashemi, A.R. Grilli, S.T. Grilli and J. King 2017. Assessment of the response of a beach to coastal storms; effect of offshore reefs and sandbanks. Presented at 24th Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Conf. (CERF2017, Providence, RI, Nov. 5-9, 2017).
- Mivehchi A., S.T. Grilli, J.M. Dahl, C.M. O'Reilly, J.C. Harris, K. Kuznetsov and C.F. Janssen 2017. Hybrid fully nonlinear BEM-LBM numerical wave tank with applications in naval hydrodynamics. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 62, doi:http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2017.DFD.Q31.10.
- Insua T.L., Dzvonkovskaya A., Helzel T., Guérin C.-A., Grilli S.T., Grilli A.R., Moran P. and R. Dewey 2018. Meteotsunami detection with HF radar at Ocean Networks Canada. Ocean Sciences 2018 (Portland, OR, February 2018), Abstract PO34A-2202.
- Harris J.C., O'Reilly C.M., Mivehchi A., Kuznetsov K., Janssen C.F., Grilli S.T. and J.M. Dahl 2018. Hybrid modeling of wave structure interaction with overlapping viscous-inviscid domains. Accepted for presentation at the 33rd Intl.
Workshop Water Waves and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB18, Guidel-Plages, France, April 4-7, 2018), 4 pps.
- Guérin C.-A., Grilli S.T., Moran M., Grilli A.R., Insua T., Kirby J.T. and I. Woodruff 2018. High-Frequency Radar detection of a possible meteo-tsunami in British Columbia, Canada. Geophysical Research Abstract, 20, EGU2018-12217, European Geophysical Union General Assembly meeting (EGU, Vienna, Austria. April 2018).
- Kuznetsov K., Harris J.C., Peyrard C., Mivehchi A., Grilli S.T. and M. Benoit 2018). Development of Numerical Wave Tank Using Boundary
Element Method with Cubic B-splines. Geophysical Research Abstract, 20, EGU2018-19842, European Geophysical Union General Assembly meeting (EGU, Vienna, Austria. April 2018).
- Ma G., Zhang C., Kirby J.T., Grilli, S.T. and F. Shi 2018. Simulating tsunami wave generation using a two-layer non-hydrostatic landslide model. Abstract presented at the 15th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Meeting (Honolulu, HI, June 2018)
- Grilli A.R., Westcott G., Grilli S.T., Kirby J.T. and F. Shi 2018. Individual wave effects on coastal structure damage during windstorms. In Proc. 36th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engng. (ICCE18; Baltimore, Jul 30 - Aug 3), ASCE, 1(36), 14. doi.org/10.9753/icce.v36.currents.14.
- Woodruff, I., Kirby, J.T., Shi, F. and Grilli, S.T., 2018. Estimating meteotsunami occurrences for the US East Coast. In Proc. 36th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engng. (ICCE18; Baltimore, Jul 30 - Aug 3), ASCE, 1(36), 66. doi.org/10.9753/icce.v36.currents.66.
- Zhang, C., Kirby, J.T., Grilli, S. T., Shi, F. and Ma, G., 2018. A two-layer non-hydrostatic landslide model for tsunami generation on irregular bathymetry. In Proc. 36th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engng. (ICCE18; Baltimore, Jul 30 - Aug 3), ASCE, 1(36), 74. doi.org/10.9753/icce.v36.currents.74.
- Grilli A.R., S.T. Grilli, G. Westcott, T. Inkley, F. Shi, J.T. Kirby 2018.
Assessing extreme storm risk using a fully-nonlinear phase resolving wave model combined with an erosion model.
In AGU Fall Meeting Abstract, OS53A-03 (oral presentation).
- Grilli S.T., Derakhti M., Kirby J.T. 2018. A unified formulation for predicting the breaking onset of gravity water waves from deep to shallow water: validation cases using a fully nonlinear potential flow model. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstract, OS31D-1799.
- Derakhti M., Kirby J.T., Banner M.L., Grilli S.T., Thomson J. 2018. A unified formulation for predicting the breaking strength of gravity water waves from deep to shallow water. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstract, OS31E-1826.
- Schambach L., Grilli S.T., Tappin D.R., Gangemi M.D., Barbaro G. 2018. The 1908 Messina Tsunami: New Understanding of Coastal Impact Through Numerical Modeling of Dual Coseismic-Landslide Sources. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstract, NH31A-04 (oral presentation).
- Zhang C., Kirby J.T., Grilli S.T., Shi F., Ma G. 2018. Numerical Modeling of submarine mass failure by a two-layer non-hydrostatic wave-slide model. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstract, NH41C-0981.
- Grilli S.T., Kirby J.T., Guérin C.A. 2018. Recent progress in the modeling and detection of meteotsunamis and storm surges. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstract, OS54B-01 (oral presentation).
- Grilli S.T., Tappin D., Ward S., Day S., Grilli A., Carey S., Watts S., Engwell S., Muin M. 2019. The devastating eruption tsunami of Anak Krakatau - 22nd December 2018. Presented at the European Geophysical Union General Assembly meeting (EGU, Vienna, Austria. April 2019).
- Derakhti M., Kirby J.T., Thomson J., Banner M.L. and S.T. Grilli 2019. Predicting the breaking onset and strength of gravity water waves from deep to shallow water. Abstract presented at WISE 2019.
- Schambach L.C., Grilli S.T., Tappin D., Bateson L., Novelino A., Udrekh U. and M.C. Frederik 2019. September 28, 2019 Palu, Indonesia Landslide Tsunami Simulations. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstract, NH32A-02 (oral presentation).
- Tappin D., Hunt J., Grilli S.T., Watts S., Day S.J., Grilli A.R., Engwell S. Carey S. and S. Susilohadi 2019. The 1883 and 2018 Krakatau tsunamis -- new marine evidence on their generation. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstract, NH32A-04 (oral presentation).
- Grilli S.T., Schambach L.C., Zhang C., Kirby J.T., Grilli A.R., Tappin D., Carey S., Watts S., Day S., Engwell S., Ward S. and M. Muin 2019. Modeling of the slide and tsunami generation from the 12/22/18 lateral collapse of Anak Krakatau volcano (Sunda Straits, Indonesia): comparison with recent field surveys of slide deposits and tsunami impact. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstract, NH32A-05 (oral presentation).
- Watt S., Cassidy M., Engwell S., Madden-Nadeau A., Abdurrachman M., Tappin D., Grilli S.T., Day S., Carey S., Hunt J., Hayer C., Burton M. and A. Novellino 2019. Evaluating the role of eruptive processes in the source of the 2018 Anak Krakatau tsunami. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstract, NH31A-02 (oral presentation).
- Derakhti M., Kirby J.T., Thomson J., Grilli S.T. and M.L. Banner 2019. Predicting the breaking onset and strength of gravity water waves in arbitrary depth. In Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Abstract A02.00006 (oral presentation).
- Kirby J.T., Derakhti M., Banner M.L., Grilli S.T. and J. Thomson 2020.
Predicting the Onset and Strength of Breaking of Surface Gravity Waves from Deep to Shallow Water. In AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting Abstract, CP11A-04 (oral presentation).
- C. Zhang, J.T. Kirby, S.T. Grilli, F. Shi, G. Ma 2020. Numerical Modelling of Tsunami Generated by Submarine Landslides on Irregular Bathymetry. In AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting Abstract, MG14A-2182 (poster).
- Grilli A.R., Westcott G., Gardner M., Shi F., Kirby J.T., Spaulding M.L. and S.T. Grilli 2020. Risk assessment and epistemic uncertainty at the residential scale as a function of wave and erosion model physics. In AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting Abstract, SI14D-1565 (poster).
- Kirby J.T., B. Tehranirad, F. Shi and S.T. Grilli 2020. Tsunami-induced morphology changes and impacts on
hazard assessments. In 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-ECCOMAS Congress 2020;
19-24 July 2020, Paris, France). Abstract.
- Derakhti M., Kirby J.T., Grilli S.T., Banner M.L. and J. Thomson J. 2020. Modeling wave breaking onset and dissipation in energy-conserving phase-resolving models. In 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-ECCOMAS Congress 2020; 19-24 July 2020, Paris, France). Abstract.
- Tappin D.R., S.T. Grilli, S. Watt, M. Mohammadpour, A.R. Grilli, S. Engwell, C. Zhang, A. Novelino. Potential tsunami mechanisms from the HH-HT, Tonga eruption of 15th January 2022. Abstract of presentation at the Cities on Volcanoes Conference (COV11, Heraklion, Greece, June 12-17, 2022).
- Mohanlal S., J.C. Harris, M.L. Yates, L. Pastur, C. Peyrard and S.T. Grilli. Breaking waves in a fully non-linear potential flow model. In Proc. Rencontre du non-linéaire 2023 (University of Paris Cité, France, March 28-30, 2023), 1 pps.
- Wood N.J. , J.C. Allan, C. Allen, K.F. Cheung, S.T. Grilli, J.J. Horrillo and R.I. Wilson 2023.
The Federal, State, and University Collaboration to Improve Tsunami-hazard Characterization of the Entire United States in the National Risk Index.
Presnted at the AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract ID# 1373237.
- M. Fotia, J.T. Kirby, S.T. Grilli and M. Derakhti 2024.
Wave breaking onset and dissipation in a fully non-linear, staggered grid boussinesq model.
Presented at the Ocean Science Meeting, New Orleans, 02/24 Abstract ID# CP33C-06.
- Kirby, J.T., C. Malone, F. Shi and S.T. Grilli 2024.
Modeling Morphology Changes due to Tsunami Inundation and Currents.
Presented at the Ocean Science Meeting, New Orleans, 02/24 Abstract ID# CP11B-09.
- Kirby, J.T., Fotia M., Derakhti M. and S.T. Grilli 2024.
Wave breaking onset and dissipation in a fully non-linear Boussinesq-type model. To be presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract ID# OS43B-0597.
Technical/Research Reports :
- Grilli, S.T. 1980 Study of the Wave Action on Floating Ocean
Structures by the Fluid Finite Element Method. Vol. 1, 252 pps.;
Vol. 2 (annexes) 235 pps. University of Liège, College of
Engineering, Belgium.
- Lejeune, A.,
Grilli, S.T. and Arnould, A. 1982 Study of Accropode Armour Layer
on the Roundhead of the Breakwaters of AL-Mukalla. L.H.C.H. Report No.
H/34681/1, 68 pps., Liège, Belgium.
- Rodriguez, S., Gulan, C., Grilli, S.T. and Beguin, P. 1983
Study of Floating Self-propelled Maritime Lock Gates (in French).
L.H.C.H. Report No. H/31667/1, 73 pps., Liège,
- Grilli, S.T. 1984 Boundary Element Methods in Fluid Mechanics
(Wave Action on Floating Structures by the Boundary Element Method). In
Proc. of the ``Zweite Aachen-Lüttischer Hochschuletage''
(Liège, Belgium, November 84). Institut für Wasserbau and
Wasserwirtschaft, Mitteilungen No. 58, 33-59. RWTH, Aachen.
- Grilli, S.T. and Plancke, J. 1985 On Site and Numerical Study
of the ``La Roya'' and ``L'Ospedale'' Beach Erosion (St-Florent, Corsica)
(in French). L.H.C.H. Report No. H/35879 : Wave study, 19
pps., Liège, Belgium.
- Bay, D., Bruch, E., Grilli, S.T., Lejeune, A., Mathieu,
R. and Plancke, J. 1986 Study of the Posidonia Transport in the Campoloro
Harbor (Corsica) (in French). L.H.C.H. Report No. H/37677,
128 pps., Liège, Belgium.
- Bruch, E., Grilli, S.T., Isin, A. and Marchal, J. 1986 Study of
the Added Mass in Hydrodynamics (in French). L.H.C.H. Report of the
1985 calendar year : Action concertée No. 85/90-82, 48
pps., Liège, Belgium.
- Bruch, E., Grilli, S.T., Isin, A. and Marchal, J. 1987 Study of
the Added Mass in Hydrodynamics (in French). L.H.C.H. Report of the
1986 calendar year : Action concertée No. 85/90-82, 90
pps., Liège, Belgium.
- Grilli, S.T. 1987 Supporting Mission to the Niger Bassin
Authority (NBA). Report of the Consultant in Hydrology (in French).
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (F.A.O) Report
of project No. RAF/83/028, 116 pps. (annexes 111 pps.), Niamey,
- Skourup, J., Grilli, S.T. and
I.A. 1988 Modeling of Steep and Breaking Waves by the Boundary Element
Method. Inst. Hydrodyn. and Hydraulic Engng., Technical University of
Denmark, Progress Report No. 68, 59-71.
- Grilli, S.T., Skourup, J. and
I.A. 1988 The Modeling of Highly Nonlinear Water Waves : A Step toward a
Numerical Wave Tank. Center for the Mathematics of Waves, Department of
Math. Sciences, University of Delaware, Report No. 88-16.
- Grilli, S.T., Skourup, J. and Svendsen,
I.A. 1989 An Efficient Boundary Element Method for Nonlinear Water Waves.
Center for the Mathematics of Waves, Department of Math. Sciences,
University of Delaware, Report No. 89-15.
