Long wave and tsunami runup

Mt. Fuji off Kanagawa by Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) (Thanks to CACR !)

Project summary :

This project deals with the numerical modeling of long wave propagation and runup in the ocean. These waves are usually represented by solitary waves which are known to closely model waves generated by tsunamis (i.e., underwater earthquakes see, e.g., Tsunami Research at CERC for general informations on tsunamis).

The methods used to develop models here include fully nonlinear potential flow models of the kind described in the other research project Nonlinear wave shoaling, breaking, and runup on slopes/beaches. These two projects have been carried out somewhat in parallel with the tsunami runup studies, on an on and off basis since 1990. More recently, incollaboration with P. Watts, a 2D model of tsunami/long waves generated by an underwater landslide has been developed and applied to the 1998 Papua New Guinea Event

A review as well as recent work on tsunami runup models can be found in paper number 17 listed below. For recent tsunami research information see the Tsunami Community Webpage.

Funding history, tsunami workshops :

  1. 1991-92 : Grant No. BCS-9111827 (PI with N. Kobayashi, $36,851) of the "National Science Foundation" (NSF) Engineering/Earthquake, Hazards and Mitigation Program, to support the : Documentation and Maintenance of a Numerical Software for Calculating Nonlinear Wave Runup.
  2. 1992-93 : Grant No. NA89AA/D/SG/082 (PI, $44,330) of the University of Rhode Island Sea Grant College Program, to support the study of : Breaking Waves on Beaches.
  3. Catalina Island (CA-USA) August 15-17, 1990 : Presentation of two invited lectures : (i) Nonlinear waves on steep Slopes; (ii) The Effect of Submerged Breakwaters on Long Wave Runup, in the NSF-sponsored International Workshop on Long wave Runup.
  4. Friday Harbor (WA, USA) September 11-17, 1995 : Presentation of an invited keynote lecture : Review of Boundary Element Models for Long Wave Runup, at the NSF-sponsored  2nd. Intl. Workshop on Long-Wave Runup Models.
  5. 2000-01 : Gift-grant from Applied Fluids Engineering Inc. (PI, 2000-2001, $32,800) to the Ocean Engineering Coastal Engineering Laboratory, to support : Fundamental Research on Tsunami Generation by Underwater Landslides and Slumps.
  6. 2001-04 : Grant No. CMS-0100223 (PI with P. Watts, 2001-03, $204,645) of the "National Science Foundation" (NSF) Engineering/Earthquake, Hazards and Mitigation Program, to support the : Case studies and tsunami community model for underwater landslide.
  7. 2003 : Grant CMS-0301862 (PI, 2003, $37,000) of the ``National Sciences Foundation'' (NSF) Engineering/Earthquake, Hazards and Mitigation Program, to support a : Workshop on Model Validation and Benchmarking for Tsunami Generation by Submarine Mass Failure.
  8. 2005-2006 : Grant (PI with Chris Baxter, $86,753) from FM Global : Numerical Simulation of Tsunami Hazard Maps for the US East Coast.
  9. 2005-06 : Grant of the ``Champlin Foundation'' to support : Adapting a Pressure Recording Inverted Echo Sounder to Tsunami and Earthquake Monitoring (Co-PI,$96,500).
  10. 2005-2009 : Grant (Co-PI with Mohammad Faghri, John Grandin, Otto Gregory, Thomas Mather, Donna Meyer, Zongqin Zhang, and Christopher Baxter, $2,364,000) from NSF OISE-Collaborative research Program : Partnership for International research and Education in Microfluidic Technology and applications.
  11. 2009-2013 : Grant EAR-09-11499 (PI, $173,530, collaboration with Prof. T. Masterlak, U. of Alabama) of the ``National Sciences Foundation'' (NSF) Geophysics Program : Collaborative research: Unraveling coseismic and postseismic deformation: A prerequisite for analyses of stress-coupling and tsunami genesis.
  12. 2010-2013 : Grant NA-10-NHS4670010 (co-PI with Prof. J.T. Kirby from University of Delaware; URI budget $289,597) of the "National Tsunami Hazards Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) (NOAA): Modeling of Tsunami Inundation and Assessing Tsunami Hazards for the US East Coast.
  13. 2012 : Grant (PI; $26K) of Applied Sciences Associates : tsunami hazard assessment for Oyster Creek nuclear generation station.
  14. 2012 : Grant (PI; $24K; Phases 1 and 2) of SAIPEM Inc. : literature review and global tsunami hazard assessment for east African Coastal Development.
  15. 2012-2013 : Supplementary grant From MEMA-NTHMP (co-PI with Prof. A. Grilli at URI, and Prof. J.T. Kirby from University of Delaware; URI budget $117,498) of the "National Tsunami Hazards Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) (NOAA): Modeling of Tsunami Inundation and Assessing Tsunami Hazards for the upper US East Coast.
  16. 2013-2014 : Grant (PI with Prof. A. Grilli co-PI; Phase 3 $60K, Phase 4:$16K, Phase 5: $75K; Phase 2-variant:$12K) of SAIPEM Inc. : Detailed tsunami hazard assessment for east African Coastal Development.
  17. Grant (PI with Prof. A. Grilli co-PI; 2013-2014; $64K) of Applied Sciences Associates : tsunami hazard assessment for Millstone and Surry nuclear generation station.
  18. 2013-2014 : NTHMP Phase 2 (co-PI with Prof. A. Grilli at URI, and Prof. J.T. Kirby from University of Delaware; URI budget $65K) of the "National Tsunami Hazards Mitigation Program" (NTHMP) (NOAA): Modeling of Tsunami Inundation and Assessing Tsunami Hazards for the lower US East Coast.

Key personnel at URI :

  1. S.T. Grilli : Ph.D, Distinguished Professor of OE, Principal investigator.
  2. R. Subramanya : MS in OE, research associate 1992-94
  3. S. Guignard :Post-doctoral associate 2000-2001
  4. S. Vogelmann : MS in OE, 2001
  5. F. Enet : PhD in OE, 2001-2006
  6. S. Maretzki : M.S. in OE, 2005-2006
  7. Y. Perignon : M.S. (ENSIETA, France), 2006
  8. Y. Drouin : M.S. (ECN, France), 2006
  9. D. Gemme : M.S. in OE, 2006-2008 (co-advisor)
  10. M. El Bettah : Ph.D. student in OE, 2006-
  11. S. Dubosc : Ph.D. student, Univ. of Toulon (France), 2007- (co-advisor)
  12. O. Taylor : M.S.in OE, 2007-2008 (co-advisor)
  13. K. Bollinger, M.S. in OE, 2008-2011 (co-advisor)
  14. M. Buckley, M.S. in OE, 2008-2011
  15. T. Krause, M.S. in OE, 2010-2011 (co-advisor)
  16. J. Harris, Postdoc in OE, 2010-2012
  17. C. O'Reilly, M.S. student in OE, 2013
  18. T. Tajalli-Bakhsh, Ph.D. student in OE, 2010-

Collaborations :

  1. J.T. Kirby : Ph.D, Professor, Center for Applied Coastal Research, University of Delaware (1993-)
  2. I.A. Svendsen : Ph.D, Professor, Center for Applied Coastal Research, University of Delaware (1987-1996)
  3. M.A. Losada : Ph.D, Professor, University of Cantabria, Santander (Spain) (1987-1995)
  4. P. Watts : Ph.D, Applied Fluids Engineering (1996-2005)
  5. F. Dias : Ph.D, Professor, Ecole Normale Superieure, Cachans, France (1998-2007)
  6. D. Tappin : Ph.D, British Geological Survey, U.K. (2000-)
  7. F. Shi : Ph.D, Senior research Scientist, Center for Applied Coastal Research, University of Delaware (2004-)
  8. T. Masterlark : Ph.D, Associate Professor, University of Alabama, (2005-)
  9. M. Ioualalen : Ph.D, Senior research Scientist, Geoscience Azur, Nice, France (2004-2007; 2014-)
  10. S. Abadie : Ph.D, Professor, University of Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Anglet, France (2004-)
  11. C. Baxter : Ph.D, Professor, University of Rhode Island (2004-)
  12. M. Saillard : Ph.D., Professor, University of Toulon, Toulon, France (2006-2009)
  13. M. Krafczyk : Dr.Eng., Professor, Technical Univerity of Braunschweig, Germany (2007-)
  14. C. Janssen : Dr.Eng., Technical Univerity of Braunschweig and Hamburg, Germany (2009-)
  15. C.A. Guerin : Ph.D., Professor, University of Toulon, Toulon, France (2010-)
  16. A.R. Grilli, Res. Asst. Prof., Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 2012-

Publications :

  1. Grilli, S.T. and Svendsen, I.A. 1989 Runup and Reflection of a Solitary Wave on Steep Slopes in a Numerical Wave Tank. In Proc. 4th Intl. Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies (Oystese, Norway, May 89) (ed. J. Grue), pp. 77-82. Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo, Oslo.(invited paper)
  2. Grilli, S.T. and Svendsen, I.A. 1990 The Propagation and Runup of Solitary Waves on Steep Slopes. Center for Applied Coastal Research, University of Delaware, Research Report No. 91-4.
