Coastal Engineering Research Group 
Ocean Engineering

Education : M.S. 1980 (civil engng.), M.S. 1983 (oceanography), Ph.D 1985 (hydraulic and ocean engng.), University of Liège (Belgium).

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Main areas of research, work, and teaching

Coastal engineering (wave modeling and experiments, wave-structure-bottom interactions, wave breaking, freak waves, wave-induced sediment transport, tsunami impact, geohazards); numerical modeling of ship waves; numerical modeling (Boundary Element Method); porous and random media flows, multi-phase flows; underwater acoustic propagation/instrumentation (see résumé for detail : [work])


Stéphan T. Grilli, Distinguished Professor of Ocean Engineering, was educated at the University of Liège (Belgium), where he received an M.S. in civil engineering in 1980, an M.S. in physical oceanography in 1983 and a Ph.D. in Applied Sciences ( Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering ) in 1985. After two years as a research associate at the University of Liège, in 1987, he joined the Civil Engineering department (Ocean Engineering Group ) of the University of Delaware as a research assistant professor. He joined the faculty at URI in 1991 as an assistant professor and was promoted to associate professor in 1993 and to professor in 1998. Dr. Grilli served as Chair of the Department of Ocean engineering, from 2002 to 2008. (Details of : [positions] ).

Since 1983, Dr. Grilli traveled extensively. He was a visiting professor in Rabat (Morocco), in Santander (Spain), in Nantes (ECN) Toulon (LSEET, ISITV) and Nice (INLN) (France), Braunschweig (Germany), and an invited lecturer in China, Denmark, and England (Details of : [visiting positions]). He attended and made presentations at over 80 international meetings, most of them in foreign countries. Doing so, he delivered many invited lectures, and often served as a session chair ( Details of : [presentations]). In 1986, he received the University of Liège Alumni award and the Gustav Magnel award (Brussels), both for his Ph.D. dissertation, and the Fernand de Waele award in Brussels in 1990, for his post-doctoral research. He also received the Duesberg-Baily Foundation award in Verviers, in 1987, and the ATMA award in Paris, in 1984. In 1992, he was awarded the Estelle and Vincent Murphy Award for excellence in engineering by the URI College of Engineering (Details of : [awards]).

Over the past twenty years, Dr. Grilli, has gradually developed a specialization of his research and teaching interests in the general area of coastal engineering. Within this area, however, he has broad academic and research interests ranging from computational wave and fluid dynamics, coastal and surf-zone modeling and wave-structure interaction, to porous and poro-elastic media flows. He has thus designed and taught courses in hydromechanics, marine hydrodynamics, wave and advanced wave mechanics, littoral processes, coastal modeling, and wave structure-interaction (List of : [courses]; Details of : [courses]). Dr. Grilli is very involved with both the US and international coastal an ocean engineering research community. From 1996 to 2004, he served on the editorial board of the ASCE Journal of Waterways, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering and since 2003, he has served as associate editor of the International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering (IJOPE). Since 2001, he has been on the scientific committee of the ISOPE conference series, within which he served as the chairman of the Numerical Wave Tank group (2000-02) and since 2003 as the chairman of the Hydrodynamic Committee. Dr. Grilli has worked on long wave runup since the early 1990's and, since 1998, on tsunamis generated by underwater landslides. More recently, following the 12/26/04 Indian Ocean Tsunami, Dr. Grilli helped organize and participated in an expedition to the area of the epicenter of the 12/26/04 tsunami (SEATOS: summary, webpage). The expedition was featured in a 2h Discovery Channel special in December 2005. Follwoing this, Dr. Grilli's work was featured in various other TV or radio shows, as well as in many newspaper article and web posting. He has since been quite involved with the modeling of that event and the forecasting of tsunami hazard in the region, as well as in Northern USA. A short animation of modeling results for the 12/26/04 tsunami can be found in (1.5Gb) (See details at [tsunami]).

Over the past thirty years, Dr. Grilli has also maintained a strong research interest in the Boundary Element Method (BEM), both at the fundamental and application levels. In many of his research projects, he used the BEM to solve wave modeling and other flow problems, more recently in combination (or coupling) with other numerical methods such as VOF. Dr. Grilli has been involved as well with the international BEM research community. He serves on the editorial board of the journals : Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements (EABE, since 1989). He was co-Chairman and editor of the proceedings of BETECH90 (the 5th International Conference on Boundary Element Technology), and has been a regular member of scientific committees of international conference series devoted to boundary elements and computational modeling such as BEM (since 1990), and BETECH (since 1991). In 1990, he served as guest editor for a special issue of EABE on nonlinear wave analysis (Details of : [professional societies] [editorial board] [scientific committees]).

Research Sponsorship

Complete list of : [grants]     Current list of : [research projects]

Dr. Grilli's recent research activity has been supported by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), the National Science Foundation (NSF), various state agencies, private foundations, and corporations. Dr. Grilli's recent research is primarily directed at wave analysis in coastal areas and wave interaction with submerged and emerged coastal structures, including wave-induced sediment transport around partly buried mines, freak wave generation and impact on structures, topographic wave breaking and properties of breaking waves, waves generated by FastShips (surface effect ships). A great deal of Dr. Grilli's recent of research is also related to tsunami generation (long waves) and tsunami propagation, and geohazard in coastal areas (more details in : [wave] [tsunami] ).