- Grilli, S.T. and Svendsen,
I.A. 1990 The Propagation and Runup of Solitary Waves on Steep Slopes.
Center for Applied Coastal Research, University of Delaware, Research
Report No. 91-4. [pdf] (1.4Mb)
- Otta, A.K., Svendsen,
I.A. and Grilli, S.T. 1992 Unsteady Free Surface Waves in a Region
of Arbitrary Shape. Center for Applied Coastal Research, University of
Delaware, Research Report No. 92-10, 153 pps.
- Eriksen, J., Grilli, S.T. and Mevel, J.-Y. 1993 The Cooperative
Marine Technology program for the Middle-East Phase III-A : Final
Evaluation report. Prepared for the Agency for International
Development (USAID) Near East Bureau. Project No.
PDC-1406-I-00-0062-00, 139 pps., AGRIDEC Inc.
- Grilli, S.T. and Subramanya, R. 1993 A Computer Program for
Transient Wave Runup. Center for Applied Coastal Research, University
of Delaware, Research Report No. 93-02, 131 pps.[pdf] (2.3M)
- Wei, G., Kirby
, J.T., Grilli, S.T. and Subramanya, R. 1994 A Fully Nonlinear
Boussinesq Model for Surface Waves. I. Highly Nonlinear Unsteady Waves.
Center for Applied Coastal Research, University of Delaware, Research
Report No. 94-15, 36 pp.
- Grilli, S.T., Hu, Z. and Spaulding, M.L. 1996 A
hydrodynamic model of oil containment by a boom : Phase I. Final
Technical Report for DOT Grant No. DTRS57-94-G-00076, Dept.
Ocean Engng., Univ. of Rhode Island, 70 pps. [compressed
postcript] (353K)
- Grilli, S.T., Hu, Z. , Spaulding, M.L. and D.
Liang, 1997 Numerical Modeling of Oil Containment by a Boom /Barrier
sSystem : Phase II. Final Technical Report for DOT Grant No.
DTRS57-95-G-00065, Dept. Ocean Engng., Univ. of Rhode Island,
83pps. [compressed
postcript] (654K)
- Grilli, S.T.,Fake, T., and Spaulding, M.L., 2000
Numerical Modeling of Oil Containment by a Boom/Barrier System : Phase
III. Final Technical Report for DOT Grant No. DTRS57-95-G-00065,
Dept. Ocean Engng., Univ. of Rhode Island, 193pps. [compressed
postcript] (9.8M) [compressed pdf]
- Grilli, A., Grilli, S.T., Spaulding, M.L., Ford, K. and King J. 2004.
Bathymetric and Wave Climate Studies in Support of Siting a Wave Energy
Power Plant at Point Judith, RI. Final Technical Report for RIREO Grant
Phase , Dept. Ocean Engng., Univ. of Rhode Island, 51 pps.
Harris, J. and Grilli, S.T. 2004. On the Expected Performance of 82 ft
Prototype, Gladius. Internal Technical Report for Oceanic Inc. Grant. Dept.
Ocean Engng., Univ. of Rhode Island, 16 pps.
- Grilli, S.T., Ioualalen, M., Dias, F., Collins, K., Shi, F., Kirby, J.
and Watts, P. 2005. Numerical Simulation of the December 26, 2004 Indian
Ocean Tsunami: SEATOS Cruise report, 37 pps.
- Harris, J. and Grilli, S.T 2005. Storm surge/wave studies in support of
siting a wave energy power plant at Point Judith, RI. Final Technical
Report for RIREO Grant Phase II, Dept. Ocean Engng., Univ. of Rhode Island,
19 pps.
- Grilli, S.T. and C.D. Baxter, 2006. Numerical Simulation of Tsunami
HazardMaps for the US East Coast. Summary of Key Results. FMGlobal Project,
- Grilli, S.T., Baxter, C.D.P., Maretzki, S., Perignon, Y.
and Gemme, D. 2006. Numerical simulation of tsunami hazard maps for
the US East Coast. Report of Year 1 project. FMGlobal Project, 34 pps.
- Spaulding, M.L., Grilli, A.R., Grilli, S.T. and Merrill, J. 2007. Design
and Evaluation of Wave Energy Conversion Device to Power Ocean Surveillance
Systems. Teledyne Sc. and Imag., LLC, Project,
69 pps.
- Taylor, O.-D.S., Grilli, S.T., and Baxter C.D.P. 2008. Numerical Simulation of Tsunami
Hazard Maps for the US East Coast. Report of Year 2 project
FMGlobal Project, 106 pps.
- Grilli, S.T., Dubosq, S., Puphet, N., Baxter, C.D.P.
and O.-D.S. Taylor 2008. Numerical Simulation of Tsunami
Runup and Flooding on the North Shore of Puerto Rico. Report of Year 2 project
FMGlobal Project, 35 pps.
- Asher, T.G., Grilli, A.R., Grilli, S.T. and M.L. Spaulding 2009.
Analysis of Extreme Wave Climates in Rhode Island Waters South of Block
Island. Report of Year 1 of Ocean Special Area Management Plan (SAMP)
project, 37 pps.[pdf]
- Bastien S.P., Grilli, S.T., Grilli A.R., Sepe
R.B. and M.L. Spaulding 2009. Ocean Energy Extraction for Sensor
Applications. Final Technical Report for STTR Phase I base period (Grant
N00014-08-M-0277), 164 pps.
- Bastien S.P., Grilli A.R., Grilli, S.T., Sepe
R.B. and M.L. Spaulding 2009. Ocean Energy Extraction for Sensor
Applications. Final Technical Report for STTR Phase I option period (Grant
N00014-08-M-0277), 97 pps.
- Grilli, A.R., Asher, T.G., Grilli, S.T. and M.L. Spaulding 2010. Analysis of
Extreme Wave Climates in Rhode Island Waters South of Block Island. Final
report of Year 1 of Ocean Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) project, 38
- Grilli, S.T., J. Harris, R. Sharma, L. Decker, D. Stuebe, D. Mendelsohn, D.
Crowley and S. Decker 2010. High resolution modeling of meteorological,
hydrodynamic, wave and sediment processes in SAMP study are. University of
Rhode Island. Prepared for the Rhode Island Ocean Special Area Management
Plan, 107 pps.
- Bastien S.P., Grilli, S.T., Sepe
R.B.,Grilli A.R. and M.L. Spaulding 2011. Ocean Energy Extraction for Sensor
Applications. Final Technical Report for STTR Phase II base period (Grant
N00014-08-M-0277), 172 pps.
- Tehranirad, B., Shi, F., Kirby, J.T., Harris, J. C. and S.T. Grilli 2011. Tsunami benchmark results for fully nonlinear Boussinesq wave model FUNWAVE-TVD. Version 1.0.
Research Report no. CACR-11-02, Center for Applied Coastal Research, University of Delaware.
- Montgomery J. and S.T. Grilli 2012. Redesign and field testing of one-fourth scale DC2
buoy prototype in Narragansett Bay. URI Final Technical Report for STTR Phase II Option 1 period (Grant
N00014-08-M-0277; 6/2012), 38 pps.
- Montgomery J. and S.T. Grilli 2012. Redesign and field testing of one-fourth scale DC3
buoy prototype in Narragansett Bay. URI Final Technical Report for Electro Standard Laboratory (8/2012), 36 pps.
- Grilli S.T. and T.S. Tajalli-Bakhsh 2012. Literature Review of Tsunami Hazard along the
Mozambique Coast. Technical Report for Phase I. Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 28 pps.
- Grilli S.T., Tajalli-Bakhsh, T.S. and J. Harris 2012. Coarse grid simulaitons of tsunami hazard along the Mozambique coast. Technical Report for Phase II. Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 22 pps.
- Grilli S.T., Tajalli-Bakhsh, T.S. , Grilli, A.R. and J. Harris 2012. Fine grid simulaitons of tsunami hazard along the Mozambique coast (pre-work). Technical Report for Phase III. Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 52 pps.
- Grilli S.T., T.S. Tajalli-Bakhsh and A.R. Grilli 2013. Tsunami Run-up study along the Mozambique Coast (pre-work). Technical Report. Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 34 pps.
- Grilli S.T. and T.S. Tajalli-Bakhsh 2013. Fine grid simulaitons of tsunami hazard at two Mozambique construction sites (after-work). Technical Report for Phase IV. Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 33 pps.
- Grilli A.R. and S.T. Grilli, 2013. Modeling of tsunami generation, propagation and regional impact along the upper U.S east coast from the Puerto Rico trench. Research Report no. CACR-13-02. NTHMP Award, #NA10NWS4670010, National Weather Service Program Office, 18 pps. [pdf] (2.5Mb)
- Grilli A.R. and S.T. Grilli, 2013. Far-Field tsunami impact on the U.S. East Coast from an extreme flank collapse of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano (Canary Island). Research Report no. CACR-13-03. NTHMP Award, #NA10NWS4670010, National Weather Service Program Office, 13 pps. [pdf] (3.5Mb)
- Grilli A.R. and S.T. Grilli, 2013. Modeling of tsunami generation, propagation and regional impact along the U.S. East Coast from the Azores Convergence Zone. Research Report no. CACR-13-04. NTHMP Award, #NA10NWS4670010, National Weather Service Program Office, 20 pps. [pdf] (3.6Mb)
- Grilli, S.T., C. O'Reilly and T. Tajalli-Bakhsh 2013. Modeling of SMF tsunami generation and regiobal impact alng the upper U.S. East Coast. Research Report no. CACR-13-05. NTHMP Award, #NA10NWS4670010, National Weather Service Program Office, 46 pps. [pdf] (3.1Mb)
- Grilli A.R. and S.T. Grilli 2013. Fine grid simulations of tsunami hazard at two Mozambique construction sites. Technical Report for Phase V-A: Final assessment of Site 1. Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 31 pps.
- Grilli A.R. and S.T. Grilli 2013. Fine grid simulations of tsunami hazard at two Mozambique construction sites. Technical Report for Phase V-A: Final assessment of Site 2. Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 30 pps.
- King J., Baxter, C. and S.T. Grilli 2013. Analysis of tsunamigenic SMF hazard at two Mozambique construction sites. Technical Report for Phase V-B1. University of Rhode Island, 55 pps.
- Tajalli Bakhsh, T. S., Grilli, S. T. and Grilli, A. R., 2015. Dynamic tidal effects on tsunami coastal hazard in large estuaries: Case of the Chesapeake Bay/James River, USA. Research Report No. CACR-15-09, 42 pps., Center for Applied Coastal Research, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Delaware.
[pdf] (3.2Mb).
- Shelby, M., Grilli, S. T. and Grilli, A. R., 2015. Dynamic tide-tsunami interaction in the Hudson River estuary. Research Report No. CACR-15-10, 55 pps., Center for Applied Coastal Research, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Delaware.
- Kirby, J.T., F., Shi, F., S.T. Grilli, Nemati, F., and B. Tehranirad 2017. NTHMP Current Benchmar kWorkshop:
FUNWAVE-TVD results. Research Report no. CACR-16-01. NTHMP Award, #NA14NWS4670041, National Weather Service Program Office, 82 pps. [pdf]
- Zhang, C., Tehranirad. B., Kirby, J.T., Derakhti, M., Nemati, F. Grilli, S.T., Gangfeng, M. and F. Shi 2017. Tsunami Benchmark Results for the Non-Hydrostatic
Wave Model NHWAVE, Version 2.0. Research Report no. CACR-17-03. NTHMP Award, #NA14NWS4670041, National Weather Service Program Office, 48 pps. [pdf]
- Schambach, L., Grilli, S.T., Kirby, J.T. and F. Shi 2017. Landslide tsunami hazard along the upper US East Coast: effects of slide rheology and bottom friction Research Report no. CACR-17-04. NTHMP Award, #NA-15-NWS4670029 and NA-16-NWS4670034, National Weather Service Program Office, 40 pps.[pdf]
- Dahl J., Grilli S.T., Grilli A.R., Steele S.C. 2018. SBIR-Phase I Final Report: Estimation of Sea State Based on Measured Ship Response. Research Report for Navy Grant #N6833519C0579, University of Rhode Island, 28 pp.
- Dahl J., Grilli S.T., Grilli A.R., Steele S.C. 2019. SBIR-Phase I Option Final Report: Estimation of Sea State Based on Measured Ship Response. Research Report for Navy Grant #N6833519C0579, University of Rhode Island, 49 pp.
- Dahl J., Grilli S.T., Grilli A.R., Steele S.C. 2020. SBIR-Phase II Final Report: Estimation of Sea State Based
on Measured Ship Response. Research Report for Navy Grant #N6833519C0579, University of Rhode Island, 114 pp.
- Dahl J., Grilli S.T., Grilli A.R., Matheou G. 2020. Applied computational modeling and validation of a marine vehicle interacting with surface waves and the surrounding environment. Interim Report for ONR Grant #N00014-19-1-2327, University of Rhode Island, 8 pp.
- Dahl J., Grilli S.T., Grilli A.R., Matheou G. 2021. Applied computational modeling and validation of a marine vehicle interacting with surface waves and the surrounding environment. Interim Report for ONR Grant #N00014-19-1-2327, University of Rhode Island, 10 pp.