  3. Svendsen, I.A. and Grilli, S.T. 1990 Nonlinear Waves on Steep Slopes. Journal of Coastal Research, ``Special Issue on Rational Design of Mound Structures'' SI 7, 185-202.
  4. Grilli, S.T. and Svendsen, I.A. 1990 Computation of Nonlinear Wave Kinematics during Propagation and Runup on a Slope. Chapter in Water Wave Kinematics (ed. A. Torum and O.T. Gudmestad), NATO ASI Series E: Applied Sciences Vol. 178, 387-412. Klüwer Academic Publishers.
  5. Otta, A.K., Svendsen, I.A. and Grilli, S.T. 1992 Unsteady Free Surface Waves in a Region of Arbitrary Shape. Center for Applied Coastal Research, University of Delaware, Research Report No. 92-10, 153 pps.
  6. Grilli, S.T., Losada, M.A., Martin, F. and Svendsen, I.A. 1992 Nonlinear Shoaling and Impact of Waves on Coastal Structures. In Proc. 9th Engineering Mechanics Conf. (College Station, Texas, May 92) (eds. L.D. Lutes and J.M. Niedzwecki), pp. 79-82. ASCE edition.(invited paper)
  7. Grilli, S.T. 1993 Modeling of Nonlinear Wave Motion in Shallow Water. Chapter 3 in Computational Methods for Free and Moving Boundary Problems in Heat and Fluid Flow (eds. L.C. Wrobel and C.A. Brebbia), pps. 37-65, Computational Mechanics Publication, Elsevier Applied Sciences, London, UK.
  8. Grilli, S.T. and Subramanya, R. 1993 A Computer Program for Transient Wave Runup. Center for Applied Coastal Research, University of Delaware, Research Report No. 93-02, 131 pps.
  9. Otta, A.K., Svendsen, I.A. and Grilli, S.T. 1993 The Breaking and Runup of Solitary Waves on Beaches. In Proc. 23rd Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engineering (ICCE23, Venice, Italy, October 92) Vol. 2, pps. 1461-1474. ASCE edition.
  10. Grilli, S.T., Losada, M.A. and Martin, F. 1994. Characteristics of Solitary Wave Breaking Induced by Breakwaters. Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering 120(1), 74-92. [abstract]
  11. Grilli, S.T., Subramanya, R., Kirby, J.T. and Wei, J. 1994 Comparison of Modified Boussinesq and Fully Nonlinear Potential Models for Shoaling Solitary Waves. In Proc. Intl. Symposium on Waves - Physical and Num. Modelling (Vancouver BC, Canada, Aug. 1994) (eds. M. Isaacson & M. Quick), Vol. 1, pps. 524-533, IAHR.
  12. Subramanya, R. and Grilli, S.T. 1994 Kinematics and Properties of Fully Nonlinear Waves Shoaling and Breaking over a Gentle Slope. In Proc. Intl. Symposium on Waves - Physical and Num. Modelling (Vancouver BC, Canada, Aug. 1994) (eds. M. Isaacson and M. Quick), Vol. 2, pps. 1106-1115, IAHR.
  13. Grilli, S., Subramanya, R., Svendsen, I.A. and Veeramony, J. 1994 Shoaling of Solitary Waves on Plane Beaches. Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 120 (6), 609-628. [abstract]
  14. Grilli, S.T. and R. Subramanya 1995 Recent Advances in the BEM Modelling of Nonlinear Water Waves. Chapter 4 in Boundary Element Applications in Fluid Mechanics (ed. H. Power), pps. 91-122. Advances in Fluid Mechanics Series. Computational Mechanics Publication, Southampton, UK. [abstract]
  15. Wei, J., Kirby, J.T, Grilli, S.T. and Subramanya, R. 1995 A Fully Nonlinear Boussinesq Model for Surface Waves. Part1. Highly Nonlinear Unsteady Waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 294, 71-92. [abstract]
  16. Grilli, S.T., Svendsen, I.A. and Subramanya, R. 1997 Breaking Criterion and Characteristics for Solitary Waves on Slopes. Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering 123 (3), 102-112. [abstract]   [pdf]  (375K)
  17. Grilli, S.T. 1997 Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Models used for Long Wave Runup Prediction. Chapter in Long-Wave Runup Models (eds. H. Yeh, P. Liu, and C. Synolakis), pps. 116-180. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore. [abstract]   [pdf]   (3,800)
  18. Watts, P. and S.T., Grilli 1998 Predicted Wave Amplitudes from Simulated Underwater Landslide Wavemaker Curves. Okushiri Tsunami/UJNR Workshop, Sapporo, Japan.
  19. Watts, P., Synolakis, C.E., and S.T., Grilli 1998 Simulation of an Underwater Landslide Scenario for the 1998 Papua New Guinea Event. Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco.
  20. Grilli, S.T., Svendsen, I.A. and Subramanya, R. 1998 Closure of : Breaking Criterion and Characteristics for Solitary Waves on Slopes. Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 124 (6), 333-335.
  21. Watts, P., Borrero, J.C. , Tappin, D.R., Bardet, J.-P., S.T., Grilli, and C.E., Synolakis 1999 Novel Simulation Technique Employed on PNG Event. 22nd General Assembly IUGG, Birmingham, England.
  22. Grilli, S.T., Watts, P., Guignard, S. and C.E. Synolakis 1999 Wave amplitude and runup predictions for tsunamis generated by underwater landslides. EOS Transactions AGU, 46, F549.
  23. Tappin, D.R., Watts, P., Borrero, J.,Bardet, J.-P., Grilli, S.T. and C.E. Synolakis 1999 Submarine slump generation of the 1998 Papua New Guinea tsunami : the evidence so far. EOS Transactions AGU, 46, F750.
  24. Grilli, S.T. and Watts, P. 1999 Modeling of waves generated by a moving submerged body. Applications to underwater landslides. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 23, 645-656.    [pdf]  (318K).
  25. Grilli, S.T., Guyenne, P. and F., Dias. 2000 Numerical computation of 3D overturning waves. Abstract in Proc. 15th Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies(Dan Caesarea, Israel, February 2000), 4pps [pdf]  (140K).
  26. Grilli, S.T., Guyenne, P. and Dias, F. 2000 Modeling of overturning waves over arbitrary bottom in a 3D numerical wave tank. In In Proc. 10th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE00, Seattle, USA, May 2000), Vol. III, 221-228   [compressed postcript]  (104K).
  27. Watts, P., Imamura, F., and Grilli, S.T. 2000 Comparing Model Simulations of Three Benchmark Tsunami Generation Cases. J. Science Tsunami Hazards, 18(2), 107-123    [pdf]  (412K).