Over the years, Dr. Grilli developed several computer models using the BEM, initially for linear wave propagation, floating body dynamics in waves, and porous media flows. After joining the University of Delaware, in collaboration with Dr. Svendsen, he developed a two-dimensional (2D) computer model for nonlinear wave propagation over arbitrary bottom geometry, up to overturning and breaking in nearshore area. This model has since been undertaken many additional stages of both development and refinement and is now recognized as one of the state-of-the-art models (i.e., "Numerical Wave Tank") for calculating wave propagation, shoaling, breaking and runup. NSF supported the model documentation and maintenance. Since 1999, Dr. Grilli developed a three-dimensional (3D) fully nonlinear model using a higher-order BEM, which truly constitutes a Numerical Wave Tank (NWT). This 3D-NWT has been applied to a variety of wave generation and propagation problems (topographic wave shoaling and breaking, landslide tsunami generaiton, freak wave generation). Both the 2D- and 3D-NWTs have been coupled to other models solving Navier-Stokes (NS) equations (based on VOF or VOF-LES methods), to study post-breaking waves and wave induced sediment transport.

SeaGrant initially supported analyses, using the 2D model, of characteristics of shoaling and breaking (mostly solitary) waves over a beach in connection with surfzone dynamics, and NRL supported the application of the 2D model to periodic wave shoaling and breaking over arbitrary bottom topography. As part of an ONR project, the model was used to calculate periodic wave shoaling and breaking over beaches (with and without a bar) and develop Depth-Inversion-Algorithms for predicting the bottom topography in shallow water, based on characteristics of surface waves measured by remote sensing. NSF supported the application of the 3D model to landslide tsunami and freak wave generation. ONR suported the study of wave-induced sediment tranport. Various other problems (e.g., coupling, freak waves) were also tackled as part of international collaborations (LSEET, ENS-CACHANS,...). Dr. Grilli has maintained research collaborations with the University of Delaware ocean group, where laboratory experiments were performed at various stages of the 2D model validation. In 1998-99, while on sabbatical in France (University of Toulon and Institut Nonlineaire of Nice), Dr. Grilli developed the initial 3D version of his fully nonlinear breaking wave model, as well as worked on coupling the two-dimensional model to a VOF model for breaking and post-breaking waves. Various subsequent developments of both the 2D- and 3D-NWTS and applications of these to new problems, were then carried out in collaboration with French colleagues (see more details in : [wave]).

Dr. Grilli has investigated other directions for extending the above calculations to the analysis of ship wave resistance, kinematics of random waves, wave interaction with porous seabed and structures [porous], and tsunami generated by underwater landslides and slumps [tsunami]. In addition, since 1993, Dr. Grilli has broaden his interest to the study of other types of waves and interfacial motions. Under US Coast Guard and then MMS funding, he developed a model of oil containment by booms, including the study of Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities at the interface between oil and water [boom]. Under ONR funding, in collaboration with Dr. Stepanishen, he developed a BEM model for the underwater acoustic propagation in coastal regions [acoustics]. In collaboration with Dr. Spaulding, he participated in the implementation of a state-of-the-art linear wave model in a real time coastal forecasting system [COASTMAP].

Selected Publications (2015-2024)

Since 1980, Dr. Grilli has published over 15 chapters in books and edited books. He has published over 121 refereed journal articles, 166 refereed proceeding articles, 85 non-refereed proceedings articles and abstracts, and 61 research reports. Below are selected publications in the past 10 years (see complete list in résumé by connecting below) :

Full lists of :   [chapters] [journal articles] [refereed proceedings] [non-refereed proceedings] [research reports]

2015 :

Grilli S.T., O'Reilly C., Harris J.C., Tajalli-Bakhsh T., Tehranirad B., Banihashemi S., Kirby J.T., Baxter C.D.P., Eggeling T., Ma G. and F. Shi 2015. Modeling of SMF tsunami hazard along the upper US East Coast: Detailed impact around Ocean City, MD. Natural Hazards, 76(2), 705-746, doi: 10.1007/s11069-014-1522-8  (published online 11/15/14).   [pdf]

Dombre E., Benoit M., Violeau D., Peyrard C. and Grilli S.T. 2015. Simulation of floating structure dynamics in waves by implicit coupling of a fully nonlinear potential flow model and a rigid body motion approach. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, 1, 55-76, doi: 10.1007/s40722-014-0006-y  (published online 11/13/14).   [pdf]

Banari A., Mauzole Y., Hara T., Grilli S.T. and C.F. Janssen 2015. The simulation of turbulent particle-laden channel flow by the Lattice Boltzmann method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 79(10), 491-513, doi: 10.1002/fld.4058  (published online 06/16/15).   [pdf]

Tehranirad B., Harris J.C., Grilli A.R., Grilli S.T., Abadie S., Kirby J.T. and F. Shi 2015. Far-field tsunami impact in the north Atlantic basin from large scale flank collapses of the Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 172(12), 3,589-3,616 doi:10.1007/s00024-015-1135-5  (published online 07/21/15).   [pdf]

2016 :

Grilli, S.T., Grilli A.R., David, E. and C. Coulet 2016. Tsunami Hazard Assessment along the North Shore of Hispaniola from far- and near-field Atlantic sources. Natural Hazards, 82(2), 777-810, doi: 10.1007/s11069-016-2218-z (published online 2/19/2016).

Hashemi, M.R., Grilli, S.T. and S.P. Neill 2016. A simplified method to estimate tidal current effects on the ocean wave power resource. Renewable Energy, 96, 257-269 doi:10.1016/j.renene.2016.04.073 (published online 5/6/2016; open access).

Grilli, S.T., Grosdidier S. and C.-A. Guérin 2016. Tsunami detection by High Frequency Radar beyond the continental shelf. I. Algorithms and validation on idealized case studies. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 173(12), 3,895-3,934, doi: 10.1007/s00024-015-1193-8 (published online 10/28/15).