- Schambach, L., Grilli, S.T. and A.R. Grilli 2020. Simulation of Global Tsunami Hazard along the U.S. East Coast. Research Report no. CACR-20-02. NTHMP Award, #NA18NWS4670073, National Weather Service Program Office, 93 pps. [pdf]
Research Grants :
- Grant No. 06/25/81 (in charge of the experimental and numerical
hydraulics studies, with A. Lejeune, 1981-83, $195,000) of the Institut
pour la Recherche Scientifique Industrielle et en Agriculture (IRSIA.),
Brussels (Belgium), to support : The Experimental Study of Self-moving
Floating Tidal-surge Barriers.
- Grant No. 85/90-82 (Co-PI in charge of the numerical studies from 1985
to 1987, with A. Lejeune, 1985-90 award $172,000 per year) of the
Scientific Research Policy Ministry, Brussels (Belgium) to support the
study of : The Added Mass in Hydrodynamic Phenomenons.
- Grant (Co-PI with I.A. Svendsen, Summer 1988, $21,200) of the
University of Delaware Sea Grant Program, University of Delaware (USA), to
support : The 2D Modeling of Wave and Undertow Interaction in the
- Grant (Co-PI with I.A. Svendsen, Summer 1989, $22,600) of the
University of Delaware Sea Grant Program, to support : The 2D Modeling of
Nonlinear Wave Radiation.
- Grant No. CRG-901019 (PI with M.A. Losada, 1991-92, $5,600) of the
``NATO Collaborative Research Grants'' Program, to support the : Numerical
and Experimental Study of the Evolution of Solitary Waves over Submerged
- Grant No. BCS-9111827 (PI with N. Kobayashi, 1991-92, $36,851) of the
"National Science Foundation" (NSF) Engineering/Earthquake, Hazards and
Mitigation Program, to support the : Documentation and Maintenance of a
Numerical Software for Calculating Nonlinear Wave Runup.
- Grant No. NA89AA/D/SG/082 (PI, 1992-93, $44,330) of the University of
Rhode Island Sea Grant College Program, to support the study of : Breaking
Waves on Beaches.
- Grant (PI, 1992-93, $4,000) of the University of Rhode Island
Foundation, to support the : Ocean Engineering Undergraduate Wave
- Grant No. N-00014-94-I-C607 (PI, 1994-1995, $31,064) of the DOD U.S.
Naval Research Laboratory (Stennis Space Center), Remote Sensing Division,
to support the : Mapping of Nearshore Ocean Bottom Topography Through the
Solution of Inverse Wave Propagation Problems.
- Grant No. N-00014-94-I-0565 (PI with P. Stepanishen, 1994-1995,
$36,022) of the DOD Office of Naval Research (ONR) Ocean Acoustics
Division, to support the : Modeling of the Acoustic Propagation in Shallow
Water Oceanic Regions Including Effects of Bottom Geometry and Sub-bottom
- Grant No. DTRS57-94-G-00076 (PI, 1994-1995, $97,291) of the DOT U.S.
Coast Guard District No. 1 (USCG) FY94 Oil Pollution Research Grant
Program, to support the : Hydrodynamic Modeling of Oil Containment.
- Grant (Co-PI with M. Spaulding, 1994-1996, $84,000) of the URI Ocean
Technology Center (OTC) : COASTWATCH : An Integrated System for Coastal
- Grant No. DTRS57-95-G-00065 (PI, 1995-1996, $98,563) of the DOT U.S.
Coast Guard District No. 1 (USCG) FY95 Oil Pollution Research Grant
Program, to support : Numerical Modeling of Oil Containment by a
Boom/Barrier system : Phase II.
- Grant No. N-00014-96-C6012 (PI, 1996-1997, $49,987) of the DOD U.S.
Naval Research Laboratory (Stennis Space Center), Remote Sensing Division
: Determination of Nearshore Bottom Topography Through the Solution of
Inverse Wave Propagation Problems.
- Grant No. DTRS57-95-G-00065 of the DOI U.S. Minerals Management
Service (PI, 1996-1997, $99,681) to support : Numerical Modeling of Oil
Containment by a Boom/Barrier system : Phase III.
- Grant of the Rhode Island Ocean Technology Center of Excellence (PI,
1996-1997, $30,000) to support : COASTMAP : Interface Development.
- Grant of the College of Engineering, University of Rhode Island
(1997-2002, $50,000) as part of the Distinguished Professor
- Grant (Co-PI with M. Spaulding, 1997-1998, $20,000) of the URI Ocean
Technology Center (OTC) : Further developments of COASTMAP : An Integrated
System for Coastal Monitoring.
- Grants (PI, $2,616 and $2,200, 1997-2000) of the University of Rhode
Island Foundation, to support the : Upgrading of the Ocean Engineering
Undergraduate Wave Laboratory.
- Grant No. DTRS57-95-G-00065 of the DOI U.S. Minerals Management
Service (DOI) (PI, 1998-1999, $99,784) to support : Numerical Modeling of
Oil Containment by a Boom/Barrier system : Phase III/2.
- Grant No. N-00014-99-10439 (PI, 1999-2001, $102,278) of the DOD Office
of Naval Research (ONR) Ocean Science Division, to support the :
Development and validation of depth-inversion algorithms for
barred-beaches based on nonlinear properties of shoaling waves.
- Grant from Vibtech Inc. (PI, 1999-2000, $15,000) to the Ocean
Engineering Instrument System Laboratory, to support the : Building of an
adjustable beach for wave tank tests of a causeway-FastShip system
deployed in the surfzone.
- Gift-grant from Applied Fluids Engineering Inc. (PI, 2000-2002,
$34,300) to the Ocean Engineering Coastal Engineering Laboratory, to
support : Fundamental Research on Tsunami Generation by Underwater
Landslides and Slumps.
- Gift-grant from from Vibtech Inc. (PI, 1/2001, $3,000) to the Ocean
Engineering Coastal Engineering Laboratory, to support : Wave tank tests
of a causeway-FastShip system deployed in the surfzone.
- Gift-grant from U.S. Wave Energy Inc. (PI, 1/2001, $5,000) to the
Ocean Engineering Coastal Engineering Laboratory, to support : Research in
the area of Ocean Wave Energy uitlization.
- Grant No. N-00014-01-10349 (Co-PI, 2001-2003, $249,985; URI subcontract for
$50,000) of the DOD Office of Naval Research (ONR) Ocean Science Division,
to support the : Studies of Mine Burial in Coastal Environment.
- Grant No. CMS-0100223 (PI with P. Watts, 2001-04, $204,645) of the
"National Science Foundation" (NSF) Engineering/Earthquake, Hazards and
Mitigation Program, to support the : Case studies and tsunami community
model for underwater landslide.
- Grant of the ``Champlin Foundation'' to support :
Enhancements to the R/V CT-1 as a Floating, Undergraduate Ocean
Engineering Laboratory (Co-PI, 2003-04, $100,000).
- Grant CMS-0301862 (PI, 2003, $37,000) of
the ``National Sciences Foundation'' (NSF) Engineering/Earthquake, Hazards
and Mitigation Program, to support a : Workshop on Model Validation and
Benchmarking for Tsunami Generation by Submarine Mass Failure.
- Grant (2003-2004, $175,581 URI subcontract for $37,668) of the DOD Office of Naval Research (ONR) Ocean Science Division,
to support : Large Eddy Simulation of Sediment Transport in the
Presence of Surface Gravity Waves, Currents and Complex Bedforms.
- Grant (PI, 2003-2004, $172,506) from Ocean Dynamics Inc. :
Hydrodynamic Modeling and Laboratory Experiments
for the Harley SES FastShip.
- Grant (Co-PI, 2003-2004, $49,954) from RI Renewable Energy Office :
Proposed Energetech wave power plant site off Pt Judith Harbor of
- Grant (Steering Committee member, PIs: Robert Tyce and
John King, 2004-2007, $150,000/year) from the University of Rhode Island :
Partnership for Ocean Instrumentation (POI).
- Grant of the ``Champlin Foundation'' to support :
Acquisition, Installation and Operation of a Novel Underwater Acoustic
Sensor Array (BEAMER) for Oceanographic Education (Co-PI, 2004-05, $107,000).
- Grant No. N000140510068 (PI, 2004-2005, $65,439) of the DOD Office of Naval Research
(ONR) Coastal Geosciences Division (code 321CG),
to support : Wave Induced Mine Burial and Sediment Transport in Coastal
Environment. Wave modeling studies.
- Grant of the ``Champlin Foundation'' to support :
Adapting a Pressure Recording Inverted Echo Sounder to Tsunami
and Earthquake Monitoring
(Co-PI, 2005-06, $96,500).
- Grant (PI, 2004-2007, $34,500) from the University of Rhode Island
Partnership for Ocean Instrumentation (POI), to support : Development of an
Inverted Echo Sounder for Surface and Internal Wave Measurements in
Ocean and Coastal Observatories.
- DARPA grant : Design and Evaluation of Wave Energy Conversion Devices to
Power Ocean Surveillance Systems (co-PI; $87,000; sub-contract from Rockwell
Inc.; 2005-2007).
- Grant (PI with Chris Baxter, 2005-2008, $156,706) from
FMGlobal : Numerical Simulation of Tsunami Hazard Maps for the US East
Coast (Phases I and II).
- Grant No. N000140510068 (PI, 2005-2008, $146,377) of the DOD Office of Naval Research
(ONR) Coastal Geosciences Division (code 321CG),
to support : Wave Induced Mine Burial and Sediment Transport in Coastal
Environment :
Wave and sediment transport modeling studies.
- Grant (Co-PI with Mohammad Faghri, John Grandin, Otto Gregory, Thomas
Mather, Donna Meyer, Zongqin Zhang, and Christopher Baxter,
2005-2010, $2,364,000) from NSF OISE-Collaborative research
Program : Partnership for
International research and Education in Microfluidic Technology and
- Grant (Co-PI; 2007-2010; $450,000) for implementing the "URI Partnership for
- Grant (Senior advisor; with
Profs. A. Grilli, PI, and M.L. Spaulding; 2008-2009; $40,000) of the
Office of Naval research STTR Phase I Program : Ocean Energy Extraction for Sensor
- Grant (Co-PI with
Profs. Spaulding, PI and A. Grilli, co-PI; 2008-2010; budget item: $238,547) of the
State of RI Office of Energy Resources : Wave/Wind Engineering
studies in support of Ocean Special Area Management Plan (SAMP).
- Gift grant of O'Neil Corporation to support : Ocean Engineering teaching
and research in the general area of wave-structure interactions, including improving
OCE's wavetank equipment and infrastructure (PI; 2009; $25,000).
- Grant (Co-PI with
Profs. M.L. Spaulding, PI and A. Grilli, co-PI; 2009-2010; $100,703) of the
State of RI-STAC Alliance Program : Development of a Low Loss, Direct Drive Wave Energy
Conversion Device to Power Coastal Surveillance Systems.
- Grant (PI ; 2009-2010; $345,000) of the
State of RI Office of Energy Resources : High Resolution Modeling of Meteorological, Hydrodynamic,
Wave and Sediment processes in SAMP study area.
- Grant (Co-PI with
Profs. M.L. Spaulding, PI and A. Grilli; 2009-2011; $174,993) of the
Office of Naval research STTR Phase II Program : Ocean Energy Extraction for Sensor
- Grant EAR-09-11499 (PI, $173,530, 2009-2013, collaboration with Prof. T.
Masterlak, U. of Alabama) of
the ``National Sciences Foundation'' (NSF) Geophysics Program : Collaborative research:
coseismic and postseismic deformation: A prerequisite for analyses of
stress-coupling and tsunami genesis.
- Grant OCE-09-40398 (Co-PI with Prof. T. Hara PI, and I. Ginis,
Co-PI, $75,554, 2009-2010) of
the ``National Sciences Foundation'' (NSF) Physical Oceanography Program :
Workshop on air-sea interactions under tropical cyclones
- Grant OCE-09-27014 (Co-PI with Prof. T. Hara PI, $527,391; 2009-2013) of the ``National Sciences Foundation'' (NSF)
Physical Oceanography Program : Generation of sea sprays and their impact on near surface turbulence and air-sea momentum flux.
- Grant (co-PI with Dr. Bart Goldstein from Advanced Scientific Concepts Inc. (Santa Barbara, CA); URI budget
$24,499; 2010-2011) of the Office of Naval research STTR Phase I Program : Mitigation of USV Motion via Wave Sensing ad
- Grant NA-10-NHS4670010 (co-PI with Prof. J.T. Kirby from University of Delaware; URI
budget $290K; 2010-2014) of the "National Tsunami Hazards Mitigation
Program" (NTHMP) (NOAA): Modeling of Tsunami Inundation and Assessing
Tsunami Hazards for the US East Coast (Phase 1).