  28. Grilli, S.T., Guyenne, P. and Dias, F. 2001 A fully nonlinear model for three-dimensional overturning waves over arbitrary bottom. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 35(7), 829-867.   [pdf]  (737K).
  29. Grilli, S.T. and Watts, Ph. 2001 Modeling of tsunami generation by an underwater landslide in a 3D-NWT. In Proc. 11th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE01, Stavanger, Norway, June 2001), Vol III, 132-139 [pdf]  (549K).
  30. Grilli, S.T., Vogelmann, S. and Watts, P. 2002 Landslide tsunami amplitude prediction in a numerical wave tank. In Proc. 4th Intl. Symp. on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis (WAVES 2001, San Francisco, USA, Sept. 2001) 1,495-1,504, ASCE Publication    [pdf]  (616K).
  31. Watts, P., Imamura, F., Bengston, A. and Grilli, S.T. 2002 Benchmark cases for tsunamis generated by underwater landslides. In Proc. 4th Intl. Symp. on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis (WAVES 2001, San Francisco, USA, Sept. 2001) 1,505-1,514, ASCE Publication.
  32. Grilli, S.T., Vogelmann, S. and Watts, P. 2002 Development of a 3D Numerical Wave Tank for modeling tsunami generation by underwater landslides. Engng. Analysis Boundary Elemt. 26(4), 301-313    [pdf]  (1,061K).
  33. Enet, F, Grilli, S.T. and Watts, P., 2003. Laboratory Experiments for Tsunamis Generated by Underwater Landslides: Comparison with Numerical Modeling. In Proc. 13th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE03, Honolulu, USA, May 2003), 372-379. [pdf]  (3,400K)
  34. Watts, P. and Grilli, S.T., 2003. Tsunami Generation by Deformable Underwater Landslides. In Proc. 13th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE03, Honolulu, USA, May 2003), 364-371. [pdf]  (280K)
  35. Watts, S. T. Grilli, J. T. Kirby, G. J. Fryer, and Tappin, D. R. 2003. Landslide tsunami case studies using a Boussinesq model and a fully nonlinear tsunami generation model. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 3, 391-402. [pdf]  (1,200K)
  36. Grilli, S.T., Gilbert, R., Lubin, P., Vincent, S., Legendre, D., Duvam, M., Kimmoun, O., Branger, H., Devrard, D., Fraunie, P., Abadie, S. 2004 Numerical modeling and experiments for solitary wave shoaling and breaking over a sloping beach. In Proc. 14th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE04, Toulon, France, May 2004), 306-312. [pdf]  (472K).
  37. Biausser B., S.T. Grilli, Fraunie P. and Marcer, R. 2004. Numerical analysis of the internal kinematics and dynamics of three-dimensional breaking waves on slopes. Intl. J. Offshore and Polar Engng., 14(4), 247-256.   [pdf]  (5,000K).
  38. Day, S. J. , P. Watts, S. T. Grilli and Kirby, J.T. 2005. Mechanical Models of the 1975 Kalapana, Hawaii Earthquake and Tsunami. Marine Geology, 215(1-2), 59-92.   [pdf]  (1,900K).
  39. Helluy Ph., Golay F., Caltagirone J.-P., Lubin P., Vincent S., Drevard D., Marcer R., Seguin N., Grilli S., Lesage A.-C. and Dervieux A. 2005. Numerical simulations of wave breaking. Math. Modeling and Numer. Analys. , 39(3), 591-607. [pdf]  (372K).
  40. Enet F. and Grilli S.T., 2005. Tsunami Landslide Generation: Modelling and Experiments. In Proc. 5th Intl. on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis (WAVES 2005, Madrid, Spain, July 2005), IAHR Publication, paper 88, 10 pps.    [pdf]  (768K).
  41. Watts P., Ioulalen M., Grilli S.T., F. Shi and Kirby J.T., 2005. Numerical Simulation of the December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami using a Higher-order Boussinesq Model. In Proc. 5th Intl. on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis (WAVES 2005, Madrid, Spain, July 2005), IAHR Publication, paper 221, 10 pps.    [pdf]  (988K).
  42. Devrard D., Marcer R., Grilli S.T., Fraunie P. and Rey V., 2005. Experimental Validation of a Coupled BEM-Navier-Stokes Model for Solitary Wave Shoaliing and Breaking. In Proc. 5th Intl. on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis (WAVES 2005, Madrid, Spain, July 2005), IAHR Publication, paper 166, 10 pps.    [pdf]  (300K).
  43. Grilli, S.T. and P. Watts. Tsunami generation by submarine mass failure Part I : Modeling, experimental validation, and sensitivity analysis. J. Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 131(6), 283-297.    [pdf]  (8,800K).
  44. Watts, P., Grilli, S.T., Tappin and Fryer, G.J. Tsunami generation by submarine mass failure Part II : Predictive Equations and case studies. J. Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 131(6), 298-310.    [pdf]  (1,002K).
  45. Guyenne, P. and Grilli, S.T. 2006. Numerical study of three-dimensional overturning waves in shallow water. J. Fluid Mechanics 547, 361-388.    [pdf]  (1,600K).
  46. Dalrymple, R.A., Grilli S.T. and J.T. Kirby 2006. Tsunamis and challenges for accurate modeling. Oceanography, 19(1), 142-151.    [pdf]  (632K).
  47. Abadie, S., Grilli, S.T. and Glockner, S. 2007. A coupled numerical model for tsunamis generated by subaerial and submarine mass failures. In Proc. 30th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engineering (ICCE30, San Diego, California, September 2006), 1420-1431. [pdf]  (2.6M).
  48. Grilli, S.T. and C.D. Baxter, 2006. Numerical Simulation of Tsunami HazardMaps for the US East Coast. Summary of Key Results. FM Global Project, 16pps.
  49. Grilli, S.T., Baxter, C.D.P., Maretzki, S., Perignon, Y. and Gemme, D. 2006. Numerical simulation of tsunami hazard maps for the US East Coast. Report of Year 1 project. FM Global Project, 34 pps.
  50. Grilli, S.T., Ioualalen, M, Asavanant, J., Shi, F., Kirby, J. and Watts, P. 2007. Source Constraints and Model Simulation of the December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering , 133(6), 414-428. [pdf]  (6.2M).
  51. Enet, F. and Grilli, S.T. 2007. Experimental Study of Tsunami Generation by Three-dimensional Rigid Underwater Landslides. Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 133(6), 442-454. [pdf]  (6M).
  52. Ioualalen, M. , Asavanant, J., Kaewbanjak, N., Grilli, S.T., Kirby, J.T. and P. Watts 2007. Modeling the 26th December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami: Case study of impact in Thailand. Journal of Geophysical Research , 112, C07024, doi:10.1029/2006JC003850 [pdf]  (11M).
  53. Maretzki, S., Grilli, S.T. and Baxter, D.P. 2007. Probabilistic SMF Tsunami Hazard Assessment for the upper East Coast of the United States. In Proc. 3rd Intl. Symp. on Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequences (Santorini, Greece, October 2007) (Santorini, Greece, October 2007) (Lykousis, V., Sakellariou, D., Locat, J., eds), Springer, 377-386. [pdf]  (2.2M).
  54. Bradshaw, A.S., Baxter, C.D.P., Taylor, O-D.S. and Grilli, S.T. 2007. Role of Soil Behavior on the Initial Kinematics of Tsunamigenic Slides. In Proc. 3rd Intl. Symp. on Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequences (Santorini, Greece, October 2007) (Lykousis, V., Sakellariou, D., Locat, J., eds), Springer, 387-394. [pdf]  (144K).
  55. Grilli, S.T., Dubosq, S., Saillard, M. and Branger, H., 2007. UHF radar signature of a tsunami approaching coastal areas: modeling, experiments and application to tsunami warning, EOS Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S43C-04.