Shelby, M., Grilli, S. T. and Grilli, A. R., 2016. Tsunami hazard assessment in the Hudson River Estuary based on dynamic tsunami tide simulations. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 173(12), 3,999-4,037, doi:10.1007/s00024-016-1315-y (published online 5/24/16).

2017 :

Grilli, S.T., Shelby, M., Kimmoun, O., Dupont, G., Nicolsky, D., Ma, G., Kirby, J. and F. Shi 2017. Modeling coastal tsunami hazard from submarine mass failures: effect of slide rheology, experimental validation, and case studies off the US East coast. Natural Hazards, 86(1), 353-391, doi:10.1007/s11069-016-2692-3 (published online 12/01/16).

Lynett, P., and 37 alii 2017. Inter-Model Analysis of Tsunami-Induced Coastal Currents. Ocean Modeling, 114, 14-32, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2017.04.003.

Grilli, S.T., Guérin, C.-A., Shelby, M., Grilli, A., P. Moran, Grosdidier, S. and T.L. Insua 2017. Tsunami detection by High Frequency Radar beyond the continental shelf: II. Extension of algorithms and validation on realistic case studies. Pure and Appl. Geophys., 174(1), 3,003-3,028, doi:10.1007/s00024-017-1619-6 (published online 7/21/17).

Grilli, S.T., Grilli, A.R., Tehranirad, B. and J.T. Kirby 2017. Modeling tsunami sources and their propagation in the Atlantic Ocean for coastal tsunami hazard assessment and inundation mapping along the US East Coast. In Proc. Coastal Structures and Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2015 : Tsunamis (Boston, USA. September 9-11, 2015), American Soc. Civil Eng., pps. 1-12 [pdf]  (2.9Mb).

Tehranirad, B., Kirby J. T., S. T. Grilli and F. Shi 2017. Does morphological adjustment during tsunami inundation increase levels of hazard ?. In Proc. Coastal Structures and Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2015 : Tsunamis (Boston, USA. September 9-11, 2015), American Soc. Civil Eng., pps. 145-153 [pdf]  (0.4Mb).

2018 :

Guérin C.-A. and S.T. Grilli 2018. A probabilistic method for the estimation of ocean surface currents from short time series of HF radar data. Ocean Modeling, 121(1), 105-116, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2017.11.010 (published online 12/05/17).

Schambach, L., Grilli, A.R., Grilli, S.T., Hashemi, M.R., and J. King 2018. Assessing the impact of extreme storms on barrier beaches along the Atlantic coastline : Application to the southern Rhode Island coast. Coastal Engineering, 133, 26-42, (published online 12/21/17).

Guérin C.-A., S.T. Grilli, P. Moran, A.R. Grilli, T.L. Insua 2018. Tsunami detection by High Frequency Radar in British Columbia: performance assessment of the Time-Correlation Algorithm for synthetic and real events. Ocean Dynamics, 68(4-5), 423-438, (published online 2/20/18).

Hayward S., Hashemi M.R., Torres M., Grilli A.R., Grilli S.T., King J., Baxter C. and M.L. Spaulding 2018. Numerical simulation of coastal erosion and its mitigation by living shoreline methods: case study in southern Rhode Island. J. American Shore and Beach Preservation Assoc., 86(4), 13-25.[pdf]  

Grilli, S.T., Dahl, J.M., Grilli, A.R. and S.C. Steele 2018. Real-time sea-state estimation from inertial measurements of a ship's motions. In Proc. 16th Journée de l'hydrodynamique (JH2018) (November 27-29, Marseille, France), 12 pps. [pdf].

Al Naser N., Grilli A.R., Grilli S.T., Baxter C., Bradshaw A. and B. Maggi 2018. Land use and mitigation effects on barrier beach erosion in storms case study in RI. In Proc. 36th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engng. (ICCE18; Baltimore, Jul 30 - Aug 3), ASCE, 1(36), 40, doi:10.9753/icce.v36.papers.108 .

Woodruff, I., Kirby, J.T., Shi, F. and Grilli, S.T., 2018. Estimating meteotsunami occurrences for the US East Coast. In Proc. 36th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engng. (ICCE18; Baltimore, Jul 30 - Aug 3), ASCE, 1(36), 66.

2019 :

Grilli S.T., D.R. Tappin, S. Carey, S.F.L. Watt, S.N. Ward, A.R. Grilli, S.L. Engwell, C. Zhang, J.T. Kirby, L. Schambach and M. Muin 2019. Modelling of the tsunami from the December 22, 2018 lateral collapse of Anak Krakatau volcano in the Sunda Straits, Indonesia, Scientific Reports, 9, 11946 (open access) doi:10.1038/s41598-019-48327-6

Guérin C.-A., Desmars, N., Grilli, S.T., Ducrozet, G., Pérignon, Y. and P. Ferrant 2019. An improved Lagrangian model for the time evolution of nonlinear surface waves. J. Fluid Mech., 876, 527-552, doi:10.1017/jfm.2019.519.

Schambach L., Grilli S.T., Kirby J.T. and F. Shi 2019. Landslide tsunami hazard along the upper US East Coast: effects of slide rheology, bottom friction, and frequency dispersion. Pure and Applied Geophys., 176(7), 3,059-3,098, (published online 09/03/18).

Nemati F., Grilli S.T., Ioualalen M., Boschetti L., Larroque L. and J. Trevisan 2019. High-resolution coastal hazard assessment along the French Riviera from co-seismic tsunamis generated in the Ligurian fault system. Natural Hazards, 96(2), 553-586, (published online 12/15/18).