- Grant (Co-PI with
Profs. M.L. Spaulding, PI and A. Grilli; 2011-2012; $105K) of the
Office of Naval research STTR Phase II Option Program : Ocean Energy Extraction for Sensor
- Supplementary grant From MEMA-NTHMP (co-PI with Prof. A. Grilli at URI, and Prof. J.T. Kirby from University of Delaware; URI
budget $117,498; 2012-2013) of the "National Tsunami Hazards Mitigation
Program" (NTHMP) (NOAA): Modeling of Tsunami Inundation and Assessing
Tsunami Hazards for the upper US East Coast.
- Grant (PI; 2012; $26K) of Applied Sciences Associates : tsunami hazard assessment for Oyster Creek nuclear generation station.
- Grant (PI; 2012; $24K; Phases 1 and 2) of SAIPEM Inc. : literature review and global tsunami hazard assessment for east African Coastal Development.
- Grant (PI with Prof. A. Grilli co-PI; 2013-2014; Phase 3 $60K, Phase 4:$16K, Phase 5: $75K; Phase 2-variant:$12K) of SAIPEM Inc. : Detailed tsunami hazard assessment for east African Coastal Development.
- Grant (PI with Prof. A. Grilli co-PI; 2013-2014; $64K) of Applied Sciences Associates : tsunami hazard assessment for Millstone and Surry nuclear generation station.
- Grants NA-13-NWS4670014 and NA-14-NWS4670041 (co-PI with Prof. A. Grilli at URI, and Prof. J.T. Kirby from University of Delaware; URI
budget $140K; 2013-2015) of the "National Tsunami Hazards Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) (NOAA): Modeling of Tsunami Inundation and Assessing
Tsunami Hazards for the lower US East Coast (Phase 2).
- Grant No. N000141310687 (PI, with Prof. J. Dahl co-PI, 2013-2016, $439K) of the DOD Office of Naval Research
(ONR) Coastal Geosciences Division (code 333),
to support : Development and validation of an efficient hybrid-CFD method for fluid-structure interaction problems.
- Grant (PI, with Prof. A. Grilli co-PI, 2014-2015, $154K) of GZA Inc. to support : tsunami hazard assessment for US powerplant station.
- Grant CMMI-15-37568 (PI, $320K; 2015-2018; collaboration with Prof. J. Kirby University of Delaware and Prof. G. Ma, Old Dominion University) of the "National Sciences Foundation" (NSF)
CMMI Engineering for Natural Hazards (ENH) Program : Collaborative Research: Development, experimental validation and case
studies for the next generation of landslide tsunami models for
coastal hazard mitigation.
- Grant NA-15-NWS4670029 (co-PI with Prof. A. Grilli at URI, and Prof. J.T. Kirby from University of Delaware; URI
budget $94K; 2015-2016) of the "National Tsunami Hazards Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) (NOAA): Modeling of Tsunami Inundation and Assessing
Tsunami Hazards for the lower US East Coast (Phase 3).
- Gift grant to the URI Foundation (PI, $31K, 2015-2016) of Ocean Networks Canada, University of British Columbia (Victoria) to support research on "Tsunami modeling and detection by High Frequency Radar"
- Grant (co-PI, with Prof.s R. Hashemi, A. Grilli and J. King; $80K; 2016-2018) of the "NOAA-Seagrant Program":
A comprehensive framework for understanding, predicting, and mitigating beach erosion in RI.
- Grant (PI with A. Grilli co-PI, $98.5K, 2016-2017) of Ocean Networks Canada, University of British Columbia (Victoria) to support research on "Development
of tsunami detection algorithms by HF radar applicable to the area off of Vancouver Island BC"
- Grant No. N00014-16-12970 (PI, with Prof. J. Dahl co-PI, 2016-2019, $360K) of the DOD Office of Naval Research
(ONR) Coastal Geosciences Division (code 333),
to support : Development and validation of an efficient hybrid-CFD method for fluid-structure interaction problems.
- Grant NA-16-NWS4670034 (co-PI with Prof. A. Grilli at URI, and Prof. J.T. Kirby from University of Delaware; URI
budget $107K; 2016-2017) of the "National Tsunami Hazards Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) (NOAA): Modeling of Tsunami Inundation and Assessing
Tsunami Hazards for the lower US East Coast (Phase 4).
- Grant NA-17-NWS4670010 (co-PI with Prof. A. Grilli at URI, and Prof. J.T. Kirby from University of Delaware; URI
budget $50K; 2017-2018) of the "National Tsunami Hazards Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) (NOAA): Modeling of Tsunami Inundation and Assessing Tsunami Hazards for the lower US East Coast (Phase 5).
- Grants BCS-170005, 170006, 1700010, 1700015 (PI, 2018-2022, $60K) of the NSF-XSEDE Program
to support "Numerical Modeling of Tsunami Generation, Propagation, and Coastal Impact".
- Grant N39430-18-C-2020 (co-PI with J. Dahl and A. Grilli; URI budget for Phase I base and option periods $62K subcontract form Creare LLC; 2018) of the Naval Facilities Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center: Estimation of sea state based on measured ship response.
- Grant GEO-17-56665 (PI, $489K; 2018-2021, with A. Grilli and S. Carey co-PIs; collaboration with UK-based "Natural Environment Research Council" (NERC) project led by Prof. D. Tappin) of the "National Sciences Foundation" (NSF) Physical Oceanography and Geology Program: Caldera-forming eruption-generated tsunamis.
- Grant NA-18-NWS4670073 (PI; URI budget $80K; 2018-2019; awarded through Northeast States Emergency Consortium) of the "National Tsunami Hazards Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) (NOAA): US East Coast tsunami hazard mitigation program.
- Grant of the "Champlin Foundation" to support : (Co-PI wtih Profs. Hashemi (PI) and Dahl, 2018-19, $149,000) to support: "Ocean Energy Flume: Training Students in Marine Hydrokinetic Energy, and Wave-Current Interactions".
- Grant No. N00014-19-1-2327 (co-PI, with Prof. J. Dahl, PI, and A. Grilli, co-PI, 01/2019-12/2020, $400K) of the DOD Office of Naval Research (ONR) (through a UCONN subaward) to support : "Applied computational modeling and validation of a marine vehicle".
- Grant NA-19-NWS4670074 (PI with A. Grilli co-PI; URI budget $120K; 2019-2021; awarded through Northeast States Emergency Consortium) of the "National Tsunami Hazards Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) (NOAA): US East Coast tsunami hazard mitigation program.
- Grant N39430-18-C-2020 (co-PI with J. Dahl and A. Grilli; URI budget for Phase II base and option periods $250K subcontract form Creare LLC; 2019-2021) of the Naval Facilities Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center: Estimation of sea state based on measured ship response.
- Grant IIP-19-16693 (PI, $15K (URI); 2019-2020; co-PI with Prof. J. Dahl, PI, collaboration with Texas AM University), of the "National Sciences Foundation" (NSF): Collaborative Research: Planning IUCRC Center for Ocean System Simulation and Control.
- Grant NA-20-NWS4670061 (PI with A. Grilli co-PI; URI budget $67K; 2020-2022; awarded through Northeast States Emergency Consortium) of the "National Tsunami Hazards Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) (NOAA): US East Coast tsunami hazard mitigation program.
- Grant No. N00014-20-1-2040 (co-PI, with Prof. J. Dahl, PI 2020-2022, $66K and $25K) of the DOD Office of Naval Research (ONR) (through a UCONN subaward) to support : "Modeling the turbulent boundary layer/wake properties of advancing submerged bodies" and "Computationally Efficient Machine-learning Algorithms and Experimental Design for the Simulation of the Impact of Wave Forces on UV Hulls".
- Grant OCE-19-47960 (PI, $100K; 2020-2023; collaboration with Prof. J. Kirby University of Delaware and Profs. J. Thompson and M. Derakhti, University of Washington) of the "National Sciences Foundation" (NSF) Physical Oceanography Program : Collaborative Research: Modeling wave breaking onset and dissipation in energy-conserving models for surface waves.
- Grant NA-21-NWS4670007 (PI with A. Grilli co-PI; URI budget $103K; 2021-2023; awarded through Northeast States Emergency Consortium) of the "National Tsunami Hazards Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) (NOAA): US East Coast tsunami hazard mitigation program.
- Grant NA-21-NOS4780149 (co-PI with A. Grilli and J.P. Walsh co-PIs; I. Ginis, PI; $1,525K; 2021-2025; of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - Coastal Ocean Program: Modeling, Visualizing and Communicating Nor'easters, Hurricanes Threats with Sea-Level Rise to Support Coastal Management of New England.
- Grant DE-SC0022103 (PI with A. Grilli, J. Dahl and M.R. Hashemi co-PIs; Collaboration with U. of Maine; $1,245K; 2021-2023; of the US Department of Energy (DOE) - Office of Science: Design, Optimization, and Control of Floating Offshore Wind Farms for Optimal Energy Production.
- Grant NA-22-NWS4670017 (PI with A. Grilli co-PI; URI budget $101K; 2022-2024; awarded through Northeast States Emergency Consortium) of the "National Tsunami Hazards Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) (NOAA): US East Coast tsunami hazard mitigation program.
- Grant NA-23-NWS4670017 (PI with A. Grilli co-PI; URI budget $101K; 2023-2024; awarded through Northeast States Emergency Consortium) of the "National Tsunami Hazards Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) (NOAA): US East Coast tsunami hazard mitigation program.
- Grant DE-SC0024295 (PI with A. Grilli, J. Dahl, B. Phillips, B. Knight and M.R. Hashemi co-PIs; Collaboration with U. of Maine; $750K; 2023-2025; of the US Department of Energy (DOE) - Office of Science: Field testing of active wave sensing/control system for reducing floating offshore wind turbine motions.
- Grant NA-23-NOS4780279 (co-PI with A. Grilli and J.P. Walsh co-PIs; I. Ginis, PI; $360K; 2023-2025; of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - Coastal Ocean Program: Quantification and optimization of Nature-Based solutions for mitigating coastal vulnerability and risk.
- Grant No. N00014-23-1-2405 (PI, with Prof. J. Dahl,and A. Grilli, co-PIs; $360K; 2023-2025) of the DOD Office of Naval Research (ONR) (through a UCONN subaward) to support : "Modeling, experimental validation, and AI representation of the wave-induced forces on single or multiple hovering underwater vehicles".
- Grant No. N00014-23-1-2405 (PI) with Prof. J. Dahl, co-PI; $595K; 2023-2027) of the DOD Office of Naval Research (ONR) (through a UCONN subaward) to support : NIUVT-Cavitation Inception Modeling for Underwater Vehicle Design.
- Grant No. N00014-24-2093 (PI, with Prof. J. Dahl, co-PI; $417K; 2024-2026) of the DOD Office of Naval Research (ONR) (through a UCONN subaward) to support : "Modeling Turbulent Boundary Layer/Wake Properties of Advancing 3D Submerged Bodies".
- Grant No. N00014-24-2093 (Prof. B. Knight PI, with Profs. S. Grilli and J. Dahl, co-PIs; $250K; 2024-2025) of the DOD Office of Naval Research (ONR) (through a UCONN subaward) to support : "Cavitation Modeling with CFD for Turbulent Shear Flows".
- Grant No. NA-24-pending (PI A. Grilli; co-PIs: S. Grilli, C. Baxter, Vinhateiro, B. Oakley; $378K; 2024-2026) of NOAA-Seagrant Program: Combining monitoring and numerical simulations of Natural and Nature Based Solutions to coastal erosion: Block Island, a numerical test site.
- Grant NA-24-NWSX467C0006 (PI with A. Grilli co-PI; URI budget $85K; 2024-2025; awarded through Northeast States Emergency Consortium) of the "National Tsunami Hazards Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) (NOAA): US East Coast tsunami hazard mitigation program.
- Grant DE-SC-pending (co-PI with R. Hashemi PI, and J. Dahl, B. Knight co-PIs; $512K; 2024-2027; of the US Department of Energy (DOE) - through Florida Atlantic University "Southeast National Marine Renewable Energy Center": Development of a Digital Twin For Model-Predictive and Active Control of Floating Hydrokinetic Energy Devices.
Presentations and Participation in
International Conferences and Research Meetings /Workshops:
- Paris (France) May 18 to 22, 1981 Presentation of a lecture : Etude
numérique de l'action de la houle sur les structures flottantes, in
the Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique
(A.T.M.A.) 81st Session.
- Rhodes Ste Genèse (Belgium) March 1982 Participation in a one
week lecture series in the Von Karman Institute for Fluid Mechanics
: Computational Fluid Dynamics.
- Brugge (Belgium) May 12 to 14, 1982 Presentation of a lecture : Wave
Action on Floating Structures using Finite Element Method; comparison
between Numerical and Experimental Results, in the International
Symposium on Engineering in Marine Environment (S.E.M.E.).
- Hannover (Germany) June 1982 Presentation of a lecture : Wave Action
on Floating Structures and Wave Propagation using Finite Element Method,
in the 4th International Conference on Finite Elements in Water
- Cambridge (MA, USA) July 1 to 7, 1982 Presentation of poster : Study
of Wave Action on Floating Structures using Finite Elements Method.
Comparison between Numerical and Experimental Results, in the 3rd
International Conference on the Behavior of Off-shore Structures
- Aachen (Germany) November 23 to 25, 1982 Presentation of a lecture :
Study of the Wave Action on Floating Structures by Finite Elements, in the
1st University of Liège Days in the RWTH Aachen
- Paris (France) March 16 to 19, 1983 Participation in the
Premier Colloque International sur les Méthodes Vectorielles et
Parallèles en Calcul Scientifique.