  56. Abadie, S., Morichon, D., Grilli, S.T. and Glockner, S. 2008. VOF/Navier-Stokes numerical modeling of surface waves generated by subaerial landslides. La Houille Blanche, 1 (Feb. 2008), 21-26, doi:10.1051/lhb:2008001. [pdf]  (0.23M).
  57. Tappin, D.R., Watts, P., Grilli, S.T. 2008. The Papua New Guinea tsunami of 1998: anatomy of a catastrophic event. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 8, 243-266. www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci.net/8/243/2008/ [pdf]  (4.7M).
  58. Taylor, O.-D.S., Bradshaw, A.S., Baxter, C.D.P., and S.T. Grilli 2008. The Effects of Basal Resistance and Hydroplaning on the Initial Kinematics of Seismically Induced Tsunamigenic Landslides. In Proc. of GeoCongress 2008: Geosustainability and Geohazard Mitigation (GSP 178), pp. 522-529. [pdf]  (316K).
  59. Asavanant, J., Ioualalen, M., Kaewbanjak, N., Grilli, S.T., Watts, P., Kirby, J.T. and F. Shi 2008. Numerical Simulation of the December 26,2004: Indian Ocean Tsunami. In Modeling, Simulaton and Optimization of Complex Processes (Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf. on High Performance Scientific Computing, Hanoi, Vietnam, 3/2006; eds. H.G. Bock, E. Kostina, H.X. Phu and R. Rannacher), pps. 59-68, Springer Verlag, Berlin.
  60. El Bettah, M., S.T. Grilli, C.D.P. Baxter, K. Bollinger, M. Krafczyk and C. Janssen 2008. A microfluidics study of the triggering of underwater landslides by earthquakes. In Proc. 18th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE08, Vancouver, Canada, July 2008), 8 pps. [pdf]  (1.2Mb).
  61. Tappin, D.R., Watts, P., Grilli, S.T., Dubosq, S., Billi, A., Pophet, N., Marani, M.P. 2008. The 1908 Messina tsunami. Some comments on the source: earthquake, submarine landslide or a combination of both ? EOS Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S41D-07.
  62. Taylor, O.-D.S., Grilli, S.T., Baxter, C.D.P. 2008. Numerical Simulation of Tsunami Hazard Maps for the US East Coast. Report of Year 2 project FM Global Project, 106 pps.
  63. Grilli, S.T., Dubosq, S., Puphet, N., Baxter, C.D.P. and O.-D.S. Taylor 2008. Numerical Simulation of Tsunami Runup and Flooding on the North Shore of Puerto Rico. Report of Year 2 project FM Global Project, 35 pps.
  64. Tappin, D.R., Watts, P., Grilli, S.T., Dubosq, S., Billi, A., Pophet, N., Marani, M.P. 2008. The 1908 Messina tsunami. Some comments on the source: earthquake, submarine landslide or a combination of both ? EOS Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S41D-07.
  65. Morichon, D., Abadie, S., Glockner, S., Grilli, S.T. 2009. Validation of a Navier-Stokes VOF solver used to simulate impulse waves generated by mass faiure. In Proc. of the 3rd Intl. Conf. on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural Resources (Pau, France, June 2009), pp. 683-688.
  66. Grilli, S.T., Taylor, O.-D. S., Baxter, D.P. and S. Maretzki 2009. Probabilistic approach for determining submarine landslide tsunami hazard along the upper East Coast of the United States. Marine Geology , 264(1-2), 74-97, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2009.02.010. [pdf]  (2Mb).
  67. Abadie S., C. Gandon, S. Grilli, R. Fabre, J. Riss, E. Tric, D. Morichon, and S. Glockner 2009. 3D Numerical Simulations of Waves Generated by Subaerial Mass Failures. Application to La Palma Case 2009. In Proc. 31st Intl. Coastal Engng. Conf. (J. Mc Kee Smith, ed.) (ICCE08, Hamburg, Germany, September, 2008), pps. 1,384-1,395. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. [pdf]  (5.5Mb).
  68. Kirby, J. T., Pophet, N., Shi, F. and Grilli, S. T. 2009. Basin scale tsunami propagation modeling using Boussinesq models: Parallel implementation in spherical coordinates. In Proc. WCCE-ECCE-TCCE Joint Conf. on Earthquake and Tsunami (Istanbul, Turckey, June 22-24), paper 100 (published on CD). [pdf]  (524Kb).
  69. Grilli, S.T., Dias, F., Guyenne, P., Fochesato, C. and F. Enet 2010. Progress In Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Modeling Of 3D Extreme Ocean Waves. Chapter 3 in Advances in Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Water Waves (ISBN: 978-981-283-649-6, edited by Q.W. Ma) (Vol. 11 in Series in Advances in Coastal and Ocean Engineering). World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., pps. 75- 128. [pdf]  (8.6Mb).
  70. Abadie, S., Morichon, D., Grilli, S.T. and Glockner, S. 2010. Numerical simulation of waves generated by landslides using a multiple-fluid Navier-Stokes model. Coastal Engineering , 57, 779-794, doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2010.03.003. [pdf]  (1.8Mb).
  71. Grilli, S.T., S. Dubosq, N. Pophet, Y. Pérignon, J.T. Kirby and F. Shi 2010. Numerical simulation and first-order hazard analysis of large co-seismic tsunamis generated in the Puerto Rico trench: near-field impact on the North shore of Puerto Rico and far-field impact on the US East Coast. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 10, 2109–2125, doi:10.5194/nhess-2109-2010.   [pdf]  (14.9Mb).
  72. Abadie, S., J. Harris and S.T. Grilli 2011. Numerical simulation of tsunami generation by the potential flank collapse of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano. In Proc. 21st Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE11, Maui, HI, USA, June 19-24, 2011), pps. 687-694, Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar Engng.   [pdf]  (831kb).
  73. Tehranirad, B., Shi, F., Kirby, J.T., Harris, J. C. and S.T. Grilli 2011. Tsunami benchmark results for fully nonlinear Boussinesq wave model FUNWAVE-TVD. Version 1.0. Research Report no. CACR-11-02, Center for Applied Coastal Research, University of Delaware.
  74. Shi, F., J.T. Kirby, J.C. Harris, J.D. Geiman and S.T. Grilli 2012. A High-Order Adaptive Time-Stepping TVD Solver for Boussinesq Modeling of Breaking Waves and Coastal Inundation. Ocean Modeling, 43-44, 36-51, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2011.12.004.
  75. Baxter, C., Krauss, T. and S.T. Grilli 2011. A Monte Carlo approach for estimating tsunami hazard from submarine mass failure along the U.S. East coast. EOS Trans. AGU, 92 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH24B-06.
  76. Masterlark T., S.T. Grilli, J. Harris, C. Kyriakopoulos and W. Tao 2011. Coseismic deformation of the 2011 M9 Tohoku Earthquake inverted from geodetic data using FEMs: Implications for tsunami genesis and poroelastic stress-coupling. EOS Trans. AGU, 92 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U15B-0022.
  77. Grilli S.T., J. Harris, T. Tajallibakhsh, J.T. Kirby, F. Shi, T. Masterlark T. and C. Kyriakopoulos 2011. Numerical simulations of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami generation, propagation and coastal impact: comparison to field observations, with sensitivity analysis to co-seismic source parameters, model type and resolution. EOS Trans. AGU, 92 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH11A-1359.
  78. Abadie, S., J.C. Harris, S.T. Grilli and R. Fabre 2012. Numerical modeling of tsunami waves generated by the flank collapse of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano (La Palma, Canary Islands) : tsunami source and near field effects. J. Geophys. Res., 117, C05030, doi:10.1029/2011JC007646.