Torres M.J., Hashemi, M.R., Hayward S., Spaulding M.L., Ginis I. and S.T. Grilli 2019. Role of hurricane wind models in accurate simulation of storm surge and waves. J. Waterways, Port, Coastal Engng., 145(1), 04018039, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000496 (published online 11/15/18).

Roarty H., T. Cook, L. Hazard, J. Harlan, D. George, S. Cosoli, L. Wyatt, E. Alvarez Fanjul, E. Terrill, M. Otero, J. Largier, S. Glenn, N. Ebuchi, B. Whitehouse, K. Bartlett, J. Mader, A. Rubio, L.P. Corgnati, C. Mantovani, A. Griffa, E. Reyes, P. Lorente, X. Flores-Vidal, K.J. Saavedra-Matta, P. Rogowski, S. Prukpitikul, S.-H. Lee, J.-W. Lai, C.-A. Guérin, J. Sanchez, B. Hansen and S. Grilli 2019. The Global High Frequency Radar Network. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 164, 1-26 (open access) doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00164.

2020 :

Grilli S.T., Horrillo J. and S. Guignard 2020. Fully nonlinear potential flow simulations of wave shoaling over slopes: spilling breaker model and integral wave properties. Water Waves, 2(2), 263-297, doi:10.1007/s42286-019-00017-6 (published online 10/08/19).

Schambach L., Grilli S.T., Tappin D.R., Gangemi M.D., and G. Barbaro 2020. New simulations and understanding of the 1908 Messina tsunami for a dual seismic and deep submarine mass failure source, Marine Geology, 421, 106093, doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2019.106093 (published online, 12/15/19).

Athanassoulis, G.A., Benoit, M., Clamond, D. and S.T. Grilli 2020. Foreword to the special issue on nonlinear waves over variable bathymetry. J. Ocean Eng. Mar. Energy, 5, 307-310, doi: 10.1007/s40722-019-00158-3 (published online 1/23/20).

Boschetti L., Ioualalen M., Nemati F., Grilli S.T., Dessa J.-X., and C. Larroque 2020. Tsunami intensity scale based on wave amplitude and current applied to the French Riviera: the case study of local seismicity. Natural Hazards, 102, 219-248, doi: 10.1007/s11069-020-03921-0 (published online 04/18/20).

Derakhti M. , J.T. Kirby, M.L. Banner, S.T. Grilli and J. Thomson 2020. A unified breaking onset criterion for surface gravity water waves in arbitrary depth. J. Geophys. Res., 125(7), e2019JC015886, 28 pps, doi:10.1029/2019JC015886 (published online, 5/22/20).

Grilli A.R., Westcott G., Grilli S., Spaulding M.L., Shi F. and J.T. Kirby 2020. Assessing coastal risk from extreme storms with a phase resolving wave model: Case Study of Narragansett, RI, USA. Coastal Engineering, 160, 103735, doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2020.103735 (published online, 6/02/20).

Desmars N., F. Bonnefoy, S.T. Grilli, G. Ducrozet, Y. Perignon, C.-A. Guérin and P. Ferrant 2020. Experimental and numerical assessment of deterministic nonlinear ocean waves prediction algorithms using non-uniformly sampled wave gauges. Ocean Engineering, 212, 1037659, doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.107659 (published online, 6/24/20).

O'Reilly C., Janssen C.F. and S.T. Grilli 2020. A Lattice-Boltzmann-based perturbation method. Computers and Fluids, 213, 104723, doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2020.104723 (published online 9/18/20).

Schambach, L., Grilli, S.T. and A.R. Grilli 2020. Simulation of Global Tsunami Hazard along the U.S. East Coast. Research Report no. CACR-20-02. NTHMP Award, #NA18NWS4670073, National Weather Service Program Office, 93 pps. [pdf] 

2021 :

Varing A., Filipot J.-F., Grilli S.T., Duarte R., Roeber V. and M. Yates 2021. A new kinematic breaking onset criterion for spilling and plunging breaking waves in shallow water. Coastal Engineering, 164, 103755, doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2020.103755 (published online 9/22/20).

Tappin D.R. and Grilli, S.T. 2021. he Continuing Underestimated Tsunami Hazard from Submarine Landslides. Chapter in: Sassa, K., Mikos, M., Sassa, S., Bobrowsky, P.T., Takara, K., Dang, K. (eds) Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk. WLF 2020. ICL Contribution to Landslide Disaster Risk Reductionpp, 343-350. Springer, Cham., doi:10.1007/978-3-030-60196-6_24.

Schambach L., Grilli S.T. and D.R. Tappin 2021. New high-resolution modeling of the 2018 Palu tsunami, based on supershear earthquake mechanisms and mapped coastal landslides, supports a dual source. Frontiers in Earth Sciences, 8, 627, doi:10.3389/feart.2020.598839 (accepted 11/18/20).

Zhang C., Kirby J., Shi F., Ma G. and S.T. Grilli 2021. A two-layer non-hydrostatic landslide model for tsunami generation on irregular bathymetry. 1. Theoretical basis. Ocean Modelling, 159, 101749, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2020.101749 (accepted 12/19/20).

Zhang C., Kirby J., Shi F., Ma G. and S.T. Grilli 2021. A two-layer non-hydrostatic landslide model for tsunami generation on irregular bathymetry. 2. Numerical discretization and model validation. Ocean Modelling, 160, 101769, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2021.101769 (Accepted 2/11/21).