- Hiroshima (Japan) November 5 to 12, 1983 Presentation of a lecture :
Study of the Wave Action on Floating Structures by the Boundary Element
Method. Comparison with Finite Element and Experimental Results, in the
5th International Conference on Boundary Elements.
- Paris (France) May 14 to 18, 1984 Presentation of a lecture : Etude de
l'action de la houle sur les structures flottantes par
éléments frontières. Comparaison avec les
éléments finis, in the Association Technique Maritime et
Aéronautique (A.T.M.A.) 84th Session.
- Darmstadt (Germany) November 1 to 4, 1984 Presentation of an invited
lecture in the TH Darmstadt, : Wave Action on Floating Structures by the
Boundary Element Method, in the Seminar ürber Randelement-methoden
- Liège (Belgium) November 23, 1984 Presentation of a lecture :
Wave Action on Coastal Structures, in the 2nd RWTH Aachen Days at the
University of Liège.
- Melbourne (Australia) August 18 to 24, 1985 Presentation of two
lectures : (i) Open Channel Hydraulics and Water Management; (ii) Wave
Action on Coastal Structures, in the International Association for
Hydraulic Research (I.A.H.R.) 21st Congress.
- Liège (Belgium) September 24 to 26, 1985 Presentation of a
lecture : Mathematical modeling of water transport, in the
International Congress on the Continental European Poles.
- Loutraki (Greece) September 29 to October, 5, 1985 Presentation of a
lecture : Numerical Modeling of Wave and Impact Studies in Coastal Zones
(Corsican shore), in the European Workshop on Coastal Zones.
- Paris (France) April 21 to 24, 1986 Presentation of a lecture : Etude
du comportement hydrodynamique de grandes portes flottantes automotrices
pour écluses et barrières marée-tempêtes, in
the Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique
(A.T.M.A.) 86th Session.
- Tokyo (Japan) September 21 to 29, 1986 Presentation of a lecture :
Computation of the Fluid Flow in Zoned Anisotropic Porous Media and
Determination of the Free Surface Seepage, in the 8th International
Conference on Boundary Elements.
- Los Angeles (CA-USA) November 17 to 25, 1986 Presentation of a lecture
: The Numerical Modeling of the Wave Field near the Shore by the Boundary
Element Method, in the 1st International Conference on Environmental
Softwares (ENVIROSOFT86).
- Aachen (Germany) January 5 and 6, 1987 Participation in the 7.
Internationalen Wasserbau-Seminar Workshop : ``Grundwasser-Modelle in
der Praxis''.
- Kiel (Germany) January 16 to 18, 1987 Presentation of a lecture :
Computation of the Transient Flow in Zoned Anisotropic Porous Media by the
Boundary Element Method, in the 3rd GAMM Seminar on Panel Methods in
- Rabat (Morroco) March 12 to 26, 1988 Presentation of an invited
lecture : Application of the Boundary Element Method to Some Elliptic
Fluid Mechanics Problems, Chairman of a session, and presentation of a 3h
tutorial : The Modeling of Highly Nonlinear Water Waves by the Boundary
Element Method, in the 1st International Conference on Computer Methods
and Water Resources.
- Southampton (England) September 3 to 10, 1988 Presentation of an
invited lecture : The Modeling of Highly Nonlinear Waves : A Step Toward
the Numerical Wave Tank, in the 10th International Conference on
Boundary Elements.
- Newark (DE-USA) March 28 to 30, 1989 Presentation of a lecture in the
University of Delaware : Propagation and Runup of Solitary Waves on Steep
Slopes, in the Workshop on Rational Design of Mound Structures.
- New York (NY-USA) November 16, 1989 : Presentation of a lecture :
Generation and Reflection of Nonlinear Waves from Steep Slopes, in the H-5
Panel (Analytic Ship Wave Relations) of the 1989 Annual Meeting of
the Society of naval Architects and Marine Engineers.
- University Park (PA-USA) April 13 to 15, 1989 Participation in a
conference at Pennsylvania State University, on Nonlinear Phenomena in
Fluid Mechanics.
- Oystese (Norway) May 7 to 10, 1989 Presentation of a lecture : Runup
and reflection of a Solitary Wave on Steep Slopes in a Numerical Wave
Tank, in the Fourth International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating
- Molde (Norway) May 22 to 25, 1989 Presentation of a lecture :
Computation of Nonlinear Wave Kinematics, in the Nato Advanced Research
Workshop on Water Wave Kinematics.
- Newark (DE-USA) September 12 to 15, 1989 : Participation in the
University of Delaware to the Workshop on Integral and Field Equation
Methods in Fluid-Structure Interactions.
- Cambridge (MA-USA) August 29 to 31, 1989 Presentation of two lectures
: (i) The Modeling of Nonlinear Water Wave Interaction with Maritime
Structures; (ii) The Modeling of Highly Nonlinear Waves : Some
Improvements to the Numerical Wave Tank, and Chairman of a session, in the
11th International Conference on Boundary Element Methods in
Engineering (BEM11).
- Newark (DE-USA) July 10 to 12, 1990 : Co-chairman of the Conference,
presentation of a lecture : Corner Effects Using BEM for Nonlinear Waves,
and Chairman of a session, in the 5th International Conference on
Boundary Element Technology (BETECH90).
- Newark (DE-USA) November 1-2, 1990 : Presentation of two lectures :
(i) Characteristics of Wave Breaking Induced by Submerged Breakwaters;
(ii) Computation of Highly Nonlinear Waves, in Advances in Coastal
- Catalina Island (CA-USA) August 15-17, 1990 : Presentation of two
lectures : (i) Nonlinear waves on steep Slopes; (ii) The Effect of
Submerged Breakwaters on Long Wave Runup, in the International Workshop
on Long wave Runup.
- Manchester (England) June 20-23, 1991 : Presentation of a lecture :
Wave Overturning Induced by Moving Bodies with Application to Slender Ship
Wave Resistance, in the Department of Mathematics, University of
- Southampton (England) July 2-4, 1991 : Presentation of a lecture :
Wave Motion and Overturning Induced by Moving Bodies. Application to
Slender Ship Wave Resistance, and Chairman of a session in the First
International Conference on Computational Modelling of Free and Moving
Boundary Problems.
- Newport (RI-USA) February 28, 1992 : Participation in the Canada/US
Ocean Technology Conference.
- Newark (Delaware-USA) March 31, April 1, 1992 : Presentation of a
lecture : A Numerical Model for Fully Nonlinear Waves, in the 1992
Coastal Engng. Forum and Res. Meeting of the ``Center for Applied
Coastal Research''.
- College Station (TX-USA) May 23-27, 1992 : Presentation of a lecture :
Nonlinear Shoaling and Impact of Waves on Coastal Structures, at the
9th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conf..
- Venice (Italy) October 3-10, 1992 : Presentation of a lectures : Wave
Impact Forces on Mixed Breakwaters, at the 23rd Intl. Conf. on Coastal
Engineering (ICCE23).
- St. Johns (Newfoundland-Canada) May 22-26, 1993 : Presentation of the
a lecture : Impact of Breaking Waves over Emerged and Submerged Coastal
Structures, at the 8th Intl. Workshop on Water Waves and Floating
- Charlottesville (VA-USA) June 5-10, 1993 : Presentation of an invited
lecture : BEM Modeling of Shoaling and Breaking Waves in Coastal Areas, at
the 1st SES-ASME-ASCE joint meeting (MEET'N'93)
- New-Orleans (LA-USA) July 25-29, 1993 : Presentation of of two
lectures : (i) Wave Impact Forces on Coastal Structures; (ii) ASA.WAVES :
An Interactive PC-based Wave Forecasting Tool, and Chairman of a session,
at the 2nd Intl. Symposium on Ocean Wave Measurements and Analysis
- Worcester (Massachussets-USA) August 10-13, 1993 : Presentation of a
lecture : Nonlinear Wave Modeling in very Shallow Water, and Chairman of a
session, at the 15th Intl. Conf. on Boundary Elements in Engineering
- Newark (DE-USA) September 8,9, 1993 : Presentation of a lecture : A
PC-based tool for wave-refraction diffraction in coastal areas, in the
1993 Research Meeting of the ``Center for Applied Coastal
Research'' .
- Durham (NH-USA) November 3-5, 1993 : Participation in the Gulf of
Maine Data and Information System Workshop at the University of New
- Vancouver (BC, Canada) June 6-8, 1994 : Participation in the Oil
Containment Re-evaluation workshop organized by the US and Canadian
Coast Guard.
- Vancouver (BC, Canada) August 20-28, 1994 : Presentation of two
lectures : (i) Comparison of Modified Boussinesq and Fully Nonlinear
Potential Models for Shoaling Solitary Waves; (ii) Kinematics and
Properties of Fully Nonlinear Waves Shoaling and Breaking over a Gentle
Slope, and Chairman of a session, at the International Symposium on
Waves - Physical and Numerical Modelling.
- Mauna Lani (HI, USA) July 31 to August 5, 1995 : Presentation of three
lectures : (i) A hybrid DR-BEM model for underwater acoustic propagation
in inhomogeneous media; (ii) A BEM model for fully nonlinear waves
shoaling and breaking over a slope; (iii) One- and Two-Dimensional
Probabilistic Analysis of Flow in Random Porous Media by Stochastic
Boundary Elements, at the IABEM95 Intl. Symposium.
- Cancun (Mexico) September 5-9, 1995 : Presentation of an invited
lecture : Numerical Modeling of Wave Breaking on Beaches and over Coastal
Structures, and Chairman of a session, at the 2nd Intl. Conf. on
Computer Modeling of Seas and Coastal Regions.
- Friday Harbor (WA, USA) September 11-17, 1995 : Presentation of an
invited keynote lecture : Review of Boundary Element Models for Long Wave
Runup, at the 2nd. Intl. Workshop on Long-Wave Runup Models.
- Avery Point (New London) (CT, USA) November 14, 1995 : Presentation of
an invited lecture : Modeling of Oil Containment by a Boom, at the U.S.
Coast Guard Information Transfer Meeting on High Speed Containment
- Calgary (Alberta, Canada) June 11-16, 1996 : Presentation of a lecture
: Numerical Modeling of Oil Containment by a Boom, at the 19th Arctic
and Marine Oilspill Program Tech. Seminar.
- Orlando (FL, USA) August 31 to September 9, 1996 : Presentation of a
lecture : Fully Nonlinear Properties of Periodic Waves Shoaling over
Slopes, and Chairman of a Session at the 25th Intl. Conf. on Coastal
Engineering (ICCE25).
- Carry-Le-Rouet (France) March 15-21, 1997 : Presentation of a lecture
: Fully Nonlinear Properties of Shoaling Periodic Waves Calculated in a
Numerical Wave Tank., at the 12th Intl. Workshop on Water Waves and
Floating Bodies.
- Newark (DE. USA) April 27-29, 1997 : Presentation of a lecture :
Nonlinear computation of shoaling wave properties useful for depth
inversion, at the ONR-BE meeting.
- Rome (Italy) September 8-12, 1997 : Presentation of an invited lecture
: Computation of interfacial instabilities using a vortex sheet BEM model,
at the 19th Intl. Conf. on Boundary Elements in Engineering
- Virginia Beach (Vriginia-USA) November 2-8, 1997 : Presentation of a
lecture : Depth inversion in Shallow Water based on Nonlinear Properties
of Shoaling Periodic Waves, at the WAVES97 Intl. Conf.
- Alphen aan den Rijn (The Netherland) March 29th to April 1, 1998 :
Presentation of a lecture : Modeling of Instabilities of Oil Containment
System by a Vortex Sheet Method, at the 13th Intl. Workshop on Water
waves and Floating Bodies
- Baltimore (MD, USA) May 15-16, 1998 : Participation as invited
participant in an NSF sponsored workshop on Major Research
Equipment/Facilities for Tsunami/Long Wave Research.
- Montreal (Canada) May 25-29, 1998 : Presentation of a lecture :
Computation of periodic wave shoaling over barred-beaches in a fully
nonlinear wave tank, at the 8th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf.
- Toulon (France) September 4, 1998 : Presentation of an invited
lecture : Depth inversion in shallow water based on nonlinear properties
of shoaling waves, at the 5th WEGEMT Workshop on Nonlinear Wave Action
on Structures and Ships.
- Brest (France) May 30th to June 4th, 1999 : Presentation of a
lecture : A fully nonlinear BEM model for 3D overturning waves, at the
9th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE99).
- San Francisco (USA) December 13 to 17, 1999 : Presentation of a
lecture : Wave amplitude and runup predictions for tsunamis generated by
underwater landslides, at the AGU Fall Meeting.
- Seattle (USA) May 29 to June 2, 2000 : Presentation of a lecture :
Modeling of overturning waves over arbitrary bottom in a 3D numerical wave
tank, at the 10th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE00).
- La Londe les Maures (France) July 8 to 13, 2000 : Participation in
the JONSMOD/MEDMOD Conference.