  79. Grilli, S.T., J.C. Harris, T. Tajalibakhsh, J.T. Kirby, F. Shi, T.L. Masterlark and C. Kyriakopoulos 2012. Numerical simulation of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami: Comparison with field observations and sensitivity to model parameters. In Proc. 22nd Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE12, Rodos, Greece, June 17-22, 2012), Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar Engng., 6-13.   [pdf]  (6.6Mb).
  80. Harris, J.C., S.T. Grilli, S. Abadie and T. Tajalibakhsh 2012. Near- and far-field tsunami hazard from the potential flank collapse of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano. In Proc. 22nd Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE12, Rodos, Greece, June 17-22, 2012), Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar Engng., 242-249.   [pdf]  (924kb).
  81. Janssen, C.F., S.T. Grilli and Krafczyk, M. 2012. Efficient simulations of long wave propagation and runup using a LBM approach on GPGPU hardware. In Proc. 22nd Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE12, Rodos, Greece, June 17-22, 2012), Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar Engng., 145-152.   [pdf]  (870kb).
  82. Grilli S.T., J.C. Harris, T.S. Tajali-Bakhsh, D.R. Tappin, T. Masterlark, J.T. Kirby, F. Shi, and G. Ma 2012. Recent progress in the nonlinear and dispersive modeling of tsunami generation and coastal impact: application to Tohoku 2011. Proc. 13th Journées Hydrodynamiques (Chatou, France, Nov. 21-23, 2012), 16 pps.
  83. Harris J.C., Grilli S.T. and S. Abadie 2012. Numerical simulation of the tsunami generated by the Cumbre Vieja flank collapse (La Palma, Canary Islands) by a coupled Navier-Stokes / Boussinesq approach. Proc. 13th Journées Hydrodynamiques (Chatou, France, Nov. 21-23, 2012), 13 pps. [pdf]  (3.4Mb).
  84. Grilli S.T. and T.S. Tajalli-Bakhsh 2012. Literature Review of Tsunami Hazard along the Mozambique Coast. Technical Report for Phase I. Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 28 pps.
  85. Grilli S.T., Tajalli-Bakhsh, T.S. and J. Harris 2012. Coarse grid simulaitons of tsunami hazard along the Mozambique coast. Technical Report for Phase II. Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 22 pps.
  86. Grilli S.T., Tajalli-Bakhsh, T.S. , Grilli, A.R. and J. Harris 2012. Fine grid simulaitons of tsunami hazard along the Mozambique coast (pre-work). Technical Report for Phase III. Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 52 pps.
  87. Kirby, J.T., Shi, F., Tehranirad, B., Harris, J.C. and Grilli, S.T. 2013. Dispersive tsunami waves in the ocean: Model equations and sensitivity to dispersion and Coriolis effects. Ocean Modeling, 62, 39-55, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2012.11.009  .
  88. Grilli, S.T., J.C. Harris, T. Tajalibakhsh, T.L. Masterlark, C. Kyriakopoulos, J.T. Kirby and F. Shi 2013. Numerical simulation of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami based on a new transient FEM co-seismic source: Comparison to far- and near-field observations. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 170, 1333-1359, doi:10.1007/s00024-012-0528-y   (published online 7/24/12).
  89. Morra G., R. Geller, S.T. Grilli, S.-I. Karato, S. King, S.-M. Lee, P. Tackley, and D. Yuen 2013. Growing Understanding of Subduction Dynamics Indicates Need to Rethink Seismic Hazards. EOS Transaction American Geophys. Union 94(13), 125-126, doi:10.1002/2013EO130008   (3.7Mb).
  90. Grilli, S.T., Harris, J., F. Shi, J.T. Kirby, T.S. Tajalli Bakhsh, E. Estibals and B. Tehranirad 2012. Numerical modeling of coastal tsunami dissipation and impact. In Proc. 33rd Intl. Coastal Engng. Conf. (P. Lynett and J. Mc Kee Smith, eds.) (ICCE12, Santander, Spain, July, 2012), 12 pps. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. [pdf]  (2.9Mb).
  91. Grilli, S.T., J.C. Harris, J.T. Kirby, F. Shi, and G. Ma, T. Masterlark, D.R. Tappin and T.S. Tajali-Bakhsh 2013. On the dispersive modeling of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami generation by coseismic/SMF processes, and near- and far-field impact. In Proc. 28th Intl. Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies (L'isle sur la Sorgue, France, April 2013) (ed. B. Molin, O. Kimmoun, F. Remy), pp. 77-80, Ecole Centrale de Marseilles
  92. Tappin, D., S.T. Grilli, J. Harris, T. Masterlark, J.T. Kirby, F. Shi, and G. Ma, 2013. Differentiating earthquake tsunamis from other sources; how do we tell the difference ? EGU General Assembly 2013 (7-12 April, 2013, Vienna, Austria), Abstract EGU2013-10211.
  93. Grilli, S.T., J.C. Harris, J.T. Kirby, F. Shi, and G. Ma, T. Masterlark, D.R. Tappin and T.S. Tajali-Bakhsh 2013. Modeling of the Tohoku-Oki 2011 tsunami generation, far-field and coastal impact: a mixed co-seismic and SMF source. In Proc. 7th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Dynamics (Arcachon, France, June 2013) (ed. P. Bonneton), paper 068, 749-758. [pdf]  (1.2Mb)
  94. Grilli S.T., T.S. Tajalli-Bakhsh and A.R. Grilli 2013. Tsunami Run-up study along the Mozambique Coast (pre-work). Technical Report. Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 34 pps.
  95. Grilli S.T. and T.S. Tajalli-Bakhsh 2013. Fine grid simulaitons of tsunami hazard at two Mozambique construction sites (after-work). Technical Report for Phase IV. Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 33 pps.
  96. Grilli A.R. and S.T. Grilli, 2013. Modeling of tsunami generation, propagation and regional impact along the upper U.S east coast from the Puerto Rico trench. Research Report no. CACR-13-02. NTHMP Award, #NA10NWS4670010, National Weather Service Program Office, 18 pps. [pdf]  (2.5Mb)
  97. Grilli A.R. and S.T. Grilli, 2013. Far-Field tsunami impact on the U.S. East Coast from an extreme flank collapse of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano (Canary Island). Research Report no. CACR-13-03. NTHMP Award, #NA10NWS4670010, National Weather Service Program Office, 13 pps. [pdf]  (3.5Mb)
  98. Grilli A.R. and S.T. Grilli, 2013. Modeling of tsunami generation, propagation and regional impact along the U.S. East Coast from the Azores Convergence Zone. Research Report no. CACR-13-04. NTHMP Award, #NA10NWS4670010, National Weather Service Program Office, 20 pps. [pdf]  (3.6Mb)
  99. Grilli, S.T., C. O'Reilly and T. Tajalli-Bakhsh 2013. Modeling of SMF tsunami generation and regiobal impact alng the upper U.S. East Coast. Research Report no. CACR-13-05. NTHMP Award, #NA10NWS4670010, National Weather Service Program Office, 46 pps. [pdf]  (3.1Mb)
  100. Grilli A.R. and S.T. Grilli 2013. Fine grid simulations of tsunami hazard at two Mozambique construction sites. Technical Report for Phase V-A: Final assessment of Site 1. Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 31 pps.
  101. Grilli A.R. and S.T. Grilli 2013. Fine grid simulations of tsunami hazard at two Mozambique construction sites. Technical Report for Phase V-A: Final assessment of Site 2. Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 30 pps.
  102. King J., Baxter, C. and S.T. Grilli 2013. Analysis of tsunamigenic SMF hazard at two Mozambique construction sites. Technical Report for Phase V-B1. University of Rhode Island, 55 pps.
  103. Tappin D.R., Grilli S.T., Harris J.C., Geller R.J., Masterlark T., Kirby J.T., F. Shi, G. Ma, K.K.S. Thingbaijamg, and P.M. Maig 2014. Did a submarine landslide contribute to the 2011 Tohoku tsunami ?. Marine Geology, 357, 344-361 doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2014.09.043  (published online 9/28/14; open access).