Hunt, J.E., Tappin, D.R., Watt, S.F.L., Susilohadi, S., Novellino, A., Ebmeier, S.K., Cassidy, M., Engwell, S.L., Grilli, S.T., Hanif, M., Priyanto, W.S., Clare, M.A., Abdurrachman, M., and U., Udrekh 2021. Submarine observations show half of the island of Anak Krakatau failed on December 22nd 2018. Nature Communications, 12, 2827, doi:10.1038/S41467-021-22610-5 (accepted 1/18/21).

Grilli, S.T. and J.T. Kirby 2021. Landslide Tsunami Models Developed and Used by the NTHMP East Coast Group for Tsunami Inundation Mapping to Help Elucidate the Messina 1908, Anak 2018, and Palu 2018 Events. TsuInfo Alert, 23(3), 1-5 [pdf]

Grilli, S.T., Zhang, C., Kirby, J.T., Grilli, A.R., Tappin, D.R., Watt, S.F.L., Hunt, J.E., Novellino, A., Engwell, S.L., Nurshal, M.E., Abdurrachman, M., Cassidy, M., Madden-Nadeau A.L. amd S. Day 2021. Modeling of the Dec. 22nd 2018 Anak Krakatau volcano lateral collapse and tsunami based on recent field surveys: comparison with observed tsunami impact. Marine Geology, 440, 106566, doi:0.1016/j.margeo.2021.106566 (accepted on 07/12/21).

Schambach L., Grilli S.T., Tappin D.R., Gangemi M.D., and G. Barbaro 2021. Response to: Comment on "New simulations and understanding of the 1908 Messina tsunami for a dual seismic and deep submarine mass failure source", Marine Geology, 442, 106636, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2021.106636 (accepted 9/9/21).

Iorio, V., G. Bellotti, C. Cecioni and S.T. Grilli 2021. A numerical model for the efficient simulation of multiple landslide-induced tsunamis scenarios. Ocean Modelling, 168, 101899, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2021.101899 (accepted 9/10/21).

Grilli, S.T., M. Mohammadpour, L. Schambach, and A.R. Grilli 2021. Tsunami coastal hazard along the US East Coast from coseismic sources in the Acores Convergence Zone and the Caribbean Arc areas. Natural Hazards, 111, 1431-1478, doi:10.1007/s11069-021-05103-y (accepted 10/28/21).

2022 :

O'Reilly, C.M., S.T. Grilli, C.F. Janssen, J.M. Dahl and J.C. Harris 2022. Hybrid Lattice-Boltzmann-potential flow simulations of turbulent flow around submerged structures. J. Marine Sc. Eng., 10, 1651, doi:10.3390/jmse10111651 (accepted 10/24/22).

Choi, Y.K., F. Shi, M. Malej, J.M. Smith, J.T. Kirby and S.T. Grilli 2022. Block-structured, equal workload, multigrid nesting interface for Boussinesq wave model FUNWAVE-TVD. Geoscientific Model Development, 15, 5441-2022, doi:10.5194/gmd-15-5441-2022 (accepted 6/23/22).

Harris J.C., Dombre E., Benoit M., Grilli S.T. and K.I. Kuznetsov 2022. Nonlinear time-domain wave-structure interaction: a parallel fast integral equation approach. Intl. J. Numer. Fluids, 94(2), 188-222, doi:10.1002/fld.5051 (accepted 9/24/21).

Cutler, K.S., S.F.L. Watt, M. Cassidy, A.L. Madden-Nadeau, S.L. Engwell, M. Abdurrachman, M.E.M. Nurshal, D.R. Tappin, S.N. Carey, A. Novellino, C. Hayer, J.E. Hunt, S.J. Day, S.T. Grilli, I.A. Kurniawan and N. Kartadinata 2022. Downward-propagating eruption following vent unloading implies no direct magmatic trigger for the 2018 lateral collapse of Anak Krakatau. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 578, 117332, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117332 (accepted 12/08/21).

Kirby, J.T., S.T. Grilli, J. Horrillo, P.L.-F. Liu, D. Nicolsky, S. Abadie, B. Ataie-Ashtiani, M.J. Castro, L. Clous, C. Escalante, I. Fine, J.M. Gonzalez-Vida, F. Lovholt, P. Lynett, G. Ma, J. Macias, S. Ortega, F. Shi, S. Yavari-Ramshe, C. Zhang 2022. Validation and intercomparison of models for landslide tsunami generation. Ocean Modelling, 170, 101943, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2021.101943 (accepted 12/26/21).

Sassa, S., Grilli, S.T., Tappin, D.R., Sassa, K., Karnawati, D., Gusiakov, V. and F. Løvholt 2022. Understanding and reducing the disaster risk of landslide-induced tsunamis: a short summary of the panel discussion in the World Tsunami Awareness Day Special Event of the Fifth World Landslide Forum. Landslides, 19, 533-535, doi:10.1007/s10346-021-01819-x (published online 01/31/22).

Grilli S.T., M. Mohammadpour, A.R. Grilli, C. Zhang, D. Tappin A. Novellino and S. Watt 2022. Simulation of tsunami generation and near- and far-field impact from the 1/15/22 eruption of the Hunga Tonga - Hunga Ha'apai volcano. Coastal Engng. Proc., (37), management.85 (ICCE2022, Sydney, Australia, 23/4-9/2022),

2023 :

Mohanlal S., J.C. Harris, M.L. Yates and S.T. Grilli 2023. Unified depth-limited wave breaking detection and dissipation in fully nonlinear potential flow models. Coastal Engineering, 183, 104316, doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2023.104316 (accepted 4/11/23).