- Honolulu (USA) October 16 to 17, 2000, Presentation of a seminar
at the University of Hawaii : Prediction of underwater landslide tsunamis
in a numerical wave tank. Comparison with laboratory experiments. Visit of
the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.
- Nice (France) March 25 to 30, 2001, Presentation of two lectures :
Modeling of freak wave generation by 3D nonlinear wave modulation or
energy focusing, and, Numerical and experimental modeling of tsunamis
generated by underwater landslides, at the 26th General Assembly of the
European Geophysical Society.
- Stavanger (Norway) June 16 to 21, 2001, Presentation of three
lectures : Modeling of tsunami generation by an underwater landslide
in a 3D-NWT, Modeling of freak wave generation in a 3D-NWT, and Modeling
of shoaling and breaking waves in a 2D-NWT by using a spilling breaker
model, at the 11th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE01).
- Toulon (France) June 22, 2001 Presentation of an invited seminar
at the LSEET laboratory, University of Toulon : Modeling of highly
nonlinear wave phenomena in a numerical wavetank.
- San Francisco (USA) September 3-7, 2001,
Presentation of three lectures: Landslide tsunami amplitude prediction
in a numerical wave tank, Three-dimensional wave focusing
in fully nonlinear wave models, Implementation and validation of a breaker model in a fully
nonlinear wave propagation model. At the WAVES 2001 Intl. Conf.
- Anglet (France) May 15-17, 2002,
Presentation of an invited keynote lecture : Nonlinear modeling of wave
transformation in coastal area (in french). At the VIIème
Nationales Génie Cotier Génie Civil.
- Paris (France) October 14-15, 2002, Invited participant in the
"Journées PATOM" (Atmosphere/Oceanic Multiscale Program).
- La Londe (France) April 14-18, 2003, Invited Lecture : Modelling and experiments
for nonlinear coastal wave generation and transformations, in the
Summer School ``Geophysical Turbulence'' .
- Honolulu (Hawai) May 23 to 30, 2003, Presentation of two
lectures : Numerical Modeling and Experiments of Wave Shoaling over Buried Cylinders
in Sandy Bottom and Computations of 3D Overturning Waves
in Shallow Water, at the 13th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE03).
- Paris, Nantes (France) October 17-21, 2003, Research meeting at Ecole
Normale Supérieure, Cachan (Paris), and "Rapporteur" on the jury of the Ph.D
defense of David LeTouzé, at Ecole Centrale de Nantes.
San Francisco (CA, USA) December 8-12, 2003, Presentation of an invited
lecture : Tsunami landslide source models as a tool for analyzing complex
case studies; and one poster: Modeling and Experimental Validation for
Tsunamis Generated by Submarine Mass Failure, at the AGU Fall
Toulon (France) May 23-28, 2004, Chairman of a Special Session and
Presentation of an invited lecture : Numerical modeling and experiments for
solitary wave shoaling and breaking over a sloping beach, at the 14th
Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE04).
Toulon (France) June 18, 2004, Presentation of an invited Seminar at
LSEET-CNRS research laboratory, University of Toulon : "Récents
progrès dans
la modélisation de phénomènes a surface libre
non-linéaire en ingéniérie marine"
Sofia-Antipolis (France) June 22, 2004, Presentation of an invited Seminar
at Géosciences Azur CNRS research laboratory, University of Nice :
Modeling of nonlinear coastal waves and landslide tsunamis.
Toulon (France) October, 4, 2004, Presentation of an invited Seminar
at Engineering School ISITV, University of Toulon :
Recent Progress in the Modeling of Nonlinear Free Surface Phenomena and
their Application to Ocean Engineering.
Kona (HI, USA) January 30, February 3, 2005,
Participation in the 5th ONR Mine Burial Workshop.
- Madrid (Spain) July 3-7, 2005,
Presentation of two lectures: Wave Energy Focusing in a Three-dimensional
Numerical Wavetank, and Numerical Simulation of the December 26,
2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami using a Higher-order Boussinesq Model.
At the WAVES 2005 Intl. Conf.
- Toulon (France) and Braunschweig (Germany) September 24-29, 2005,
President of a thesis Jury (ISITV) and Visit of University of Braunschweig
as part of NSF-PIRE grant.
- Tourtour (France) October 19-24, 2005,
Co-organizer of "Post SEATOPS cruise Tsunami Workshop" sponsored by
Foundation Les Treilles.
- San Francisco (CA) December 4-7, 2005, Participation in AGU Fall
meeting, as co-convener of session on "Interdisciplinary Studies of the 26 December
2004 Great Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake and Tsunami", president of two
sessions, participant in a press conference on "Recent findings on
12/26/04 tsunami", and presenter of a lecture : Modeling of the 12/26/04
Indian Ocean Tsunami generation, propagation, and coastal impact.
Integration of SEATOS Cruise and other geophysical data.
- Edinburgh (Scotland) December 12-15, 2005,
Presentation of an invited keynote lecture at the
"Rogue Wave Workshop" : Fully nonlinear simulations of rogue
wave generation and properties. Interactions with ocean structures.
- San Francisco (CA) May 28-June 1, 2006,
Chairman of a Special Session and presentation of an invited plenary lecture
: "The 26-12-2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: Latest Modeling, Case Studies and
Perspective for Tsunami Forecasting and Mitigation.",
at the 16h
Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE06).
- Providence (RI) June 6-8, 2006,
Presentation of two invited lectures
: "Overview of Tsunami Processes and Recent Progress in Simulations."
and "Tsunami Hazard in the Atlantlic Ocean and the US East Coast -- A
Stochastic Approach.",
at NOAA's National Wheather Service Tsunami Workshop for Eastern
- Corvallis (OR) July 26-29, 2006, Invited participant in
a NSF-NEES workshop to review use of Tsunami Wave Tank.
Presentation of a lecture: Review of coseismic and landslide tsunami
- Brest (France) September 4-5, 2006, Invited to serve on the MS jury of
Yves Perignon at ENSIETA Engineering school.
- Nantes (France) October 3, 2006, Invited to serve on the MS jury of
Yann Drouin at ECN Engineering school.
- Daejon, Seoul, Pusan (Korea) November 18-25, 2006, Invited lecturer
at MOERI/KORDI; Seoul National University and Pusan National University.
Visit of various laboratories and presentation of 4 seminars on freak wave
research, modeling, BEM-VOF coupling and modeling of wave induced sediment
- Marseille (France) November 30, 2006. President of
M.-A, Pradal PhD thesis Jury at University of Marseille, School of
- Nantes (France) December 7-8, 2006. President of P. Ferrant?s
Research Habilitation thesis Jury at ECN, University of Nantes.
- Toulon (France) December 14, 2006. Invited seminar on the 1
2/26/04 tsunami at the University of Toulon.
- Braunschweig (Germany) January 14-17, 2007. Group visit of the
NSF-PIRE PIs at TUB, for research coordination and discussion of
dual PhD program.
- Nantes (France) February 7-8, 2007. Invited member of B. Alessandrini's Research
Habilitation thesis Jury at ECN, University of Nantes.
- Hannover (Germany) April 22-25, 2007. Invited foreign
expert participant in the ?DFG Tsunami roundtable?, to define German
Research policy in this area. Presentation of a lecture on : Coastal
effects of tsunamis: modeling and applications.
- Nantes (France) May 2-3, 2007. Invited member of Romain Luquet's PhD
thesis at ECN, University of Nantes.
- Lisbon (Portugal) July 2-7, 2007. Participation in the
ISOPE 2007 conference, chair of a session, TPC member and
presentation of a lecture on : Computation of the wavemaking resistance
of a Harley surface effect ship.
- Perugia (Italy) July 9-14, 2007. Participation in the IUGG 2007
conference, tsunami meeting. Presentation of a lecture on tsunami hazard
on the US east coast and a poster on UHF radar tsunami detection.
- San Francisco (CA) December 11-15, 2007. Participation in AGU Fall
meeting as presenter of a lecture : UHF radar signature of a tsunami approaching
coastal areas: modeling, experiments and application to tsunami warning;
and co-presenter of a poster: Validating a perturbation approach to the large eddy
simulation of wave induced sediment transport.
- Braunschweig (Germany) January 7-10, 2008. Group visit at TUB, of the
NSF-PIRE PIs, for research coordination and work with German
- Hamburg (Germany), Aug. 29th to Sept. 6th, 2008. Participation in the
conference, "the 32nd Conf. on Coastal Engineering". Presentation of a lecture
: Modeling of
wave-induced sediment transport around obstacles.
- Nantes (France), Sept. 30th to Oct. 5th, 2008. Participation in the
ICOH 2008 conference, "the 8th International Conference on Hydrodynamics".
Invite Keynote lecture presentation : On the Development and Application of Hybrid Numerical
Models in Nonlinear Free Surface Hydrodynamics.
- Braunschweig (Germany) January 7-10, 2009. Visit at TUB as part of
NSF-PIRE project, for research coordination and work with German
- Honolulu, HI (USA), May 29th to June 5th, 2009. Participation in the
OMAE-ASME 2009 conference, "the 28th Intl. Conf. on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic
Presentation of two papers (``Modeling of the oscillatory boundary layer flow and
sediment transport under steep nonlinear shoaling waves''; ``Small Buoys for Wave Energy Harvesting :
Experimental and Numerical Modeling Studies'') and chair of a session.
- Pau (France), June 9th to 12th, 2009. Participation in the
MAMERN 2009 conference, "the 3rd Intl. Conf. on Approximation Methods and
numerical Modeling in Environment and Natural Resources".
Presentation of a keynote lecture: ``Recent progress in tsunami hazard assessment :
modeling and case studies''.
- Fall River, MA (USA), October 15th, 2009. Pariticpant in the "Marine Renewable
Energy Consortium (MREC) 1st annual technical conference. Presentaiton of
a lecture on: "Small Buoys for Wave Energy Harvesting :
Experimental and Numerical Modeling Studies".
- Copenhagen (Denmark), October 29th to 31st, 2009. Participation in a
PhD defense committee and meeting with ``Maters of Engineering'' faculty.
- Austin, TZ (USA), November 9th to 12th, 2009. Participation in the
"4th International Conference on Submarine Mass Movements and their
Invited participant in an expert panel discussion on "Landslide Tsunami
- Paris (France), January 6th to 16th, 2010. Invited Visiting Scholar
(as part of "Chaire Saint-Venant") at the "Laboratoire Saint-Venant" (EDF - Recherche et
Développement) in Chatou to: work on joint wave energy system project,
present seminars on nonlinear wave and wave-structure interaction modeling,
and advise a PhD student. Presentation of an invited seminar at "Ecole
Normale Superieure" in Paris: "An overview of the the Development and Application of
Nonlinear Wave Models".
- Pasadena, CA (USA), January 25th to 28th, 2010; Boulder, CO (USA),
April 5th to 8th. Invited participant in
"National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) meetings as East
Coast representative and member of Modeling and Mapping sub-committee.
- Alton Jones campus, University of Rhode Island, RI (USA), April 10th to
12th, 2010. Co-organizer of, presenter of a lecture, and discussion moderator at
a "NSF-sponsored workshop on air-sea interactions under tropical cyclones".
- Nantes, Toulon, Paris (France), May 19th to June 5th, 2010. Invited member of
David LeTouzé's Research Habilitation thesis Jury at ECN, University of Nantes.
Worked on research collaborations (tsunami warning system) and advised PhD
student at ISITV, University of Toulon. Invited Visiting Scholar
at the Laboratoire Saint-Venant (EDF - Recherche et
Développement) in Chatou to: work on joint wave energy system project,
and advise a PhD student.
- Beijing (China) June 19-26, 2010. Participation in the
ISOPE 2010 conference, chair of a session, TPC member and
presentation of a lecture on : Development of an Efficient NWT to Assist in Large
Scale Laboratory Experiments.
- Boston, MA (USA) Nov. 1-2, 2010. Pariticpant in the "Marine Renewable
Energy Consortium (MREC) 2nd annual technical conference. Presentation of
a lecture on: "Small Buoys for Wave Energy Harvesting : Experimental,
Numerical Modeling and Field Studies".
- New Orleans, LA (USA) Nov. 17-19, 2010. Pariticpant in NRC Marine Board
Fall meeting, as
- Paris (France) December 12-24, 2010. Invited Visiting Scholar
at the "Laboratoire Saint-Venant" (EDF - Recherche et
Développement) in Chatou to: work on joint wave energy system project
and advise a PhD student.
- Portland, OR (USA) Jan. 31st to Feb. 3rd, 2011. Invited participant in
"National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) meeting as East
Coast representative and member of Modeling and Mapping sub-committee.
- Nantes (France), March 22nd to March 27th, 2011. Invited member of
Yves Pérignon's PhD thesis Jury at ECN, University of Nantes.
Worked on research collaborations
and advise a PhD student.
- Galveston, TX (USA) March. 28th to April. 4th, 2011. Invited participant in
"National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) model benchmarking
workshop (organized by the Modeling and Mapping sub-committee), and landslide tsunami workshop
at Texas A and M University at Galveston.
- Washington, DC (USA) April. 27-29, 2011. Pariticpant in NRC Marine Board
Spring meeting, as
- Toulon (France), May 21-29, 2011.