  104. Horrillo J., Grilli S.T., Nicolsky D., Roeber V., and J. Zhang 2014. Performance Benchmarking Tsunami Operational Models for NTHMP's' Inundation Mapping Activities. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 172, 869-884, 10.1007/s00024-014-0891-y  (published online 7/25/14).
  105. Grilli S.T., O'Reilly C., Harris J.C., Tajalli-Bakhsh T., Tehranirad B., Banihashemi S., Kirby J.T., Baxter C.D.P., Eggeling T., Ma G. and F. Shi 2015. Modeling of SMF tsunami hazard along the upper US East Coast: Detailed impact around Ocean City, MD. Natural Hazards, 76(2), 705-746, doi: 10.1007/s11069-014-1522-8  (published online 11/15/14).
  106. David, E., Coulet, C. Grilli, A.R., and Grilli S.T., 2015. Vulnérabilité des zones cotières face aux tsunamis, l'exemple d'Hispaniola. In Proc. 33 ème Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil 2015 (AUGC 2015, Anglet, France. May 27-29, 2015), 8 pps. [pdf]  (0.8Mb).
  107. Grilli, S.T., Grosdidier S. and C.-A. Guerin 2015. Modeling of tsunami detection by High Frequency Radar based on simulated tsunami case studies in the Mediterranean Sea. In Proc. 25th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE15, Kona, HI, USA. June 21-26, 2015). Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar Engng., 851-859 [pdf]  (748Kb).
  108. Grilli, A.R., Grilli S.T., David, E. and C. Coulet 2015. Modeling of tsunami propagation in the Atlantic Ocean Basin for tsunami hazard assessment along the North Shore of Hispaniola. In Proc. 25th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE15, Kona, HI, USA. June 21-26, 2015). Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar Engng., 733-740 [pdf]  (3.2Mb).
  109. Tehranirad B., Harris J.C., Grilli A.R., Grilli S.T., Abadie S., Kirby J.T. and F. Shi 2015. Far-field tsunami hazard in the north Atlantic basin from large scale flank collapses of the Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 172(12), 3,589-3,616, doi:10.1007/s00024-015-1135-5  (published online 07/21/15).
  110. Tajalli Bakhsh, T. S., Grilli, S. T. and Grilli, A. R., 2015. Dynamic tidal effects on tsunami coastal hazard in large estuaries: Case of the Chesapeake Bay/James River, USA. Research Report No. CACR-15-09, 42 pps., Center for Applied Coastal Research, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Delaware. [pdf]  (3.2Mb).
  111. Shelby, M., Grilli, S. T. and Grilli, A. R., 2015. Dynamic tide-tsunami interaction in the Hudson River estuary. Research Report No. CACR-15-10, 55 pps., Center for Applied Coastal Research, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Delaware.
  112. Grilli, S.T., Grilli A.R., David, E. and C. Coulet 2016. Tsunami Hazard Assessment along the North Shore of Hispaniola from far- and near-field Atlantic sources. Natural Hazards, 82(2), 777-810, doi: 10.1007/s11069-016-2218-z (published online 2/19/2016).
  113. Insua T., Grilli A.R., Grilli S.T., Shelby M., Wang K., Gao D., Cherniawsky J., Harris J.C., Heesemann M., McLean S. and K. Moran S. 2015. Preliminary tsunami hazard assessment in British Columbia, Canada . EOS Trans. AGU, 96 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract.
  114. Shelby M., Grilli S.T., Ma G., Kirby J.T. and F. Shi 2016. Sensitivity of coastal tsunami hazard to the modeling of tsunami generation by Submarine Mass Failures of various rheology. Presented at the 14th Estuarine and Coastal Modeling Conference (ECM14) (June 13-15, Kingston, RI, USA).
  115. Tehranirad B., Kirby J.T., Shi F. and S.T. Grilli 2016. Morphological Response of Barrier Islands During Tsunami Inundation. Presented at the 14th Estuarine and Coastal Modeling Conference (ECM14) (June 13-15, Kingston, RI, USA).
  116. Grilli, S.T., Grosdidier S. and C.-A. Guerin 2016. Tsunami detection by High Frequency Radar beyond the continental shelf. I. Algorithms and validation on idealized case studies. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 173(12), 3,895-3,934, doi: 10.1007/s00024-015-1193-8 (published online 10/28/15).
  117. Shelby, M., Grilli, S. T. and Grilli, A. R., 2016. Tsunami hazard assessment in the Hudson River Estuary based on dynamic tsunamitide simulations. Pure and Applied Geophysics, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 173(12), 3,999-4,037, doi:10.1007/s00024-016-1315-y (published online 5/24/16).
  118. Grilli S.T., M. Shelby, A.R. Grilli, C.-A. Guérin, Samuel Grosdidier and T. Lado Insua 2016. Algorithms for tsunami detection by High Frequency Radar : development and case studies for tsunami impact in British Columbia, Canada. In Proc. 26th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE16, Rodos, Greece. June 2016), Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar Engng., pps. 807-814 [pdf]  (764Kb).
  119. Grilli, S.T., Shelby, M., Kimmoun, O., Dupont, G., Nicolsky, D., Ma, G., Kirby, J. and F. Shi 2017. Modeling coastal tsunami hazard from submarine mass failures: effect of slide rheology, experimental validation, and case studies off the US East coast. Natural Hazards, 86(1), 353-391, doi:10.1007/s11069-016-2692-3 (published online 12/01/16).
  120. Guérin C.-A., Grilli S.T., Shelby M.R., Grilli, A.R. and T.L. Insua 2016. Development of new tsunami detection algorithms for high frequency radars and application to tsunami warning in British Columbia, Canada. EOS Trans. AGU, 97 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH43B-1863.
  121. Insua T.L., Grilli A.R., Grilli S.T., Douglas K.L., Wang K. and D. Gao 2016. Tsunami hazard assessment at Port Alberni, BC, Canada: preliminary model results. EOS Trans. AGU, 97 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH43B-1846.
  122. Grilli S.T., Shelby M.R., Kimmoun O., Dupont G., Nicolsky D., Ma G., Kirby J.T. and F. Shi 2016. Effect of rheology on tsunami inundation caused by submarine mass failures along the US East Coast. EOS Trans. AGU, 97 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH32B-03.
  123. Ma G., Kirby J.T., Shi F. and S.T. Grilli 2016. Modelling Tsunami Wave Generation Using A Two-layer Granular Landslide Model. EOS Trans. AGU, 97 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH43B-1857.
  124. Tehranirad B., Kirby J.T., Shi F. and S.T. Grilli 2016. Does Morphological Adjustment During Tsunami Inundation Increase Levels of Hazard ? EOS Trans. AGU, 97 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NH34A-02.
  125. Lynett, P., and 37 alii 2017. Inter-Model Analysis of Tsunami-Induced Coastal Currents. Ocean Modeling, 114, 14-32, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2017.04.003.
  126. Grilli, S.T., Grilli, A.R., Tehranirad, B. and J.T. Kirby 2017. Modeling tsunami sources and their propagation in the Atlantic Ocean for coastal tsunami hazard assessment and inundation mapping along the US East Coast. In Proc. Coastal Structures and Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2015 : Tsunamis (Boston, USA. September 9-11, 2015), American Soc. Civil Eng., pps. 1-12 [pdf]  (2.9Mb).
  127. Abdolali A., Kirby J.T., Bellotti G., Grilli, S.T. and J.C. Harris 2017. Hydro-acoustic Wave Generation During the Tohoku-oki 2011 Earthquake. In Proc. Coastal Structures and Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2015 : Tsunamis (Boston, USA. September 9-11, 2015), American Soc. Civil Eng., pps. 24-34 [pdf]  (13.3Mb).