Cecioni C., G. Bellotti, V. Iorio and S.T. Grilli 2023. Probabilistic landslide tsunami modeling of the 2018 Palu Bay event. Coastal Engineering, 183, 104332, doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2023.104332 (accepted 4/30/23).

Schuh E., A.R. Grilli, F. Groetsch, S.T. Grilli, D. Crowley, I. Ginis and P. Stempel 2023. Assessing the morphodynamic response of a New England beach-barrier system to an artificial reef. Coastal Engineering, 184, 104355, doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2023.104355 (accepted 6/11/23).

Stempel, P., Nasr-Azadani, E., Grilli, A., Grilli, S., Schuh, E., Groetsch, F., Ginis, I., Crowley, D., Walsh, J. P., Whaling, I., Damon, C., Duhaime, R., Rubinoff, P., & Schmitt, C. 2023. 3D Morphodynamic Visualizations of Storm Impacts for Decision Support. J. Digital Landscape Architecture, 8(10), 554-563, doi:10.14627/537740058

Kirby J.T. and S.T. Grilli 2023. Tsunami Sediment Transport Model Benchmarking Workshop. TsuInfo Alert, 25(5), 3-6 [pdf]

Sassa, S., Grilli, S.T., Tappin, D.R., Sassa, K., Karnawati, D., Gusiakov, V. and F. Løvholt 2023. Understanding and Reducing the Disaster Risk of Landslide-Induced Tsunamis: Outcome of the Panel Discussion and the World Tsunami Awareness Day Special Event of the Fifth World Landslide Forum. Chapter in: Sassa, K., Konagai, K., Tiwari, B., Arbanas, Z., Sassa, S. (eds) Progress in Landslide Research and Technology, Volume 1 (1), 65-81. Springer, Cham., doi:10.1007/978-3-031-16898-7_4.

Mohanlal S., J.C. Harris, M.L. Yates and S.T. Grilli 2023. 3D depth-limited breaking waves in fully non-linear potential flow. In Proc. 38th Intl. Workshop Water Waves and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB38, University of Michigan, USA, May 7-10, 2023), 4 pps. [pdf]  

Grilli A.R., F. Groetsch, E. Schuh, A. Leone, D. Crowley, S.T. Grilli, I. Ginis, J.P. Walsh, Whaling I., P. Stempel, P. Rubinoff, R. Duhaime, C. Damon, A. Babson, M. LaFrance Bartley 2023. Can we mitigate future breachings in the Rhode Island beach barrier system? In Proc. 10th International Conference on Coastal Sediments (COASTAL SEDIMENT '23, New Orleans, USA, April 11-15, 2023), pp. 2534-2542, doi:10.1142/9789811275135_0231.

Whaling I., J.P. Walsh, D. Crowley, I. Ginis, A.R. Grilli, A. Leone, S.T. Grilli, P. Stempel, P. Rubinoff, R. Duhaime, C. Damon, A. Babson, M. LaFrance Bartley 2023. Geomorphological evolution of a managed vs an unmanaged shoreline on the southern coast of Rhode Island. In Proc. 10th International Conference on Coastal Sediments (COASTAL SEDIMENT '23, New Orleans, USA, April 11-15, 2023), pp. 1044-1054, doi:10.1142/9789811275135_0096.

Crowley D., I. Ginis, J.P. Walsh, Whaling I., A.R. Grilli, A. Leone, S.T. Grilli, P. Stempel, P. Rubinoff, R. Duhaime, C. Damon, A. Babson, M. LaFrance Bartley, and C. Schmitt 2023. Shoreline change impacts on coastal vulnerability to Nor'easters in southeast Cape Cod. In Proc. 10th International Conference on Coastal Sediments (COASTAL SEDIMENT '23, New Orleans, USA, April 11-15, 2023), pp. 2493-2506, doi:10.1142/9789811275135_0227.

Stempel P., Nasr-azadani E., Russ C., Becker A, Ginis I., Crowley D., Grilli A.R., Grilli S.T., Walsh J.P., Whaling I., Rubinoff P., Duhaime R., and C. Damon 2023. Dilemmas in 3D landscape visualization of coastal hazards for public engagement. In Proc. 10th International Conference on Coastal Sediments (COASTAL SEDIMENT '23, New Orleans, USA, April 11-15, 2023), pp. 2615-2629, doi:10.1142/9789811275135_0239.

Alkarem Y., Huguenard K., Kimball R.W., Hejrati B., Albertson S., Fontaine J., Grilli S.T., Steele S. and J.M. Dahl 2023. Digital Twin Model Development for Mitigating Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Motions Due to Wave Actions. Paper No. 2023-TPC-0672, presented at the 33rd Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE23, Ottawa, Canada, June 2023) [pdf].

Steele S., Albertson S., Fontaine J., Dahl J.M., Grilli S.T., Hashemi R.M., Alkarem Y., Kimball R.W. and B. Hejrati 2023. Active control of the wave-induced motions of a float: real-time simulations with a digital twin and experimental validation. Paper No. 2023-TPC-0713, presented at the 33rd Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE23, Ottawa, Canada, June 2023) [pdf].

Albertson S., Gharakhanlou M., Steele S., Grilli S.T., Dahl J.M., Grilli A.R., Hashemi R.M., Alkarem Y. and K. Huguenard 2023. Improved control of floating offshore wind turbine motion by using phase-resolved wave reconstruction and forecast. Paper No. 2023-TPC-0693, presented at the 33rd Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE23, Ottawa, Canada, June 2023) [pdf].