Worked on research collaborations (tsunami warning system) and advised PhD
student at LSEET, University of Toulon.
- Maui, HI (USA) June 17-27, 2011. Participation in the
ISOPE 2011 conference, chair of a session, TPC member and
presentation of two lectures on : "Ocean wave reconstruction algorithms based on spatio-temporal data
acquired by a flash LIDAR camera" and "Small
Buoys for Energy Harvesting : Experimental and Numerical Modeling
- Boulder, CO (USA), August 8th to 11th, 2011. Participates at NOAA-NCAR in
the Modeling and Mapping sub-committee meeting, of the "National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP).
- Woodshole, MA (USA), August 18th and 19th, 2011. Invited participant in
USGS-NRC meeting on landslide tsunami risk assessment.
- Anchorage, AK (USA) Sept. 6-9, 2011. Pariticpant in NRC Marine Board
Fall meeting, as member.
- Boston, MA (USA) Sept. 16-17, 2011. Pariticpant in NSF-PIRE Geohazard meeting at Northeastern University.
- Biarritz (France), Oct. 17-24, 2011. Invited Participant in the ``Coastal ecosystems vulnerability to global change and extreme events'' international conference. Presentation of a lecture on the 2011 Tohoku tsunami.
- Boston, MA (USA), Nov. 8, 2011. Invited participant in the Marine Renewable Energy Consortium (MREC) 3rd annual technical conference. Chair wave energy sessions.
- San Francisco, CA (USA), Dec. 4-7, 2011. Participation in AGU Fall
meeting as presenter of a lecture : A Monte Carlo approach for estimating tsunami hazard from submarine mass failure along the U.S. East coast; and co-presenter of two posters: Numerical simulations of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami generation, propagation and coastal impact: comparison to field observations, with sensitivity analysis to co-seismic source parameters, model type and resolution; and Coseismic deformation of the 2011 M9 Tohoku Earthquake inverted from geodetic data using FEMs: Implications for tsunami genesis and poroelastic stress-coupling.
- Paris (France), Dec. 18-22, 2011. Invited Visiting Scholar in the ``Laboratoire Saint-Venant'' (EDF - Recherche et Développement) in Chatou to: work on joint wave energy system project and advise a PhD student.
- San Diego, CA (USA), Feb. 6th to 9th, 2012. Participates in annual and
Modeling and Mapping sub-committee meeting, of the "National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP).
- Washington, DC (USA) May 14-15, 2012. Pariticipant in NRC Marine Board
Spring meeting, as member.
- Rodos (Greece) June 17-23, 2012. Participation in the
ISOPE 2012 conference, chair of 2 session,s TPC member and
presentation of one lectures on : "Numerical simulation of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami:
Comparison with field observations and sensitivity to model parameters".
- Santander (Spain) July 1-7, 2012. Participation in the
ICCE 2012 conference, technical program committee member and
presentation of one lectures on : "Numerical modeling of coastal tsunami
dissipation and impact".
- Seattle, WA (USA), July 23rd to 27th, 2012. Participates in
Modeling and Mapping sub-committee meeting and in the "Tsunami Hazard Workshop", of the "National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP).
- Jeju Island (Korea) August 18-23, 2012. Invited participant and presentation of a keynote lecture in the
Geophysics of Slab Dynamics conference: "Modeling of the Toholu-Oki 2011 tsunami generation and coastal impact: a mixed co-seismic and SMF source".
- Paris and Brest (France) November 19-28, 2012. Invited participant and presentation of a keynote lecture in the
13th Journees Hydrodynamiques (Chatou, Paris): "Recent progress in the nonlinear and dispersive modeling of tsunami generation and coastal impact: application to Tohoku 2011". Invited member of the scientific review committee of the LABEX-MER (Brest).
- San Francisco (CA) December 2-7, 2012, Participation in AGU Fall
meeting, as co-convener of sessions on "The March 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami, Japan", president of two
sessions, presenter of an invited lecture : "Modeling of the Tohoku-oki 2011 tsunami coastal hazard: effects of a
mixed co-seismic and seabed failure source", co-presenter of 2 lectures: "Tsunami hazard assessment along the US east coast" and "Seafloor deformation and localized source Mechanisms of the 2011 M9
Tohoku Earthquake and tsunami", and of 3 posters: "Did submarine mass failures significantly contribute to the extreme runup of the Tohoku-oki 2011 tsunami in Sanriku", "Tsunami wave generation by solid and deformable landslides" and "Tsunami hazards on the US east coast : Inundation Mapping and Tsunami Process over a wide shelf".
- Warwick, RI (USA), Jan. 10, 2013. Co-organizer of the Marine Renewable Energy Consortium (MREC) 4th annual technical conference. Presentation of a lecture: "Small Buoys for Wave Energy Harvesting : Overview of experimental, Numerical Modeling and Field Studies".
- Portland, OR (USA), Jan. 27th to 30th, 2013. Participant in "National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) meeting, as East Coast co-representative on the Modeling and Mapping sub-committee.
- L'isle sur la Sorgue (France) April 6 to 9th, 2013. Participation in the 28th Intl. Workshop on Water Waves and
Floating Bodies, and presentation of a lecture on: "Modeling of the Tohoku-Oki 2011 tsunami generation, far-field and coastal impact: a mixed co-seismic and SMF source".
- Arcachon (France), June 23rd to 28th, 2013. Participation in the 7th Intl. Coastal Dynamics conference, delivery of a short course on long wave modeling, chairman of a session, and presentation of a lecture on: "On the dispersive modeling of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami generation by coseismic/SMF processes, and near- and far-field
- Seattle, WA (USA), Aug. 18th to 22nd, 2013. Participant in "National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) meeting, at NOAA-PMEL, as East Coast co-representative on the Modeling and Mapping sub-committee.
- Nantes (France), October 4-5, 2013. Presentation of seminar at Ecole Centrale de Nantes: Nonlinear Ocean Wave Reconstruction Algorithms based on Spatio-Temporal Data Acquired by a Flash-Lidar Camera, and rapporteur/member of a Phd jury.
- La Garde (France), October 10, 17 and 22, 2013. Presentaiton of three seminars at the Toulon Engineering School (ISITV) on: tsunamis, offshore wind, and offshore wave energy.
- Nice (France), October 29-31, 2013. Participation and presentation of a lecture at the 3rd Intl. Conf. on Ocean and Coastal Observation: Sensors and observing systems, numerical models and information (OCOSS): Nonlinear ocean wave reconstruction algorithms based on simulated spatiotemporal data aquired by a Flash LIDAR camera. Washington, DC (USA) November 18-20, 2013. Pariticipant in NRC Marine Board
Fall meeting, as member.
- Toulon (France), April 16, 2014. Participation and presentation of a lecture in the 3rd Research Days of the University of Toulon: Hybrid Lattice Boltzmann Methods with GPU Acceleration for fluid structure interaction problems.
- Washington, DC (USA) April 7-9, 2014. Pariticipant in NRC Marine Board
Spring meeting, as member.
- Seattle, WA (USA), Aug. 18-19, 2014. Participant in "National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) meeting, at NOAA-PMEL, as East Coast co-representative and member of Modeling and Mapping sub-committee.
- Wakefield, RI (USA), August 20-21, 2014. Participation and progress presentation, in the semi-annual meeting of ONR Ship Hydrodnamic project, at Navatek, Ltd.
- Bordeaux (France), August 23rd to 29th, 2014. Invited participant and keynote speaker at the "Breaking Wave Conference (B'Waves 2014)", organized at the University of Bordeaux, and delivery of a lecture on; "Overview on Modeling Fully Nonlinear and Breaking Ocean Waves using potential flow and NS models".
- Minneapolis, MI (USA), October 13th to 17th, 2014. Participation in the IMA Workshop on "Impact of Waves Along Coastlines" to give an invited lecture on: "Recent improvements in state-of-the-art models for tsunami hazard assessment: applications to both large historical and future case studies".
- Washington, DC (USA) October 28-30, 2014. Pariticipant in NRC Marine Board
Fall meeting, as member.
- Paris, Val-de-Reuil, Toulon (France), November 16-23, 2014. Visit in EDF Chatou for research coordination, Participation in "Journee Hydrodynamique Conference" in Val de Reuil, and participation in HDR thesis jury (Dr. J. Touboul) at the Universit of Toulon.
- San Francisco, CA (USA) December 14-19, 2014, Participation in AGU Fall
meeting, and presenter of a lecture : "Development of algorithms for tsunami detection by High Frequency Radar based on modeling tsunami case studies in the Mediterranean Sea".
- Portland, OR (USA), February 8-13, 2015. Participant in "National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP), tsunami model validation workshop, and Spring meeting (as East Coast co-representative on the Modeling and Mapping sub-committee).
- Honolulu, HI (USA), February 14-21, 2015. Presentation of a seminar at the University of Hawaii Ocean Resource and Engineering Department, and participation and progress presentation, in the semi-annual meeting of ONR Ship Hydrodnamic project, at Navatek, Ltd.
- Brest (France), March 22-25, 2015. Invited member of the scientific review committee of the LABEX-MER (Brest).
- New York, NY (USA), April 15-18, 2015. Presentation of a lecture on "Effects of severe weather: freak waves", and moderating of a panel on "Weather Informaiton Systems" at the 2015 Ferry Safety and Technology Conference.
- Irvine, CA (USA) May 4-7, 2015. Pariticipant in NRC Marine Board Fall meeting, as member. Visit of Long Beach Harbor and related facilities.
- New York, NY (USA), May 15, 2015. Invited expert in the "Workshop on Probabilistic Coastal Hazards Mapping for the US", at the Rockfeller Foundation.
- Washington, DC (USA) May 19-20, 2015. Invited expert in the "Coastal Resilience Expert Meeting", at the National Academy.
- Paris, Chatou (France), June 11 to 13, 2015. Invited member and Chair of
Emmanuel Dombre's PhD thesis Jury at Laboratoire St Venant, University of Paris V.
Worked on research collaborations.
- Kona, HI (USA) June 20-27, 2015. Participation in the
ISOPE 2015 conference, chair of a session, TPC member and
presentation of a lecture on : Tsunami detection by HF radar system.
- San Diego, OR (USA), July 13-16, 2015. Participant in Summer meeting (as East Coast co-representative on the Modeling and Mapping sub-committee).
- Paris, Toulon (France), August 11 to September 6, 2015.
Worked on research collaborations (naval hydrodynamics and tsunami warning systems by HF radar) and advised PhD
student at MIO, University of Toulon.
- Boston, MA (USA) September 9-11, 2015. Participation in the
ASCE-COPRI Coastal Disaster 2015 conference, and
presentation of a lecture on : Modeling tsunami sources and their propagation in the
Atlantic Ocean for coastal tsunami hazard assessment
and inundation mapping along the US East Coast.
- London (UK) September 24-27, 2015. Invited pariticipant in the London Geological Society meeting on "Tsunami and Risk: Using the geological record". Presentation of an invited lecture on: Recent advances in modeling landslide tsunami hazard based on the geological record.
- Washington, DC (USA) October 21-22, 2015. Pariticipant in NRC Ocean Studies Board
Fall meeting, as an invited speaker.
- Victoria, BC (Canada) October 25-28, 2015. Invited pariticipant in the Tsunami Detection by HF radar workshop at Ocean Networks Canada, University of British Columbia.
- Washington, DC (USA) November 11-13, 2015. Pariticipant in NRC Marine Board
Fall meeting, as member.
- Boulder, CO (USA), January 31 - February 5, 2016. Participant in "National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP), USGS workshop, and Spring meeting (as East Coast co-representative on the Modeling and Mapping sub-committee).
- Honolulu, HI (USA), April 10-16, 2016. Participation and progress presentation, in the semi-annual meeting of ONR Ship Hydrodnamic project, at Navatek, Ltd.
- Washington, DC (USA) April 25-27, 2016. Pariticipant in NRC Ocean Studies Board
Spring meeting, as Marine Board liaison.
- Marseilles, Toulon, Nantes (France) May 28th to June 4, 2016, Research meetings for international collaborative a dn US-NSF projects at University of Toulon LSEET/MIO and Marseilles IRPHE. Invited to serve as rapporteur on the PhD jury of Camille Chauvigné at ECN Engineering school.
- Woods Hole, MA (USA) June 7-9, 2016. Pariticipant in NRC Marine Board Spring meeting, as member.
- Kingston, RI (USA) June 13-15, 2016. Pariticipant in ECM14, the "14th International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling". Co-author of 3 papers.
- Newark, DE (USA) July 24-27, 2016. Research meeting at the University of Delaware regarding NTHMP project.
- Bethesda, VA (USA), October 17-18, 2016. Participation and progress presentation, in the semi-annual meeting of ONR Ship Hydrodnamic project, at NSWC, Carderock.
- Washington, DC (USA) November 8-10, 2016. Pariticipant in NRC Marine Board
Fall meeting, as member.
- Paris and Brest (France) November 19-25, 2016. Participant and presentation of a lecture in the
15th Journees Hydrodynamiques (ENSTA, Brest): "Development of a hybrid LBM-potential flow model for Naval Hydrodynamics".