  128. Tehranirad, B., Kirby J. T., and S. T. Grilli and F. Shi 2017. Does morphological adjustment during tsunami inundation increase levels of hazard ?. In Proc. Coastal Structures and Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2015 : Tsunamis (Boston, USA. September 9-11, 2015), American Soc. Civil Eng., pps. 145-153 [pdf]  (0.4Mb).
  129. Guérin C.-A., Grilli S.T., P. Moran, A.R. Grilli and T. Lado Insua 2017. Tsunami detection by High Frequency Radar using a Time-Correlation Algorithm: performance analysis based on data from a HF radar in British Columbia. In Proc. 27th Offshore and Polar Engng. Conf. (ISOPE17, San Francsico, USA. June 2017), Intl. Society of Offshore and Polar Engng., pps. 930-936 [pdf].
  130. Grilli, S.T., Guérin, C.-A., Shelby, M., Grilli, A., P. Moran, Grosdidier, S. and T.L. Insua 2017. Tsunami detection by High Frequency Radar beyond the continental shelf: II. Extension of algorithms and validation on realistic case studies. Pure and Appl. Geophys., 174(1), 3,003-3,028, doi:10.1007/s00024-017-1619-6 (published online 7/21/17).
  131. Guérin C.-A. and S.T. Grilli 2018. A probabilistic method for the estimation of ocean surface currents from short time series of HF radar data. Ocean Modeling, 121(1), 105-116, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2017.11.010 (published online 12/05/17).
  132. Kirby, J.T., F., Shi, F., S.T. Grilli, Nemati, F., and B. Tehranirad 2017. NTHMP Current Benchmark Workshop: FUNWAVE-TVD results. Research Report no. CACR-16-01. NTHMP Award, #NA14NWS4670041, National Weather Service Program Office, 82 pps. [pdf] 
  133. Zhang, C., Tehranirad. B., Kirby, J.T., Derakhti, M., Nemati, F. Grilli, S.T., Gangfeng, M. and F. Shi 2017. Tsunami Benchmark Results for the Non-Hydrostatic Wave Model NHWAVE, Version 2.0. Research Report no. CACR-17-03. NTHMP Award, #NA14NWS4670041, National Weather Service Program Office, 48 pps. [pdf] 
  134. Insua T.L., Dzvonkovskaya A., Helzel T., Guérin C.-A., Grilli S.T., Grilli A.R., Moran P. and R. Dewey 2018. Meteotsunami detection with HF radar at Ocean Networks Canada. Ocean Sciences 2018 (Portland, OR, February 2018), Abstract PO34A-2202.
  135. Guérin C.-A., S.T. Grilli, P. Moran, A.R. Grilli, T.L. Insua 2017. Tsunami detection by High Frequency Radar in British Columbia: performance assessment of the Time-Correlation Algorithm for synthetic and real events. Ocean Dynamics, 68(4-5), 423-438, doi.org/10.1007/s10236-018-1139-7 (published online 2/20/18).
  136. Schambach, L., Grilli, S.T., Kirby, J.T. and F. Shi 2017. Landslide tsunami hazard along the upper US East Coast: effects of slide rheology and bottom friction Research Report no. CACR-17-04. NTHMP Award, #NA-15-NWS4670029 and NA-16-NWS4670034, National Weather Service Program Office, 40 pps.[pdf]  
  137. Guérin C.-A., Grilli S.T., Moran M., Grilli A.R., Insua T., Kirby J.T. and I. Woodruff 2018. High-Frequency Radar detection of a possible meteo-tsunami in British Columbia, Canada. Geophysical Research Abstract, 20, EGU2018-12217, European Geophysical Union General Assembly meeting (EGU, Vienna, Austria. April 2018).
  138. Woodruff, I., Kirby, J.T., Shi, F. and Grilli, S.T., 2018. Estimating meteotsunami occurrences for the US East Coast. Presented at the 36th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engng. (ICCE18; Baltimore, Jul 30 - Aug 3), ASCE.
  139. Zhang, C., Kirby, J.T., Grilli, S. T., Shi, F. and Ma, G., 2018. A two-layer non-hydrostatic landslide model for tsunami generation on irregular bathymetry. Presented at the 36th Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engng. (ICCE18; Baltimore, Jul 30 - Aug 3), ASCE.
  140. Zhang C., Kirby J.T., Grilli S.T., Shi F., Ma G. 2018. Numerical Modeling of submarine mass failure by a two-layer non-hydrostatic wave-slide model. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstract, NH41C-0981.
  141. Schambach L., Grilli S.T., Tappin D.R., Gangemi M.D., Barbaro G. 2018. The 1908 Messina Tsunami: New Understanding of Coastal Impact Through Numerical Modeling of Dual Coseismic-Landslide Sources. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstract, NH31A-04 (oral presentation).
  142. Grilli S.T., Kirby J.T., Guérin C.A. 2018. Recent progress in the modeling and detection of meteotsunamis and storm surges. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstract, OS54B-01 (oral presentation).
  143. Schambach, L., Grilli, S.T., Kirby, J.T. and F. Shi 2019. Landslide tsunami hazard along the upper US East Coast: effects of slide rheology, bottom friction, and frequency dispersion. Pure and Applied Geophys., 176(7), 3,059-3,098, doi.org/10.1007/s00024-018-1978-7 (published online 09/03/18).
  144. Nemati, F., Grilli, S.T., Ioualalen, M., Boschetti, L., Larroque, L. and J. Trevisan 2019. High-resolution coastal hazard assessment along the French Riviera from co-seismic tsunamis generated in the Ligurian fault system. Natural Hazards, 96(2), 553-586, doi.org/10.1007/s11069-018-3555-x (published online 12/15/18).
  145. Roarty H., T. Cook, L. Hazard, J. Harlan, S. Cosoli, L. Wyatt, E. Alvarez Fanjul, E. Terrill, M. Otero, J. Largier, S. Glenn, N. Ebuchi, B. Whitehouse, K. Bartlett, J. Mader, A. Rubio, L.P. Corgnati, C. Mantovani, A. Griffa, E. Reyes, P. Lorente, X. Flores-Vidal, P. Rogowski, S. Prukpitikul, S.-H. Lee, J.-W. Lai, C.-A. Guérin, J. Sanchez, B. Hansen, S. Grilli, K. Saavedra Matta 2019. The Global High Frequency Radar Network. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 164, doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00164 (published online 03/22/19).
  146. Grilli S., Tappin D., Ward S., Day S., Grilli A., Carey S., Watts S., Engwell S., Muin M. 2019. The devastating eruption tsunami of Anak Krakatau - 22nd December 2018. Presented at the European Geophysical Union General Assembly meeting (EGU, Vienna, Austria. April 2019).
  147. Grilli S.T., D.R. Tappin, S. Carey, S.F.L. Watt, S.N. Ward, A.R. Grilli, S.L. Engwell, C. Zhang, J.T. Kirby, L. Schambach and M. Muin 2019. Modelling of the tsunami from the December 22, 2018 lateral collapse of Anak Krakatau volcano in the Sunda Straits, Indonesia, Scientific Reports, 9, 11946 (open access) doi:10.1038/s41598-019-48327-6
  148. Schambach L., Grilli S.T., Tappin D.R., Gangemi M.D., and G. Barbaro 2020. New simulations and understanding of the 1908 Messina tsunami for a dual seismic and deep submarine mass failure source, Marine Geology, 421, 106093, doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2019.106093 (published online, 12/15/19).
  149. Schambach L.C., Grilli S.T., Tappin D., Bateson L., Novelino A., Udrekh U. and M.C. Frederik 2019. September 28, 2019 Palu, Indonesia Landslide Tsunami Simulations. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstract, NH32A-02 (oral presentation).
  150. Tappin D., Hunt J., Grilli S.T., Watts S., Day S.J., Grilli A.R., Engwell S. Carey S. and S. Susilohadi 2019. The 1883 and 2018 Krakatau tsunamis -- new marine evidence on their generation. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstract, NH32A-04 (oral presentation).
  151. Grilli S.T., Schambach L.C., Zhang C., Kirby J.T., Grilli A.R., Tappin D., Carey S., Watts S., Day S., Engwell S., Ward S. and M. Muin 2019. Modeling of the slide and tsunami generation from the 12/22/18 lateral collapse of Anak Krakatau volcano (Sunda Straits, Indonesia): comparison with recent field surveys of slide deposits and tsunami impact. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstract, NH32A-05 (oral presentation).
  152. Watt S., Cassidy M., Engwell S., Madden-Nadeau A., Abdurrachman M., Tappin D., Grilli S.T., Day S., Carey S., Hunt J., Hayer C., Burton M. and A. Novellino 2019. Evaluating the role of eruptive processes in the source of the 2018 Anak Krakatau tsunami. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstract, NH31A-02 (oral presentation).
  153. Zhang C., J.T. Kirby, S.T. Grilli, F. Shi, G. Ma 2020. Numerical Modelling of Tsunami Generated by Submarine Landslides on Irregular Bathymetry. In AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting Abstract, MG14A-2182 (poster).
  154. Boschetti L., Ioualalen M., Nemati F., Grilli S.T., Dessa J.-X., and C. Larroque 2020. Tsunami intensity scale based on wave amplitude and current applied to the French Riviera: the case study of local seismicity. Natural Hazards, 102, 219-248, doi: 10.1007/s11069-020-03921-0 (published online 04/18/20).
  155. Kirby J.T., B. Tehranirad, F. Shi and S.T. Grilli 2020. Tsunami-induced morphology changes and impacts on hazard assessments. In 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-ECCOMAS Congress 2020; 19-24 July 2020, Paris, France). Abstract.
  156. Schambach, L., Grilli, S.T. and A.R. Grilli 2020. Simulation of Global Tsunami Hazard along the U.S. East Coast. Research Report no. CACR-20-02. NTHMP Award, #NA18NWS4670073, National Weather Service Program Office, 93 pps. [pdf] 
  157. Schambach L., Grilli S.T. and D.R. Tappin 2020. New high-resolution modeling of the 2018 Palu tsunami, based on supershear earthquake mechanisms and mapped coastal landslides, supports a dual source. Frontiers in Earth Sciences, 8, 627, doi:10.3389/feart.2020.598839 (accepted 11/18/20).
  158. Grilli S.T 2020. The December 22, 2018 Anak Krakatau Collapse: Modeling of the Slide and Tsunami Impact; Comparison to Field Surveys. In Proc. 36th (virtual) Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engng. (ICCE20, ASCE, 1(36), 36v, 11-11 doi:10.9753/icce.v36v.keynote.11 .
  159. Iorio, V., G. Bellotti, C. Cecioni, and S.T, Grilli 2020. A Numerical Model for the Efficient Simulation of Multiple Landslide-Tsunami Scenarios. In Proc. 36th (virtual) Intl. Conf. on Coastal Engng. (ICCE20, ASCE, 1(36), 36v, 20-20 doi:10.9753/icce.v36v.currents.20 .
  160. Zhang C., Kirby J., Shi F., Ma G. and S.T. Grilli 2021. A two-layer non-hydrostatic landslide model for tsunami generation on irregular bathymetry. 1. Theoretical basis. Ocean Modelling, 159, 101749, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2020.101749 (accepted 12/19/20).
  161. Zhang C., Kirby J., Shi F., Ma G. and S.T. Grilli 2021. A two-layer non-hydrostatic landslide model for tsunami generation on irregular bathymetry. 2. Numerical discretization and model validation. Ocean Modelling, 160, 101769, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2021.101769 (Accepted 2/11/21).
  162. Tappin D.R. and Grilli, S.T. 2021. The Continuing Underestimated Tsunami Hazard from Submarine Landslides. In: Sassa K., Mikoš M., Sassa S., Bobrowsky P.T., Takara K., Dang K. (eds) Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk. WLF 2020. ICL Contribution to Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction. Springer, Cham., doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-60196-6_24 .
  163. Hunt, J.E., Tappin, D.R., Watt, S.F.L., Susilohadi, S., Novellino, A., Ebmeier, S.K., Cassidy, M., Engwell, S.L., Grilli, S.T., Hanif, M., Priyanto, W.S., Clare, M.A., Abdurrachman, M., and U., Udrekh 2021. Submarine observations show half of the island of Anak Krakatau failed on December 22nd 2018. Nature Communications, 12, 2827, doi:10.1038/S41467-021-22610-5 (Accepted 1/18/21).
  164. Grilli, S.T., Zhang, C., Kirby, J.T., Grilli, A.R., Tappin, D.R., Watt, S.F.L., Hunt, J.E., Novellino, A., Engwell, S.L., Nurshal, M.E., Abdurrachman, M., Cassidy, M., Madden-Nadeau A.L. amd S. Day. Modeling of the Dec. 22nd 2018 Anak Krakatau volcano lateral collapse and tsunami based on recent field surveys: comparison with observed tsunami impact. Marine Geology, 440, 106566, doi:0.1016/j.margeo.2021.106566 (accepted on 07/12/21).
  165. Grilli, S.T. and J.T. Kirby 2021. Landslide Tsunami Models Developed and Used by the NTHMP East Coast Group for Tsunami Inundation Mapping to Help Elucidate the Messina 1908, Anak 2018, and Palu 2018 Events. TsuInfo Alert, 23(3), 1-5 [pdf]
  166. Schambach L., Grilli S.T., Tappin D.R., Gangemi M.D., and G. Barbaro 2021. Response to: Comment on "New simulations and understanding of the 1908 Messina tsunami for a dual seismic and deep submarine mass failure source", Marine Geology, 442, 106636, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2021.106636 (accepted 9/9/21).
  167. Iorio, V., G. Bellotti, C. Cecioni and S.T. Grilli 2021. A numerical model for the efficient simulation of multiple landslide-induced tsunamis scenarios. Ocean Modelling, 168, 101899, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2021.101899 (accepted 9/10/21).
  168. Grilli, S.T., M. Mohammadpour, L. Schambach, and A.R. Grilli 2021. Tsunami coastal hazard along the US East Coast from coseismic sources in the Acores Convergence Zone and the Caribbean Arc areas. Natural Hazards, 1-48, doi:10.1007/s11069-021-05103-y (accepted 10/28/21).
  169. Cutler, K.S., S.F.L. Watt, M. Cassidy, A.L. Madden-Nadeau, S.L. Engwell, M. Abdurrachman, M.E.M. Nurshal, D.R. Tappin, S.N. Carey, A. Novellino, C. Hayer, J.E. Hunt, S.J. Day, S.T. Grilli, I.A. Kurniawan and N. Kartadinata 2022. Downward-propagating eruption following vent unloading implies no direct magmatic trigger for the 2018 lateral collapse of Anak Krakatau. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 578, 117332, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117332 (accepted 12/08/21).
  170. Kirby, J.T., S.T. Grilli, J. Horrillo, P.L.-F. Liu, D. Nicolsky, S. Abadie, B. Ataie-Ashtiani, M.J. Castro, L. Clous, C. Escalante, I. Fine, J.M. Gonzalez-Vida, F. Lovholt, P. Lynett, G. Ma, J. Macias, S. Ortega, F. Shi, S. Yavari-Ramshe, C. Zhang 2022. Validation and intercomparison of models for landslide tsunami generation. Ocean Modelling, 170, 101943, (accepted with minor changes 9/27/21).
  171. Sassa, S., Grilli, S.T., Tappin, D.R., Sassa, K., Karnawati, D., Gusiakov, V. and F. Løvholt. Understanding and reducing the disaster risk of landslide-induced tsunamis: a short summary of the panel discussion in the World Tsunami Awareness Day Special Event of the Fifth World Landslide Forum. Landslides, doi:10.1007/s10346-021-01819-x (published online 01/31/22).

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