Wood N.J., J.C. Allan, C. Allen, K.F. Cheung, S.T. Grilli, J.J. Horrillo and R.I. Wilson 2023. The Federal, State, and University Collaboration to Improve Tsunami-hazard Characterization of the Entire United States in the National Risk Index. Presented at AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract ID# 1373237.

2024 :

Alkarem Y.R., K. Huguenard, R.W. Kimball, B. Hejrati, I. Ammermann, A.R. Nejad, J. Fontaine, R. Hashemi and S.T. Grilli 2024. On Building Predictive Digital Twin Incorporating Wave Predicting Capabilities: Case Study on UMaine Experimental Campaign - FOCAL. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2745, 012001, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2745/1/012001.

Mohanlal S., J.C. Harris, M.L. Yates and S.T. Grilli 2024. The simulation of depth-limited breaking waves in a 3D fully non-linear potential flow model. J. Waterways, Ports and Coastal Engineering, 150(4), 04024007, doi:10.1061/JWPED5.WWENG-2077.

Stempel, P., Nasr-Azadani, E., Russ, C., Grilli, A.R., Grilli, S.T., Ginis, I., Crowley, D., Walsh, J.P., Harrington, J., Damon, C., Duhaime, R. and P. Rubinoff 2024. Interpreting Dynamic Landscapes: Animated landscape visualizations to improve communication of changing coastal conditions. J. Digital Landscape Architecture, 9, 182-192, doi:10.14627/537752018.

Fotia, M., Kirby, J.T., Derakhti, M. and S.T. Grilli. Wave breaking onset and dissipation in a fully non-linear, staggered grid Boussinesq model. Presented at the 38th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2024, Rome, Italy, September 2024), Abstract 764.

Cecioni, C., Bellotti, G. and S.T. Grilli 2024. Probabilistic tsunami hazard analysis from submarine mass failure: a Monte Carlo approach to a case study in Italy. Presented at the 38th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2024, Rome, Italy, September 2024), Abstract 880.

Grilli, S.T., Grilli, A.R., Cheng, W., Horrillo, J., Cecioni, C., and G. Bellotti 2024. A new modeling framework for probabilistic landslide tsunami hazard analyses. Presented at the 38th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2024, Rome, Italy, September 2024), Abstract 973.

Grilli, A.R., Leone, A. Becker, T., Crowley, D., Stempel, P., Walsh, J.P., Ginis, I., Grilli, S.T., Damon, C., Duhaime, R. and P. Rubinoff 2024. Power and limitations of Nature-Based solutions to enhance coastal resilience. Presented at the 38th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2024, Rome, Italy, September 2024), Abstract 988.

Harris, J.C., Mohanlal, S., Yates, M. and S.T. Grilli 2024. 3D depth-limited breaking waves over variable bathymetry in fully nonlinear potential flow. Presented at the 38th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2024, Rome, Italy, September 2024), Abstract 1008.

Cecioni C., G. Bellotti and S.T. Grilli 2024. A numerical model for landslide tsunami hazard assessment. Presented at the 34th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE24, Rhodos, Greece, June 2024) [pdf].

M. Fotia, J.T. Kirby, M. Derakhti and S.T. Grilli 2024. Wave breaking onset and dissipation in a fully non-linear, staggered grid boussinesq model. Presented at the Ocean Science Meeting, New Orleans, 02/24 Abstract ID# CP33C-06.

Kirby, J.T., C. Malone, F. Shi and S.T. Grilli 2024. Modeling Morphology Changes due to Tsunami Inundation and Currents. Presented at the Ocean Science Meeting, New Orleans, 02/24 Abstract ID# CP11B-09.

Dahl, J., Gimple, M., Robbins, C., Mabile, C., Gharakhanlou, M., Steele, S., Knight, B., Phillips, B. and Grilli, S. 2024. Development of LIDAR based wave measurement and reconstruction system for real time near field wave forecasting and floating system control. Presented at the 66th meeting of the American Physical Society (Salt Lake City, November, 2024).

Harris, J.C., Kimmoun, L., Mohanlal, S., McTighe, J., Dahl, J. and S.T. Grilli 2024. Particle Image Velocimetry of Plunging Breaking Waves. Presented at the 19th Journée de l'hydrodynamique (JH2024, Nantes, France, November 2024).

Yates, M., Mohanlal, S., Harris, J.C., Wang, J. Pastur, L., Peyrard, C. and S.T. Grilli 2024. Numerical and Experimental Wave Breaking Characterization. Presented at the 19th Journée de l'hydrodynamique (JH2024, Nantes, France, November 2024).

2025 :

Hulin, F., Prevosto, M., Tassin, A., Filipot, J.-F., Jacques, N. and S.T. Grilli 2025. Breaking onset and breaking strength of focused wave packets: linear prediction model and non-linear numerical simulations. Coastal Engineering, 197, 104660, doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2024.104660

Mohanlal S., J.C. Harris, M.L. Yates and S.T. Grilli 2025. Erratum for "Simulation of Depth-Limited Breaking Waves in a 3D Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model". J. Waterways, Ports and Coastal Engineering, 151(1), 08224001, doi:10.1061/JWPED5.WWENG-2200.

Accepted/in press :

Kirby, J.T., Fotia M., Derakhti M. and S.T. Grilli 2024. Wave breaking onset and dissipation in a fully non-linear Boussinesq-type model. To be presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract ID# OS43B-0597.

Submitted or in revision :

Dahl, J.M., A.R. Grilli, S.C. Steele and S.T. Grilli. Estimation of sea state parameters from measured ship motions with a neural network trained on experimentally validated model simulations. Ocean Engineering (in revisions).

Grilli, S.T., L. Schambach, M. Mohammadpour, A.R. Grilli, J.T. Kirby, E. Fratto and F. Shi. Tsunami hazard assessment along the US East Coast from extreme sources in the North Atlantic Ocean: a preliminary probabilistic analysis. Natural Hazards (submitted).

Paris, R., Goff, J., Grezio, A., Grilli, S., Hayashi, Y., Husrin, S., Lacanna, G., Omira, R., and M. Ripepe. Volcanic tsunamis. Chapter in 3rd edition of the Encyclopedia of Volcanoes (eds. C. Bonadonna, L. Caricchi, A. Clarke, P. Cole, J. Lindsay, J. Lowenstern, R. Robertson and M. Villegas), Academic Press (submitted).

Alkarem Y.R., I. Ammerman, K. Huguenard, R.W. Kimball, B. Hejrati, A. Vermab, A.R. Nejad, R. Hashemi and S.T. Grilli. Investigating Lab-scaled Offshore Wind Aerodynamic Testing Failure and Developing Solutions for Early Anomaly Detections. Renewable Energy (submitted).

Some Graduates

Complete list of : [graduates]

Lauren Schambach is working at Deltares Inc. She received her PhD in August 2020, with a dissertaiton entitled: Investigation of Landslide-Induced Tsunami Generation and Propagation through Numerical Modeling.

Fatima Nemati is a PhD student at the University of Victoria (Canada). She received her MS in May 2019 with a thesis on tsunami modeling.

Christopher O'Reilly is working at PacMar Inc. He received his PhD in December 2018 with a dissertation entitled: A hybrid Lattice Boltzmann method-potential flow model for naval hydrodynamics.

Amin Mivehchi is working as a Postdoc at Lehigh University. He received his PhD in December 2018 with a dissertation (co-advised) entitled: Experimental and Numerical Simulations for Fluid Body Interaction Problems.

Patrick Moran is working at iXblue Defense Systems Inc. He received his MS in May 2018, with a thesis entitled: Contributions to Tsunami Detection by High Frequency Radar.

Michael Shelby is working at the Naval Underwater Warefare Center, Newport, RI. He defended his MS in July 2016, with a thesis entitled: Modeling tsunamis for improved hazard assessment and detection.

Tayebeh Tajali-bakhsh is working at RPS Inc. (RI). She received her PhD in 2014, with a dissertation entitled: Improvements and applications of state_of_the_art numerical models for simulating tsunami hazard.

Amir Banari works as a postdoc at the Technical University of Hamburg. He received her PhD in 2014, with a dissertation entitled: Lattice Boltzmann simulation of multiphase flows; application to wave breaking and sea spray generation.

Jeffrey Harris is working as a research associate at the Saint Venant Laboratory (Chatou, France) on modeling wave-structure interaciton problems. He received his MS in May 2006, with a thesis entitled: Understanding and Optimizing the Harley Surface Effect Ship and his PhD in May 2011, with a thesis about wave-structure-sediment interact modeling.

Christian Janssen is working at Altair Engineering and Technical University of Hamburg. He received his PhD in May 2010, at the University of Braunschweig (Germany), with a dissertation (co-advised) entitled: Kinetic approaches for the simulation of non-linear free surface flow problems in civil and environmental engineering

Kristy Moore is working at the Naval Underwater Warfare Center (NUWC), in RI. She defended her MS in July 2007, with a thesis entitled: Evaluation of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Acoustic Surveys, Investigation of 3D Propagation Effects at the New Jersey Shelf Break Front and Acoustic Backscatter in Controlled Water Wave Fields.

Stefan Maretzki is working at Bilfinger Berger in Germany. He defended his MS in December 2006, with a thesis entitled: Numerical Simulation of Tsunami Hazard Maps for the US East Coast.

Francois Enet is working at Alkyon, in Holland. He defended his PhD in August 2006, with a dissertation entitled: Laboratory Experiments and Numerical Modeling for Tsunamis Generated by Underwater Landslides.

Rick Gilbert is a Consulting Engineer at McLaren, P.C. in New York. He completed his MS in 2005, with a thesis entitled: Numerical modeling and validation of nonlinear wave driven sediment transport.

Matt Shultz is working at an Ocean Engineering Company in Woods Hall, MA. He completed his MS in 2005, with a thesis entitled: Simulation of a ship-to-shore causeway system in waves.

Benjamin Biausser is working at Technip Offshore Branch, Flexi France. He completed his PhD in 2003 (at the university of Toulon) with a dissertation (co-advised) entitled: Suivi d'interface tridimensionnel : application au déferlement.

Aaron Bengston, after working for one year in Finland, and working as an engineer for Vibtech Inc, is now working at the Naval Underwater Warefare Center, Newport, RI. He completed his MS in 2001, with a thesis entitled: Laboratory Experiments to Determine the Dynamic Response of a Ship-to-Shore Causeway System.

Todd Fake works as a scientific programmer at the University of Connecticut. He completed his MS in 2000, with a thesis entitled: SLICKMAP : An interactive computer model for the modeling of oil containment by booms.

Philippe Guyenne is a Professor at the University of Delaware. He completed his PhD degree in 2000 at the Institut Nonlinéaire de Nice (France), with a dissertation (co-advised) entitled: Modèles numeriques pour la turbulence faible et le déferlement des vagues.

Juan Horrillo taught at the ITESM University in Mexico. He completed his MS in 1997 at URI, with a thesis entitled: Fully Nonlinear Properties of Periodic Waves Shoaling over Slopes. He received his PhD from the University of Alaska in 2006 and is now an Associate Professor at Texas A&M University at Galveston, TX.


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