- San Francisco, CA (USA) December 11-16, 2016, Participation in AGU Fall
meeting, and presenter of two posters and a lecture : "Effect of rheology on tsunami inundation caused by submarine mass failures along the US East Coast".
- Galveston, TX (USA) Jan. 8th to 11th, 2017. Co-chair of the "National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) landslide tsunami model benchmarking
and validaiton workshop (organized on behalf of the Modeling and Mapping sub-committee).
at Texas A and M University at Galveston.
- Portland, OR (USA), jan. 29th to Feb. 3rd, 2017. Participant in the "National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) annual meeting (as East Coast co-representative on the Modeling and Mapping sub-committee).
- Paris, Chatou (France), February 16 to 19, 2017. Invited member and rapporteur of
Marine Le-Gal's PhD thesis Jury at Laboratoire St Venant, University of Paris V.
Worked on research collaborations.
- Berkeley, CA (USA), May 10 to 12, 2017. Member of NSF site review team.
- Honolulu, HI (USA), May 21-26, 2017. Participation and progress presentation, in the semi-annual meeting of ONR Ship Hydrodnamic project, at Navatek, Ltd.
- Victoria, BC (Canada) June 11-14, 2017. Invited pariticipant in Tsunami Detection by HF radar workshop, at Ocean Networks Canada, University of British Columbia.
- Newark, DE (USA) July 23-27, 2017. Research meeting at the University of Delaware regarding NTHMP project, and attend and present lecture at FUNWAVE Workshop.
- Salt Lake City, UT (USA), July 31 to Aug. 4, 2017. Participant in "National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) summer meeting, as East Coast co-representative and member of Modeling and Mapping sub-committee.
- Bethesda, VA (USA), Aug. 16, 2017. Participation and progress presentation, in review meeting for ONR Ship Hydrodnamic project, at NSWC, Carderock.
- Paris, Toulon (France), August 21 to September 8, 2017.
Worked on research collaborations (naval hydrodynamics and tsunami warning systems by HF radar) and advised PhD
student at MIO, University of Toulon. Participated in PhD jury of T Altazoin at MIO.
- Paris, Chatou (France), November 16 to 19, 2017. Invited President of Habilitation thesis jury of Jeffrey Harris
at Laboratoire St Venant, University of Paris V. Worked on research collaborations.
- Seattle, WA (USA), jan. 29th to Feb. 2nd, 2018. Participant in the "National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) annual meeting (as East Coast co-representative on the Modeling and Mapping sub-committee).
- Honolulu, HI (USA), February 25-29, 2018. Participation and progress presentation, in the semi-annual meeting of ONR Ship Hydrodnamic project, at Navatek, Ltd.
- Bocca Raton, FL (USA), March 29-30, 2018. Visit of Florida Atlantic University to conduct the state-mandated review of the "Mechanical and Ocean Engineering Department".
- Bangor, Nottingham, UK, April 22-26, 2018. Presentation of 2 invited seminars at the "Modelling workshop" at Bangor University (FUNWAVE; Tsunami hazard modeling). Visit colleagues at British Geolological survey for start-up meeting of Krakatau tsunami project.
- Marseille, Toulon, Paris (France), Naples (Italy), May 27 to June 29, 2018. Participation and presentation of a lecture at the "B'WAVES 2018" conference (Ecoles centrale de Marseille; May 28 to June 1). Worked on research collaborations (naval hydrodynamics and tsunami warning systems by HF radar) and advised PhD student at MIO, University of Toulon (June 4 to 23). Participation in the Iternational Engineering Board meeting and meeting at Parthenope University in Naples (June 14-16). Meeting of the International Advisory Committee of "France Energie Marine" in Paris (June 27, 28).
- Sacramento, CA (USA), July 23 to 27, 2018. Participant in "National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) summer meeting, as East Coast co-representative and member of Modeling and Mapping sub-committee.
- Newark, DE (USA) July 27-28, 2018. Attend FUNWAVE Workshop at University of Delaware.
- Baltimore, MD (USA) July 29-Aug. 4th, 2018. Attend and co-present 4 papers/posters (as co-author) at the 35th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engng.
- Marseilles and Toulon (France) November 25-Dec. 2nd, 2018. Participant and presentation of a lecture in the
16th Journees Hydrodynamiques (ECM, Marseilles): "Real-time sea-state estimation from inertial measurements of a ship's motions". Research meetings in Marseille and Toulon regarding ANR-Astrid LIDAR project.
- Washington, DC (USA) December 9-15, 2018, Participation in AGU Fall
meeting, and presenter/co-presenter of four posters and two lectures. Oral presentations : "Recent progress in the modeling and detection of meteotsunamis and storm surges", "The 1908 Messina Tsunami: New Understanding of Coastal Impact Through Numerical Modeling of Dual Coseismic-Landslide Sources", "Assessing extreme storm risk using a fully-nonlinear phase resolving wave model combined with an erosion model".
- San Diego, CA (USA), January 28 to February 2, 2019. Participant in "National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) winter/annual meeting, as East Coast co-representative and member of Modeling and Mapping sub-committee.
- Honolulu, HI (USA), February 18-23, 2019. Member on the team conducting the 6-year program review of the School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and Technology (SOEST) at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa.
- Fort Collins, CO (USA), May 5 to 11, 2019. Participant in Powell Center Workshop, organized under the auspice of the "National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP), as East Coast co-representative and member of Modeling and Mapping sub-committee.
- Reggio Calabria, Rome (Italy), Nice, Toulon, Paris (France), June 1 to July 10, 2019. (i) Invited distinguished lecturer at University of Reggio and University of Roma Tre, presentation of 3 public lectures on 1908 Messina and 2018 Anak-Krakatau tsunamis, plus discussions of ongoing research collaborations and Italian IEP program; (ii) Research meeting at University of Nice; (iii) Invited professor at MIO, University of Toulon (June 15 - July 6), and Laboratory St Venant (Paris) (July 8-9), to work on research collaborations.
- Salt Lake City, UT (USA), August 18-23, 2019. Participant in "National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) summer meeting (as East Coast co-representative and member of Modeling and Mapping sub-committee).
- Storrs, CT (USA), September 13, 2019. Presentation of an invited seminar at the University of Connecticut: "AI method for predicted sea state based on ship motion".
- Nanjing, Shanghai (China), October 16-25, 2019. Presentation of a lecture as invited participant in the FUNWAVE workshop (at Hohai University) and other university visits.
- San Francisco, DC (USA) December 8-14, 2019, Participation in AGU Fall
meeting, and presenter/co-presenter of 4 oral presentations : "The 1883 and 2018 Krakatau tsunamis -- new marine evidence on their generation", "Modeling of the slide and tsunami generation from the 12/22/18 lateral collapse of Anak Krakatau volcano (Sunda Straits, Indonesia): comparison with recent field surveys of slide deposits and tsunami impact", "Evaluating the role of eruptive processes in the source of the 2018 Anak Krakatau tsunami", "September 28, 2019 Palu, Indonesia Landslide Tsunami Simulations".
- Portland, OR (USA), January 27 to 31, 2020. Participant in "National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) winter/annual meeting, as East Coast co-representative and member of Modeling and Mapping sub-committee.
- Sidney (virtual), October 7, 2020. Presentation of an invited keynote lecture on "Anak Krakatau Collapse: Modeling of the Slide and Tsunami Impact; Comparison to Field Surveys" and co-presenter of "Model for the Efficient Simulation of Multiple Landslide-Tsunami Scenarios" in 36th (virtual) Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engng. (ICCE36).
- Virtual, October 27, 2020. Presentation of a Webinar on "Preparedness Planning for Tsunami" to" FEMA REGION II.
- Nantes, Toulon, (France), June 10 to July 8, 2021. President of a PhD jury in Nantes and visit to colleagues at University of Toulon as paret of various research collaboraitons.
- Houston, TX (USA), July 11-13, 2021. Co-organizer and participant in the NSF planning meeting for the IUCRC Center of Ocean Systems Simulaitons and Control (COSSC).
- Bandung, Indonesia (virtual), October 21, 2021. Presentation of an invited seminar on "Modeling of the 12/22/18 Anak Krakatau volcano lateral collapse and tsunami based on recent field surveys: comparison with observed tsunami impact at Bandung University.
- Kyoto, Japan (virtual), November 5, 2021. Presentation of an invited lecture on "Tsunami generation by Volcanic flank collapse:
Case study of Anak Krakatau" in WLF5: "World tsunami conference" and participation in panel discussion on "Understanding and reducing the disaster risk of landslide-induced tsunami".
- Shanghai, China (virtual), January 13-14, 2022. Presentation of an invited lecture on "Simulation of Anak Krakatau volcano's 12/22/18 lateral
flank collapse, tsunami generation, and coastal impact: comparison with recent field surveys" in SCSTW-12: "The 12th South China Sea Tsunami Workshop".
- Anglet, Paris (France), April 2 to 9, 2022. Research visits and/or seminar presented to the Coastal engineering group in Anglet and in St Venant Laboratory (Chatou-Paris). Chair of PhD defense at St Vensnt, and participation in annual Fulbright meeting.
- Palm Spring, CA (USA), July 17 to 22, 2022. Participant in "National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) summer meeting, as East Coast co-representative and member of Modeling and Mapping sub-committee.
- Sidney (Australia), December 2-10, 2022. Presentation of a lecture on "Simulation of tsunami generation and near- and far-field impact from the 1/15/22 eruption of the Hunga Tonga - Hunga Ha'apai volcano" and co-presenter of: "Simulation of steepness-limited breaking waves in a fully nonlinear potential flow model", "Reinforcing ecosystem engineers with enhanced vegetation and an artificial reef along the Rhode Island coastal barrier systems", and "Landslide tsunami hazard assessment: a numerical model for the simulation of multiple landslide-induced tsunamis scenarios in a Monte Carlo framework", in the 37th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engng. (ICCE37).
- Palm Spring, CA (USA), January 23 to 27, 2023. Participant in "National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) winter meeting, as East Coast co-representative and member of Modeling and Mapping sub-committee.
- Toulon, Bordeaux (France), Braunschweig, Hamburg (Germany), Delft (The Netherlands)) May 6 to June 20, 2023. Worked on research collaborations (naval hydrodynamics and tsunami warning systems by HF radar) and advised students at MIO as invited professor, University of Toulon (May 8 to 28). Invited participation and presentation of a lecture at the "B'WAVES 2023" conference (May 29 to June 2). Participation in the International Engineering Board meeting and meeting at Braunschweig University and visit of coastal engineering facilities (June 11-13). Offshore wind meeting in Hamburg (June 13-15). Research meeting in Deltares (delft, June 15-16).
- Gangneung, Seoul (Korea), July 3-12, 2023. Invited participant and lecturer at the "Tsunami Workshop" (Gangneung, July 4-7). Invited lecturer at Seoul National University (2 seminars on July 10) and Inha University (1 seminar on July 11).
- Boston, MA (USA) July 26-27, 2023. Invited lecturer at the FUNWAVE Workshop at Northeastern University.
- Portland, OR (USA), July 30 to August 6, 2023. Participant in "National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) summer meeting, as East Coast co-representative and member of Modeling and Mapping sub-committee (July 31 to AUgust 4). Co-chair of "Tsunami Sediment Workshop" (August 4-5).
- Paris (France), November 25 to 29, 2023. Research visits and presentation of two seminars at St Venant Laboratory (Chatou-Paris). Member of PhD defense jury of Sunil Mohanlal at St Venant.
- Toulon (France) May 9 to May 31, 2024. Worked on research collaborations (naval hydrodynamics and tsunami warning systems by HF radar) and advised students as invited professor at MIO, University of Toulon.
- American Samoa (USA); Honolulu, HI, July 21 to July28, 2023. Participant in the "National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) summer meeting, as East Coast co-representative and member of Modeling and Mapping sub-committee. Multiple site visits on American Samoa and visit of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC), in Honolulu, HI.
- Rome (Italy), September 7-15, 2024. Presentation of a lecture on "A new modeling framework for probabilistic landslide tsunami hazard analyses" and co-presenter of: "Power and limitations of Nature-Based solutions to enhance coastal resilience", "3D depth-limited breaking waves over variable bathymetry in fully nonlinear potential flow", "A numerical model for landslide tsunami hazard assessment"," and "Wave breaking onset and dissipation in a fully non-linear, staggered grid boussinesq model", in the 38th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engng. (ICCE38).
- Stromboli (Italy), October 3-8, 2024. Invited participat at "INGV Worskhop | Tsunamis warning @Stromboli:
Observations, Modelling, Hazard, Forecasting". Presentation of a lecture on "Modeling tsunamis generated by various volcanic processes: overview and case studies".
- New York, NY, November 4,5 2024. Invited participant and speaker, at the United Nation Headquarters, in the " World Tsunami Awarness Day panel", organied by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR).
- San Jose, COsta Rica, December 2-6, 2024. Invited participant in the United Nation (UNESCO-IOC) "CARIBE-EWS Meeting of Experts", on "Seismic Sources in the Northwest Caribbean and on Non-Seismic Sources of Tsunamis for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions".